Cleanliness is next to horniness...

oh my....looks like my big lil turtle woke up some more! some more!

you nasty thang you

Ginny said:
oh my....looks like my big lil turtle woke up some more! some more!

you nasty thang you


T minus 16 minutes until our bubbly bath.

;) and a hungryyyy :kiss:
Oh my! :eek: Nice pics...
Didn't think a bath would make me need a cold shower...
Thank you I need a bath after seeing those. To be wet or not to be wetter? Tis that not the true question?:D
My, my, my... I think I need to get a hold of my rubber duckie! ;)
Oh thank you sweet tortoise. This is one thread I'll keep my eyes open for. Just in case you have more to add. :D