Chick Storie, Guy Stories...


Lovin' Life
Apr 24, 2001
Okay, this may sound a bit elementary, but just hang with me for a moment.

When I first started writing for Lit, I realized right away, from my own reading, that some stories appeal to women and some stories appeal to men. That's pretty basic, I would think.

Now, I was wondering, has anyone here written a story that they thought would appeal specifically to one gender, and found out it was far better received by the other gender? Much to their surprise?

My last two stories have been like that. The first one I thought would appeal to women (woman is cheated on, gets revenge by engaging in sex with a stranger). Nope. I got far more responses from - I mean A LOT - than I did from women. Second story I create what I consider a total bitch who betrays her best friend, is manipulative and calculating, along with a man who can't be faithful if his life depended on it. I thought this would appeal to men. Wrong again - women seem to be loving this one, while most men seem put off by it.

Okay, that was a lot of babble, wasn't it? But anyone else have this happen to them? It is a weird feeling. Nice. But weird.
Hey Sexy!
I've written all my lit stories so far from the male POV and thinking mainly guys would go for this but I've actually received more feedback from chicks.
I think women have far dirtier minds than men, and all the more so because they seem so much more innocent! Love it!:p
SexyChele said:

My last two stories have been like that. The first one I thought would appeal to women (woman is cheated on, gets revenge by engaging in sex with a stranger). Nope. I got far more responses from - I mean A LOT - than I did from women. Second story I create what I consider a total bitch who betrays her best friend, is manipulative and calculating, along with a man who can't be faithful if his life depended on it. I thought this would appeal to men. Wrong again - women seem to be loving this one, while most men seem put off by it.

People may not be stereotypes, but I would call those the stereotypical results. In the first, a woman throws herself at a man for no-commitment sex, and the second sounds like a melrose place episode where the guy is just pathetic. Whats the surprise?
Re: Re: Chick Storie, Guy Stories...

peterpan said:
People may not be stereotypes, but I would call those the stereotypical results. In the first, a woman throws herself at a man for no-commitment sex, and the second sounds like a melrose place episode where the guy is just pathetic. Whats the surprise?

What is "melrose place"? TV show, I assume? Sorry, don't watch really watch TV. Besides, this was my own example. I was looking to seeif other writers had the same thoughts/experiences.
Now, I was wondering, has anyone here written a story that they thought would appeal specifically to one gender, and found out it was far better received by the other gender? Much to their surprise

Actually, I'm experiencing this right now with my latest series. The story is basically romantic comedy told from a male POV, very little sex and not even that all erotic. Before I started to post I'd have bet money it would have attracted mainly female readers. But my mail has been overwhelmingly from men. Now, while I'm gratified that anyone is reading it, I'm still amazed that so many men seem to connect with this story. Guess I'm going to have to rethink my prejudices about guys only wanting to read stories with big breasted women and a high stroke value. ;)

Hi Northwest Rain,

you said,

I've written all my lit stories so far from the male POV and thinking mainly guys would go for this but I've actually received more feedback from chicks.
I think women have far dirtier minds than men, and all the more so because they seem so much more innocent! Love it!

I've had a bit of that: stories with peeing, fisting, etc. really kinky stuff drew a lot of female (positive) attention. Another factor though, might have been strong female characters. There is a subset of women out there who are truly kinky.

Odd, because the psych books often say women can't be, for instance, fetishists. And most _identified_ perverts are men.
Hey Pure,
Maybe we should try to think up some kind of poll, one for males and another for females to try to find the answer!:eek:

Job to tell if anything I've contributed has been recieved well by any perticular gender all the feedback has been anon. so far.

I do try to think of both women and men when writing, in fact I am a bit kind to the ladies, I have been known to edit out something I later thought may offend women, sorry guys we have to put up with being shit in the stories.

I have received feedbacks for a story which said: "Good, but more of a guy's story" and "I liked it, but felt it was a girl's story rather than a blokes one."

I hate Americanisms, but this one does hit the spot. Go figure.

The Earl
LOL........Excellent Chele....

