Clinton threatens to KILL Phil Donahue and his dogs!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
MSNBC TV talker Phil Donahue bristled Tuesday at charges that he went soft on a 1999 rape allegation against Bill Clinton, explaining that an interview with the ex-president seven years earlier had left him so rattled he worried about his family.

"You know, you're talking to a guy who's got the finger from Bill Clinton for raising Gennifer Flowers on my television show. I did not give Clinton a pass," Donahue told nationally syndicated radio host Sean Hannity, who pressed him on Sexgate allegations by Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick.

"And I was booed by my own audience," Donahue insisted. "And I continued to question him about Gennifer Flowers - an issue at the time that he was denying."

But the one-time king of daytime TV talk complained that Clinton tried to intimidate him during the 1992 broadcast, telling Hannity, "He looked at me and he gave me that pointed finger. You remember when he said, 'I did not have sex ...' He looked at me and he said, 'You're the reason for the cynicism in this country, Phil.'"

Donahue said he was worried about the impact the Clinton altercation might have on his family.

"My mother was watching from her apartment in Cleveland," he explained. "I've got a family and two dogs. I mean, that's a tough drill to take.

"So, don't say that I am just blindly surrendering," he told Hannity.

So is Donahue saying he was worried about what Clinton would do to his family, and his dogs? They did, after all, whack Kathleen Willey's cat.
I thik Donahue was and is trying to get any attention to revive a dying career.
Re: Clinton threatens life of Donahue and his dogs!!

Originally posted by busybody
They did, after all, whack Kathleen Willey's cat.

And found its skull, and analyzed it.

It was a raccoon.

Willey lied. I've read her testimony from the transcript. She lied as surely as I'm typing this.
You have a pirate emblem over the American flag, a symbol of terrorism, anti-mercantilism, anti-capitalism, and enemy to the Soverienty of United States costal waters. Are you saying you think America is a terrorist country? Or couldn't you find a Popeye GIF?
Phil Donahue let his mother live in Cleveland?
That's a limousine liberal for you.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
You have a pirate emblem over the American flag, a symbol of terrorism, anti-mercantilism, anti-capitalism, and enemy to the Soverienty of United States costal waters. Are you saying you think America is a terrorist country? Or couldn't you find a Popeye GIF?

Hi busybody! Got an answer yet?