The Limits of "Control:" 12 Points by William Burroughs


Sep 14, 2021
Control needs time in which to exercise control. Because control also needs opposition or acquiescence; otherwise, it ceases to be control. I control a hypnotized subject (at least partially); I control a slave, a dog, a worker; but if I establish complete control somehow, as by implanting electrodes in the brain, then my subject is little more than a tape recorder, a camera, a robot. You don't control a tape recorder - you use it. Consider the distinction, and the impasse implicit here. All control systems try to make control as tight as possible, but at the same time, if they succeeded completely there would be nothing left to control. Suppose for example a control system installed electrodes in the brains of all prospective workers at birth. Control is now complete. Even the thought of rebellion is neurologically impossible. No police force is necessary. No psychological control is necessary, other than pressing buttons to achieve certain activations and operations.
You can figure out where "control" appears in politics and even the stuff you find on your television. Once you start seeing the world this way, it is hard to see otherwise.
I have to admit having lost the connection here between control and aluminum but I do sort of distrust the big multinationals, if that is what you are asking.