clear gender roles , "primitive" culture angle


use to give a shit
Aug 16, 2008
in so called more "primitive" cultures gender roles were very clear.
(although a few do blur those lines)
there was no such thing as bisexual. you were either straight or homosexual.
(for me , bisexuals are just confused)
in these cultures homosexuality was accepted. but the gender roles were VERY clear.
both sexes were mainly raised by the women until about the age of 5. at that age the girls main education was from women, and boys from men. at the onset of puberty a decision was made, sometimes shown from a vision quest.
if you were female and decided you were homosexual, you dressed like a man, did mens work, etc..
if you were male and made the decision, you dressed like a woman, did womens work, etc.
this could explain some of the indecision, confusion of some people in todays modern dominate culture. too many male children are emasculated from a young age because most male children are raised by mainly women, taught by , etc., for most of their lives until adulthood. and the girls see this happening and think it is ok, and try to emulate the older women.
in a lot of instances the feminism has gotten out of hand, and some mens "he mans woman hating club" also has.
this may seem to be sexist, but it is not meant that way.
You seem to have an issue with people who identify as 'bisexual'.

Why is that?

More importantly, what business is it of yours how they view themselves?
it's funny because it's bullshit. seriously, shut the fuck up, you backwoods moron. you have no idea what you're fucking talking about.
it's funny because it's bullshit. seriously, shut the fuck up, you backwoods moron. you have no idea what you're fucking talking about.

So we're calling him on that now instead of just ignoring him and hoping he'll go away?
So we're calling him on that now instead of just ignoring him and hoping he'll go away?

Well, ignoring your dog beating ass and hoping you wouldn't go away didn't work, so we just decided to apply it across the board.
I have decided that Ivan can probably only get hard when women are degrading him, calling him foul names and treating him like a bug under their shoe.
I have decided that Ivan can probably only get hard when women are degrading him, calling him foul names and treating him like a bug under their shoe.

It's like the mothership calling you home.....

in so called more "primitive" cultures gender roles were very clear.
(although a few do blur those lines)
there was no such thing as bisexual. you were either straight or homosexual.
(for me , bisexuals are just confused)
in these cultures homosexuality was accepted. but the gender roles were VERY clear.
both sexes were mainly raised by the women until about the age of 5. at that age the girls main education was from women, and boys from men. at the onset of puberty a decision was made, sometimes shown from a vision quest.
if you were female and decided you were homosexual, you dressed like a man, did mens work, etc..
if you were male and made the decision, you dressed like a woman, did womens work, etc.
this could explain some of the indecision, confusion of some people in todays modern dominate culture. too many male children are emasculated from a young age because most male children are raised by mainly women, taught by , etc., for most of their lives until adulthood. and the girls see this happening and think it is ok, and try to emulate the older women.
in a lot of instances the feminism has gotten out of hand, and some mens "he mans woman hating club" also has.
this may seem to be sexist, but it is not meant that way.

Tell me...what exactly is "womens work" and what is "mens work".....
What are we even classifying as "primitive" here?

Mostly people who live north of York or West of the Blue Ridge (excepting those living west of the Rockies who are classified as 'commie agitators'.
The best evidence indicates that people didn't give a shit about the team you played for before 1900 or so. What they cared about was assholes stealing their wives and husbands, and flying a false flag.
No, James I will not degrade you, stop begging. Your balls are tiny enough.





Tell me...what exactly is "womens work" and what is "mens work".....
Who the fuck cares. The world of women's work vs men's work is dead, and good riddance. It ain't coming back.

Gender roles are stupid. Throw nukes at them.
certain responses expected and not surprised at.
if my son came to me and said, dad, i'm bisexual. in all seriousness i'd tell him, stop being so fucking greedy and pick a hole. if he said he was gay, i'd tell him fine. here's dress. put it on. (modern society would hate that.)
wife beater, hmmmm................ yeah right. i've never laid a hand on a woman in anger. but i have defended myself from a woman who was losing an arguement and decided to be stupid enough to claw my face. if defending myself by restraining the woman is a label for wife beater, go ahead.
certain responses expected and not surprised at.
if my son came to me and said, dad, i'm bisexual. in all seriousness i'd tell him, stop being so fucking greedy and pick a hole.
A great recipe for child abuse.

if he said he was gay, i'd tell him fine. here's dress. put it on. (modern society would hate that.)
wife beater, hmmmm................ yeah right. i've never laid a hand on a woman in anger. but i have defended myself from a woman who was losing an arguement and decided to be stupid enough to claw my face. if defending myself by restraining the woman is a label for wife beater, go ahead.
If that's the case then these people are idiots for calling you a wife beater. But then that's how misandry goes.

You must realize, though, that misandry is the rightful heir to the evils of rigid gender roles. To kill one, you must kill the other.
certain responses expected and not surprised at.
if my son came to me and said, dad, i'm bisexual. in all seriousness i'd tell him, stop being so fucking greedy and pick a hole. if he said he was gay, i'd tell him fine. here's dress. put it on. (modern society would hate that.)
wife beater, hmmmm................ yeah right. i've never laid a hand on a woman in anger. but i have defended myself from a woman who was losing an arguement and decided to be stupid enough to claw my face. if defending myself by restraining the woman is a label for wife beater, go ahead.

In all seriousness, you're confusing transexuality with homosexuality. And bisexuality with... I don't know, unicorns or something.