Climate Crisis Is Dead;


Loves Spam
Jul 5, 2023

Climate Crisis Is Dead;

There is bad news and good for Democrats. First the bad — the climate crisis is kaput:
A coalition of more than 1,600 scientists released a declaration this week entitled “There is No Climate Emergency,” denouncing politically-driven narratives about “imminent” climate crises.
The World Climate Declaration (WCD)—now known as CLINTEL, is a global climate intelligence group dedicated to fostering an approach to climate change grounded in science. For the statement, CLINTEL brought together a diverse group of scientists from all over the world to combat erroneous popular opinions.
Leftists like Joe Biden have fostered and exploited these erroneous opinions to justify repressive regulations and $trillions in wasteful spending. CLINTEL calls for countering this misinformation with climate research that gives “significantly more emphasis to empirical science.”
The signers note that as even young children used to be aware, the climate has always fluctuated. Lately, the “world has warmed significantly less” than claimed by the United Nations and climate cultists like Greta Thunberg.
Contesting the notion that CO2, which is “essential to all life on Earth”, is a negative effect of climate change, the statement added: “More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.”
Furthermore, scientists who collaborated on the CLINTEL project said “there is no statistical evidence” to prove “global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.
A coalition of more than 1,600 scientists released a declaration this week entitled “There is No Climate Emergency,” denouncing politically-driven narratives about “imminent” climate crises.

You disagree?

Who is Eric Daniel?
Cow farts and air conditioners... umm hmm

"PEAK OIL" ! Do you know that the Arabs were selling their oil so cheap the American oil companies went to them and told them they could get a lot more than they were asking. God bless America. And no I don't have a link for something I have known for a long time.

When they just keep fucking over you after a while you just don't give a shit.
One of the "scientists" who signed the doc.

Oh right, you didn't look at the document you're posting about

He was number 36
I did

I see dozens and dozens of scientists with great cred
I did

I see dozens and dozens of scientists with great cred
Yah, I get that you believe there are 1600 scientists there. And I get that you're full of shit that you even know what "great cred" is, in regards to climate science...

Now count how many climate scientists are there.

And then do a follow up on their credentials and tell me why they are great.

You won't, because you don't care......they agree with your bias so they are all experts.....even the IT consultants....and physical therapists......and random professors of some subject they don't tell you. (My guess is DEI class)

And of course Eric Daniel.....number 36
Based on those same "great cred", I declare that the climate crisis is back on.
World climate declaration August 14, 2023 :rolleyes:
They update the date every time someone else signs it. It hasn't changed

My favorite is that several of the "signatories " are actually dead.

The declaration's claims are followed by a list of around 1,200 signatories from at least 40 countries, six listed as deceased at the time of publication of this article
Don't worry BB, you can post it again in six months when they update the date.

I'm sure more will be dead by then.. maybe we can add some janitors and fast food workers to sign on too.
Given that, there’s no reason to think this latest news is going to change anything because the truth does not address the real reasons people believe such obvious lies.
This isn't the "latest news". It's the same crap that's been posted for several years now. Not acknowledging that absolutely undermines your point.
Yup! All the real BIG money claims vlinsrr change is a hoax.

You want a bridge, cheap? Only slight used !!

Same ol’ oil companies that said “Lead?? No idea who caused that!”

Same as tobacco ..$$$$ Not us!!

Same as arms producers …$$$$$ Not us!!

But yeah! Use their arguments, Sheep!!

Stop corporate political bribery
The best part of this thread is that he posts this same "declaration" every few months forgetting that he posted it before.

The comedy writes itself.