BTW....(bear says hi)

I had the same thing happen to me. On my series, Ya Ya Dildohood, I had thought...anticipated that the majority of readers would be women, simply because of the "titles" play on words. And though I certainly did get numerous responces from women, the "majority" that really enjoyed reading the series came from men!.

And as you mentioned...the reverse was also true. I wrote a story called "Sweet Revenge". I thought this one would really appeal to the "guys", you know...getting back at the old girlfriend, ex-wife thingy. LOL...fooled again. Vast majority of feedback on this one was from women who actually got off on the concept of another woman sticking it to the ex's.

Go figure.........:)

I remain,
I agree with most everyone here. I find it surprising at times that what I thought would appeal more toward female readers, ends up attracting more male. I've had one accepted story here (which I would love to re-write and expand) and have just submitted my second. I'm curious to find out to whom the second one appeals to more.

My second submission deviates from my standard style and I've had several friends recommend my posting it as a guide to help my style and determine my audience.

Trina T. :kiss:

Post the link to your story.....I'd be anxious to read it.

I remain,
When I wrote my first story for lit, I diidn't really think about it. Its non-consent, which I read, so I guess I figured other women would too. I got a lot of male feedback- I should have known. One woman said "I am Valerie, I love this story" and one man said, "are you really a girl?- you sound like an 18 year of virgin male. I can' t believe that a woman would really enjoy this. Does this story really turn you on?" That was my favorite! I love that a man reading non-consent realized that a woman wouldn't really enjoy being sexually asaulted by a stranger- I hope they all know!
And I got a good laugh at the 18year old virgin male thing. I've definatly read stories and had that reaction. I hope the majority of my readers didnt' get that vibe though.
my first erotic story was about a vampire seduction...i thought that my girlfriends (some who are vampire enthusiasts) would like it, but all my guy friends seemed to like it more. i think the words you use in the story can put off the other sex sometimes (for example cunt; i know a lot of women who cant stand that word) and the other sex will enjoy it a lot more for that sort of usage....thats just my completely literotica-inexperienced point of view. hehehe. :eek:
This same thing happened to me...all my stories but one have been written from a female POV, but most of my feedback has come from guys.
Know your target audience...

I wonder how many times I've said that in here? Do I specifically target a story for men? For women? Nope. Why? Because you can't lump taste in with the plumbing factor/sexual Gender. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and everyone has their own mind. To group in a subject with a gender in mind is just silly. Both men and women have a brain, and they use it the way they see fit irregardless of the body it is in.

My father once said; "Son, sex is 99% mental, and 1% perspiration, and each of us has our own fantasies." Meaning? Sex is more a mental aspect than a physical one. And our fantasy life is our own not someone elses. Even if our base fantasy is shared by other people there is something about that is different than everyone elses because it is ours. But this last part is a target audience just because of the similarity in thought.

I've written from both male POV, and female POV, and it doesn't make any difference really, though when I write from the female POV I use a feminine Pen Name for realism value. The responces to my stories are pretty equally distributed between male and female both good, and bad.

So my suggestion here is to stop worrying so much about the gender of your readers and pay more attention to their tastes in reading material, and subjects.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
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I agree with Dirt Man, for the most part. However, when I think of the category of "Romance", I think female audience. I guess I just don't think of too many men interested in that particular category. When I think of "Mature", I think of equal participants.

However, I do think that some stories (not all) might appeal more to men than women, and vice versa. I don't try to write to either men or women, but I gauge my audience after the story is posted by the feedback I get. I know that's not accurate as it simply might be more men responding than women. The only time I've received equal feedback was on my woman/woman story. It seemed those have equally appealed to both men and women.
Just call me a hopeless romantic...

However, when I think of the category of "Romance", I think female audience. I guess I just don't think of too many men interested in that particular category.

Then you obviously haven't been south of the US boarder. LOL The men down there eat up, and by that I mean they relate to the macho studs in those romantic novels. While your thought may be somewhat inaccurate here in the USA as well, it's more or less closer to reality do to the way married men are about borrowing one of their wife's books and having one of their buddies find out about it later. LOL My wife loves Daniele Steele, but I'm not as partial to her myself unless there's nothing else in the house for me to read.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man