Changing My Attitude ((RoleplayMaster))


Naughty and Nice
Jun 28, 2011
Dove drove through the down town street, her eyes looking around her, nervously. This would be the second time she was down here, the first time she was down here alone. The first time she was with her father, because he had to by a necklace for her mothers birthday and the prettiest he could find was in a store located down here. He looked so freaked out the whole time. He made sure to keep his hand on her at all time, never letting me out of his sight. He said that this town would eat me up, that they would love to get there hands on someone that looked as sweet, as innocent as did. Of course, that was about two years ago and at that time, she had agreed with him. The town looked like it was filled with some tough people, and two years later, it hasn’t changed at all. Now, why the heck was she here alone?

She’d been called the goody, goody for years now, not that she really looked the part of one. She was quiet a pretty thing actually, at least that’s what a lot of people told her. Long, dark brown hair that fell a quarter of a way down her back. Long legs and a curvy 5’6’’ frame. Her breasts were a very perky and a nice size too, size 38D. Her skin was a smooth and tan. Something she was very proud of. She made sure to take care of herself, even if she wasn’t trying to go after a guy, she liked to look her best. She been called good by her past boyfriends, friends, even her parents have called her one. Of course, they meant it as a complement though. It still didn’t make her feel good about herself. Dove grew up being a only child in a very high up neighborhood, so her parents made sure she was raised to do what she was told, that she followed the rules, and hung out with the right crowd. At times, it really freaking sucked. So when she got with a few of her closest friends and told them her problem, they gave her the perfect way to everyone’s look on her. A piercing!

The idea freaked her out a bit. Having something sharp pierce through her body, leaving a jewel or something in the hole, but it was a great way to get a new nick name. At first, she brought up getting her ear pierced, thinking that that would be enough, but she all her friends had already gotten their ear’s pierced at least three times, so she had to try something else. That day she went home and spent the whole rest of the day thinking about what else she could do, what else she could pierce that her parents wouldn’t totally freak out about. Sadly, she couldn’t think of much that she could really hide from them, without going through a lot of pain. There was only one she could really think of. That’s why she was done here, at eleven o’clock at night. She had to find a place where no one would recognize her, where no one would rat her out and get her in a whole load of trouble.

Dove parked her car in front of the piercing patroller and shut off her car. She sat there for a moment, thinking about how stupid she was being. Sure, she couldn’t get in real trouble for doing this. She was 18 years old, she had the money. The only real problem was that her parents had no idea she wasn’t in her room, sleeping soundly in her bed. They would have a heart attack if they found her bed empty. You can do this. You. Can. Do this. Don’t woos out. She took a deep breath and opened her door, stepping out of the car and slamming the door behind her, locking it to make sure no one broke in. She ran her hands over the back of her tight light blue shorts that clung to her body, running her finger over the black belt she wore. She pulled her purse closure to her before going to the front door and opening it up. She stepped inside, looking at the few people that stood around and looked at her. She felt her heart pick up a pace as a few of them looked her over, almost like she was a piece of meat. It made her that much more nervous. Quickly, she moved to the front desk, leaning up against it and looking at the man that stood there. “Hello. I’m sorry I’m a bit late. I was suppose to be here at 10:50, but I had a little trouble finding the place.” She explained as she brushed a stay piece of hair out of her face. “Anyway, I called earlier on the phone asking about getting my…” She bit her lip. Just walk out. Forget about it. “I called about getting my tongue pierced.” She told him, blushing a bit as she did. “My names Dove Trena.”
Dove looked over the guy as she talked, taking him all the tattoos and the piercings he had on him. Honestly, it didn't surprise her. Usually, the people that worked at these places, tended to have some tattoo as well. Her eyes wondered down to the guy that sat in his chair, watching as he worked on his arm. It was actually quite nice looking, not that she was brave enough to ever get one of those. Getting her tongue pierced should be more then enough. lt's a pleasure to meet you Dove Trena. She quickly looked away from the tattoo and at him. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Gold." She told him, before he asked about her age. "No, l'm 18." She told him as she opened her purse and looked into it, grabbing her drivers license.

