Cheerleader Destiny

That got some of it, but it didn't fix the tense problems.

You're "getting off" thread also has lots of tense problems.
OK, it's late here! I went back, and I think I cleaned up the past tense problems in both my last threads.

yes, I don't have a working email address for this, for a good, personal reason.

if you want to contact me, you can do so through these messages or go to the EMCSA forum and contact Iron_Nick
The reason I mentioned e-mail is because every time I reject a thread, I write out the reasons why and the system sends out an e-mail. Getting your threads approved would be much easier if you actually got those e-mails.

Get a hotmail account. They're free and the e-mails aren't stored on your computer. It's just a webpage with a name that you made up, which is exactly that same as checking a forum for messages.

I rejected the thread again. There are still *several* tense errors. Not nearly as the giant pile of them in "getting off", but several.
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So far Whizzper and Wicker have contributed some really neat threads. Even better, they're going down completely different paths. I love variety.
And we've got another author, with mcmartin adding some interesting possibilities.
Wow, I've done a terrible job of keeping up with this thread!

Hello everyone! I've gotten back into writing for Cheerleader Destiny in the last few months and some other authors have contributed too! BenjiDude has added some good stuff recently, as has Wicker. A couple of new authors have added some great threads, especially Meteorbeat in his threads about sneaking into a certain blonde cheerleader's room.

I'd really love to have more threads from other authors in this story. They don't have to have mind control themes, you could just have the main character set up his cheerleader fantasy and let it roll out. I'd really love to see every kind of cheerleader fantasy imaginable.
With all the recent activity on Cheerleader Destiny, I felt like I should really nail down some of the more prominent girls. So I've done a little photoshop work. Let me know what you think.

I've also put a link in the story at the appropriate place. Maybe I should add Wendy, she's in several threads.

Let me know what you guys think.
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Well its difficult i've had my story up for over a week and i've had 1000 odd views and nobody new even considering attempting to add to it
You did a great job on the uniforms.

Now I'm just making sure I've got them right. It's Megan, Cherilynne, and Taylor?
Yep, that's the order. In the story Cherilynne and Taylor are pretty similar looking, since they have the same hair color. I didn't create Cherilynne, but I kind of like that similarity. It gives a tiny bit more weight to the idea of a rivalry between them, one that Cherilynne has always lost until now.

Maybe there should be some threads in other parts of the story that highlight that rivalry.
Wrote a new thread & had it approved, only to get 1.00 Feedback due to the person inferring something that isn't in the thread.
And now a picture of head cheerlead Cherilynne topless.

EDIT: I've changed the picture so that Cherilynne has bigger breasts, closer to how she's described in the story. I kinda liked the other pose, so i decided to include a topless Taylor in the picture using the original body.

This picture is also in the latest thread I added.
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