Christopher Stevens Feeds the Crocodile

why should G-D Bless him?

Kay Daffy was helping the US fight terror

The US attacked him, This SLEEZEBALL was in teh forefront of getting him raped and killed

HE, Stevens got the same in return....FROM HIS FRIENDS

Sorry bub, :cool:
"Jaw jaw is always better than war war."

Winston Churchill
Tell me when you think the American invasion begins and we can have a conversation. Until then this isn't truth it's bad fan fiction.
It's Sunday. I thought God should bless him, since he's one of the meek who aren't going to inherit the Earth.:cool:

He came

He saw

He KILLED A US "ALLY" of sorts


Shoulda happened to ClitBitch:cool:
Shoulda happened to ClitBitch:cool:

Two days after 9/11 embassy attacks, Hillary Clinton hosted Muslim holiday celebration in DC

Creeping Sharia

And she celebrated the end of the Month of Jihad (which never ends) with a supporter of the Lockerbie Bomber who killed 189 American citizens. via Walid Shoebat.

Hillary Clinton wastes no time… Celebrates Muslim Holiday two days after 9/11 Attacks with man who supported Scotland’s release of Lockerbie Bomber |

Two days after an act of war was committed against the United States in both Egypt and Libya, on sovereign American territory, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in the Ben Franklin Room in Washington, D.C., celebrating the end of Ramadan (Eid Mubarak). With her was Ali Sulaiman Aujali, Libya’s Ambassador to the United States, who resigned from that position under Gadhafi in early 2011 but became Libya’s Ambassador to the U.S. again in August of that year.

Here is how Clinton began her speech, via the State Department website:

Good evening, and although I am many weeks overdue in saying it: Eid Mubarak. No matter how belated we are honoring Eid and the end of Ramadan, this is a cherished tradition here at the State Department. And I would like to thank all of you for being here, including the many members of the Diplomatic Corps.
You know, V, this really beats anything else I've seen you post. Nothing like demeaning a man who not only is dead and died a horrible death but died working for his country and something he believed in. If this makes you feel any better or makes you think you know about foreign policy, you are a sad, sad man.
You know, V, this really beats anything else I've seen you post. Nothing like demeaning a man who not only is dead and died a horrible death but died working for his country and something he believed in. If this makes you feel any better or makes you think you know about foreign policy, you are a sad, sad man.

Vettebigot hates America. He has done since about 1960.
Also, in posting the Telegraph piece I assume you've changed your mind about Wikileaks and now think it's perfectly OK to publish confidential US communications?
You know, V, this really beats anything else I've seen you post. Nothing like demeaning a man who not only is dead and died a horrible death but died working for his country and something he believed in. If this makes you feel any better or makes you think you know about foreign policy, you are a sad, sad man.

^^^^Kisses crocodiles

Vettebigot hates America. He has done since about 1960.

Also, in posting the Telegraph piece I assume you've changed your mind about Wikileaks and now think it's perfectly OK to publish confidential US communications?

^^^^blows crocodiles.
Also, in posting the Telegraph piece I assume you've changed your mind about Wikileaks and now think it's perfectly OK to publish confidential US communications?

It's amazing what your small mind assumes.
Are you paying attention to the meme out of the Obama administration that it's all on this movie clip and nothing about Obama's policy, etc.?:rolleyes:

Any other made up claims you want to make today?
“This is a fairly volatile situation, and it is in response not to United States policy, obviously not to the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting — that in no way justifies any violent reaction to it.”

Jay Carney, Chief Propagandist

You made that up!!!!!!!!!!:D:D
“This is a fairly volatile situation, and it is in response not to United States policy, obviously not to the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting — that in no way justifies any violent reaction to it.”

Here's a fun thing to do, take the above quote, quotation marks and all, and put it into Google.