Cheyenne's GB Hall of Fame

Umm, I don't think that Cheyenne meant to insult you in her post, she was merely replying to another post.

If anybody wants me I'll be hiding under the table. :D
Cheyenne knows what's she's talking about. Heed her advice.
No, she's been here a lot longer than some, therefore, she probably knows the real cool quotes. ;)
Oh this'll be good.

Ya know Indigo, you might want to, I don't know, calm down a bit. I've noticed you tend to go all Hyde whenever you sense the slightest possible insult.

I think Cheyenne was implying that being so new, you may not be posting quotes that are really worthy of a "Hall of Fame" title. I mean, in a board with 10's of thousands of quotes,

"Originally posted by mig
It feels better in your ear."

might not be one of the top 10,000.

Cheyenne's been around a while and she knows this. You may want to apologise and hope this dies.
Indigo Rose, I know Cheyenne, and you, Madame are NO Cheyenne. (damn, I can't believe I quoted a Democrat.)

No, seriously, Indigo Rose, don't get your feathers ruffled when someone disagrees with you or criticizes. The GB thrives on differing opinions. Without them, many of us would be elsewhere. And don't let the newbie label bother you, almost all of us are newbies when compared to some people.
Besides, we don't need another thread devoted to me and all my many clever lines over the years...

But if you must, please!

Who's Cheyenne?
sunstruck said:
It's "favorite".

No, it's actually not. She's Canadian, thus it's favourite. :)

Other than that, I'm staying the fuck out of this argument.
Ok Ok! Jesus. If I got that bitchy everytime someone corrected my spelling I'd have had a coronary by now.

Christ. One word. DECAFE.
sunstruck said:
Ok Ok! Jesus. If I got that bitchy everytime someone corrected my spelling I'd have had a coronary by now.

Christ. One word. DECAFE.


*just a joke* :)
indigo rose stop your fucking whining as soon as someone dares to critisise something you say in the smallest way you go off all huffy and make snide remarks about that person weve had enuff.
its no surprise that you have posted here before under different names i dare say u wear out your welcom quickly with an tude like that.
SINthysist said:
Besides, we don't need another thread devoted to me and all my many clever lines over the years...

But don't Hall of Fames usually contain more than one item? "All" of your clever lines may not fill much space.

I'm beginning to like this thread, but you ladies really should use some baby oil before you begin your fighting. It'd make things MUCH more entertaining!
funny, I didn't read indigo as being the bitch in this discussion.