She looked at the paper work as he motioned towards it."Alright." She grabbed the paper work and set her I.D. down before walking to a chair in the corner and sitting down. She filled out the paperwork, while peeking over at him and the guy in his chair. By the time she had signed her name on the back, he had finished with his friend. She sat up straight and watched them as they walked out of the store, leaving the two of them, well as far as she knew of, alone.

She stood up up as he came over and shook his hand. "Yeah, just finished with them actually." She told him as she handed him the clipboard and walked over to the chair where the other guy just sat. Dove sat down in it slowly, looking around her at all the tools he had. "Yeah. l've never even gotten my ears done." She told him, brushing her hair behind her ear, smiling a tiny bit. "No boyfriend to get it for, but l am getting it for a reason. Well... more for a statement actually. You see, l've become some what as a good girl. I want to change that a bit and l think a piercing will be a perfect way to do that."

She tapped her heel on the ground and watched him as he moved a few things out of his way. "Yeah, but l'm not a cheerleader or a tennis player." she blushed a bit, smiling. "l'm glad you think l look good enough to do one of those. I'm actually a runner in track and l'm a gymnast." Dove told him and put her hands in her lap. "Hey, will this hurt?" She asked quickly, her head cocking to the side a bit. "On scale to 1-10, how bad is it?"
"You havent been 18 long...just turned i see.", "Happy birthday Dove."

She smiled and nodded her head a bit. "Thanks." She told him. "I'm the only 18 year old that has a bedtime." She mumbled to herself as she sat in the chair. She noticed the look of shock that crossed his face for half a second and smiled. "No boyfriend." She told him. "I mean, I've had a few of them of course. Now of them were really good boyfriends though," She rolled her eyes a bit. "there old news anyway. Gone and out of my head forever." She smiled brighter when he said he liked her idea of getting her tongue pierced. "Really? That's great!" She told him before he asked his question. "Of course! The whole town thinks I'm a goody goody. That they can just push me around and tell me what I can do and I'll just do it. I don't want them to think that about me anymore."

She blushed when she saw his eyes move down her legs, looking them over. "So... you like my legs?" She asked him. She watched him eagurly as he turned away and put something on his hand. "Cheerleader can only do half the things gymnasts can do." She told him, rolling her eyes. "The only real differents is that they were tiny skirts and jump around a football field. Oh and they have horrible attitudes." She added. "cheerleaders wish they were as flexible as us."

She say him pick up the gun and squirmed in her seat, nervously, feeling her heart pick up a bit. "Well... as long as it's a fast pain." She told him coughing a bit before he asked her to stick her tongue at. She slowly did as he said, sticking it out and letting him grab her tongue and rub something on it. She balled her hands into tight fists and looked at him as he finished with the swab and grabbed the gun. Her head nodded a bit as he asked if holding his hand would be better. In fact, it would make her feel a thougsand times better then what she was feeling right now.

She closed her eyes when he told her not to move, feeling one of his hands move down her body, resting in her lap. She quickly moved her hand and grabbed his, squeezing it tight. She heard him try to sooth her right before she felt the sharp pain of the needle going through her tongue. She whimpered a bit and winced in pain. When he let go of her tongue, she move her tongue into her mouth and let go of his hand. "You weren't kidding about the pain, were you?" She mumbled as she closed her mouth and rubbed it, trying to sooth the odd feeling in her mouth. She opened her eyes and moved one of her hands up, wiping a stray tear from her eye before it ran down her cheek.

"It hurts a bit." She mumbled. "And it feels weird." She added
She smiled at him as he made a joke about when she had to be home. "Nice, but... I'm suppose to be in bed right now." She told him, though she was smiling happily. "My parents think.... well still think hopefully that I'm in bed right now. Wrapped up tight in my covers." She explained to him. "If you want, you can cross your fingers when I go home and wish me luck that my parents are fast asleep." If they were up and caught me, I would be so busted. They would find out in a instant that I got my tongue pierced. She thought to herself, but she wasn't worried about that right now. Bed was doing a pretty good job at keeping her off them.

