Chronic Diarrhea.

When you're sliding into first, and your pants are gonna burst...diarrhea! diarrhea!
Minkey Boodle said:
When you're sliding into first, and your pants are gonna burst...diarrhea! diarrhea!

Minkey Boodle said:
When you're sliding into first, and your pants are gonna burst...diarrhea! diarrhea!

When your driving in your Chevy, and your pants are kinda heavy... diarrhea! Diarrhea!
if you're swimming in a pool
and you leave a trail of stool
diarrhea, diarrhea

when your stomach's really hurting
and your butt it starts a squirting
diarrhea, diarrhea

if your running really fast
cuz it's squirting out your ass
diarrhea, diarrhea
When you are strolling with your honey,
and you feel something runny,
diarrhea, diarrhea

When you are at the school dance,
and you find chocolate in your pants,
diarrhea, diarrhea

When you need to sneak a fart,
and you feel wettness from the start,
diarrhea, diarrhea

Ah such fond memories of grade school.....

Anyone remember this ditty....

Push the button, pull the chain, out comes a chocolate choo choo train....
