Circuit Shitty


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Feb 3, 2002
Today I went in to Circuit City to buy the new Star Wars DVD and use the Toys r Us ad so they would pricematch. The clerk told me that the aren't doing that because Toys R Us is out of thier supply. I asked her how she knew that out of the 6 or 7 stores in the area, were out of this movie and she told me they can't be sure but they think they are. So I again asked her to price match, and she wouldn't. I left the movie and a couple others, on her counter and left.

I hate this store, I always seem to get bad service from them. The only reason I went to them this time is becuse it is so close to my house. I guess I'm not going there again soon.

OK, my rant is over.
I never go to any of those big electronic stores unless I know exactly what I want. You never get any service from those cretins, plus those pimple faced kids could care less about sellling you something, and more about the the next xbox game cart. If you took the time to bring in the price for comparison, you should have asked to see the policy reguarding, comparisons then go into prick mode, and be an asshole. I had this one girlfriend once who was the perfect bitch, you could use her to get what you want at those places, but for me it simply isn't worth the effort. Price alone isn't what a store is all about. So next time don't forget your neighborhood true value, and go to lowes or something. The prices are just slightly less, but the value of having somebody who knows something is priceless.
I bought a recordable DVD disc at C. City once. I brought it back the next day because it was the wrong type. On the receipt it says that you cannot return audio CD's so they said that they wouldn't take it back. I tried to tell her that it wasn't an audio CD. They would not even put it in a computer to prove that I did not format it for my mac. If I didn't format it I couldn't have used it. So it was still new...

I haven't been back since.
ridddder said:
I never go to any of those big electronic stores unless I know exactly what I want. You never get any service from those cretins, plus those pimple faced kids could care less about sellling you something, and more about the the next xbox game cart.
I actually had pretty good luck with Best Buy the few times I have gone there. They weren't perfect, and did make some wrong statements, but they did try to be helfpul and were somewhat knowledgeable.

Circuit City on the other hand was at best mediocre, and at worst flat out wrong and decietful. I go there from time to time because they have $1-$2 audio CDs that I would buy by the dozens. Yeah they were mostly Classical music, but I like classical and it is much less expensive than elsewhere, even if some of the recordings were not very good.

for me it simply isn't worth the effort. Price alone isn't what a store is all about.
[/b]Agreed - if I find that a store has screwed me over or inconvenienced me they go on my blacklist and I never go back there again (see my thread about being a "Preferred Customer").

So next time don't forget your neighborhood true value, and go to lowes or something. The prices are just slightly less, but the value of having somebody who knows something is priceless.
I don't know about True Value, but Lowes is a big chain and in my experience their service sucks - I much prefer Home Depot, but even they are fairly clueless if they don't have a particular product on the shelf.

Regardless of the store and personnel, it is pretty much up to us to know what we need and want before going into a store - most personnel there do not know the products on their shelves very well - if they did they probably wouldn't be in a store selling it, they would be out making a lot more money installing it.
Mona said:
Frimost's Walmart thread is an interesting read.

The important thing to remember about both threads is that some of you people are way too fucking obsessed with Star Wars.
Best Buy usually has better service than Circuit City based on my past experiences....then again, I often have friends that work there and CC is overpriced anyway.
Problem Child said:
The important thing to remember about both threads is that some of you people are way too fucking obsessed with Star Wars.

Because I want to save some money and buy a DVD for half the price makes me obsessed with Star Wars?
I went on my own rant a while ago about customer service at the hardware store. I don't know where they find these idiots.

I also just got through watching Falling Down on video and I'm charged up again! If you wear a smock or some kind of company polo shirt, you'd better stay out of my way! :mad:
Gee, I had no problem getting my Attack of the Clowns DVD at Circuit City. I walked in, slipped it in my aluminum foil lined pocket in my jacket and walked out.


Not really, I just bought it at work with my EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT!!!
MNGuy said:
Gee, I had no problem getting my Attack of the Clowns DVD at Circuit City. I walked in, slipped it in my aluminum foil lined pocket in my jacket and walked out.

Aluminum foil, eh? Abbie Hoffman didn't cover that one in his book. Looks like I have some shoplifting to do! ;)
Circuit City just plain sucks. I've never had a good experience with them so I don't even bother any more.