"I don't want to be a bad girl per say, but I don't want to be a good girl. I want people to stop thinking I'm a innocent girl." She told him. "Out of all my friends, I'm the girl that's done... well lets just say nothing." She told him. She didn't think kissing really counted right now. She couldn't say she didn't like being the girl that wasn't the slut in the group, but she didn't love it! She would at least like to have a guy try to touch her without him giving her a speech about why she should let him. If they just shut up and try it, she probably would have gone through with it with her boyfriends. "You know... I guess I would lean more towards naughty then bad."

"They are long, slim, very toned." "You clearly keep them in perfect shape." "If i checked and found they were shaved smooth, then id rate them as the best pair of legs I’ve seen walk into this place." "You know, you could touch them if you'd like?" She told him, shrugging a bit. "I mean I don't mind if you do. It's just my legs and your going to touch my tongue anyway." She explained to him. When he asked about her moves she thought for a moment, looking away from him. "Well, most of the girls I know at that college can only really do the splits. I can move my legs over my head if I wanted too. I can do a number of different flips, twist, and round off. All cheerleaders can do is bounce around a bit and cheer hoping that the game will be over soon so they can go off and fuck the quarter back.” She told him.

She looked at him as he rubbed her arm a bit, trying to comfort her. She watched as he got up and sat up a bit, watching him with his eyes as he walks into a backroom. She looked around a bit, keeping her mouth shut like he asked her to though. When he came back, her eyes went to the ice pop he held and smiled a bit. “Thanks.” She mumbled as she took the ice pop and ran her tongue over it a bit before putting it in her mouth and sucked on it, rubbing her tongue against it, trying to numb her tongue up.

“Why dont you show me that flexible move that you were bragging about you being able to do. The one those bratty cheerleaders cant do." She looked up at him and slowly moved the ice pop from her mouth. “I… would but I can’t.” She told him and pointed at the white button top she wore. “You see, it I try to do any of my stunts, the buttons could fly off and then I would be left with a messed up top. If my parents caught me coming home with buttons popped off this, they would freak and try to ship me off to a college with less males around.” She told him. “besides,” She sucked on the pop a bit more. “Aren’t you still open? What if someone came in for a tattoo or a piercing and saw me doing stunts for you? They’d think you ordered a stripper!”
She laughed at that. "Oh yeah, l'm the most wanted girl in town for sneaking out." She told him as she crossed her legs. "No. No tattoos or piercings for any of them." Dove told him as he asked about her friends. "They came up with the idea by watching the girls in college. They noticed girls with piercings and tattoos get more noticed then the girls without." she asked, "Now, what did you mean when you said 'more then nothing'? What exactly is the tongue piercing going to make people think about me?

She blushed as his hand shot down and started to rub her thigh, feeling her smooth skin. A light blush covered her cheeks as he said how much he liked the feeling of her. "Oh, well thank you." She said, trying not to get to caught up in the way he complemented her. Her smile faded a bit as he asked if she shaved everywhere, moving his eyes to her shorts as he did. She looked at him confused for a moment before she got what he was asking her, gasping a little bit at how stupid she was for not getting it at first. "Umm... yes." She looked away from his face, down at his hand. "l don't like hair anywhere, but on my head, so yeah. l shaved this morning." She told him. She didn't know why. She didn't know this man, only his name. She was obviously alone with him as well in this shop, so it probably wasn't the smartest thing in the world to tell him so much about herself.

As she sucked on the ice pop, she let Ben lead her over to the glass case were the rings were kept. She looked up at him as he told her to pick anything then he'd put it in her tongue. She nodded a tiny bit and moved closure to the case, looking over all the different designs that were here. There were quite a lot and most of them looked amazing. Something she would love to wear, but she couldn't get anything to flashy. So her parents didn't find out right away. So she had to pick out one of the more commen ones... at least for now. She pulled the pop out of her mouth and pointed to one with a small silvar ball. "That one, please." She told him before putting it back in her mouth. The ice pop was working pretty well, her tongue was getting numb.

