Clever? Me? Apparently not!


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
Damned Authors mixing me up!

I had the right idea, dammit! Right piece, wrong author!

Now I feel as clever as a sedentary rock.
Hey Eumenides......BEN FRANKLIN RULES!!!!



Thanks Silva...

Glad to know that you would be so gentlemanly as to NOT rub my face in my utter wrongness.


I even taught that in my student teaching. Irks me verily.
Not all rocks are sedentary. An avalanch is distinctly not sedentary. Since you did compare yourself to a sedentary rock though, it explains why you type better, since it is not moving.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Not all rocks are sedentary. An avalanch is distinctly not sedentary. Since you did compare yourself to a sedentary rock though, it explains why you type better, since it is not moving.

Type better than who????
Thanks Silva... Glad to know that you would be so gentlemanly as to NOT rub my face in my utter wrongness

Uggh sorry! I really do think Old Ben is cool. And I was trying to be nice. Maybe I'll just post of a picture of Mr.T instead.


See....cause I'm pretty much a silly moron.....and I think Mr T is cool (and Ol Ben)....and well maybe I should apologize with flowers...

You just want to turn me on with that pic and then romance me with the roses so that I'll sleep with you.

I see your ways. ;)
I just realized you might be a guy for all I know and the damned flowers weren't an appropriate apology gift. Well in that case let me buy you a beer!

I would hope not too many guys would get themselves stuck in the trunk of a car wiggling their white-stockinged, pump-wearing, feminine feet.

But I like beer...


Now he's trying to get me drunk.
Damn...I just realized that you might be a woman and could resent me thinking you could be a man...Damn, I am such an idiot! about flowers


And chocolates!

I would hope not too many guys would get themselves stuck in the trunk of a car wiggling their white-stockinged, pump-wearing, feminine feet.

Hey, you don't know the people I hang out with.