Dove held back a shiver as he ran his hand over her cheek, saying she looked too sweet and innocent. She asked, "Ben, the innocence is what l want to lose, remember?" Though when he talked about her body, she smiled brightly. "Well... thanks. I didn't know l looked better then a call girl. Great to know." She told him before she looked towards the door he pointed to, which seemed to be a office, which he told her she could show him her moves in private after he put the stud in. She looked back at him as he pulled the ice pop out of her mouth and she opened her mouth wide for him. She watched his face as he put it in her tongue and screwing it in before giving her a smile. She closed her mouth and smiled before asking him "You really like it?" When he lead her to the office, she started to get nervous again. When they get into the office she goes over to the far wall and leans against it as he shuts the door.

She watched him standing there, quietly and sighed. Dove moved her hands up and unbuttoned the top two buttons of her top, showing off her cleavage, hoping that would leave her enough room to move her body freely. She bent over and unstrapped her heels before kicking them off before she put her hands up and circled forward so she was on her hands and her feet were in the air. With the way she had her arms spread, her top was stretched over her tits. She moved her legs forward slowly, moving them down in front of her head until they were touching the floor again. Once they were, she pushed herself up so she was standing on her feet right in front of him. "You know, l can't stay here much longer." She told him before she flipped backwards so she was right where she started. "Is there something you really want me to show you? A pose that you've always wanted to see a girl actually do?"
She looked at him confused as he laughed at her, she tilted her head to the side as he said how she knew what a tongue ring would mean. "Umm, well..." she rubbed the back of her head nervously. "I'm sorry, but l don't really get what your trying to tell me." She told him, shrugging a bit. "And... what is a falacio?" She thought she sounded so stupid. Her she was, getting her tongue pierced in a strange town, telling her life story to a complete stranger, and know she was telling him that she had no idea what he was talking about! He's going to think she's a idiot for not knowing.

"I'm glad you like them." she told him sweetly as he stroked her. She had the urge to tell him he could move his hand higher, but held herself back.

When they were in the office, she smiled as he showed her the glow in the dark ring. "Oh my god, thank you!" She told him happily as she took the stud and looked it over. She didn't get his whole boyfriend thing though. What would having a ring have to do with having fun? "Umm thank you." She moved the ring to her pocket, blushing a bit."l'm sure when l get a boyfriend, he'll teach me all the fun things we can do."

Dove moved closure to him as he motioned her too, telling her she wouldn't be here much longer. She loved the looks in his eyes right now, the enjoyment he clearly had from watching her and getting the chance to pick what she did. A split. Easy enough! She thought as she got ready to go down, as his hand moved down to his pants. She watched him, almost hypnotized as he ran his hand down to his crotch, moving to his zipper. l've never been sucked off while a sexy girl was in a split before. "Ex-excuse me?" She said, half to herself. She was about to ask whay he ment, before he rold her to get down into that split.

The 'Miss Tongue Ring' made her smile a bit and she nodded. "Alright, but only because you've been incredibly nice to me." Dove told him before she spread her legs wide apart. lt took her less then 30 seconds to get in a complete split in front of him. "This is what you wanted, right?" She asked him sweetly as she leaned forward a bit and rested her hands in front of her spread legs, close to her covered pussy.
Dove watched him as he said she didn't have to wait. Maybe l shouldn't have just brushed off that 'suck off' comment. She thought to herself as she tried to give him a nice smile. "Oh, umm Ben you don't need too." She mumbled, even as her eyes were drawn back down, hearing his zipper get pulled down. A loud gasp escaped her mouth as she watched his member pop out of his pants. Yep, should have said something. She thought, even as she felt her pussy start to tingle a bit. She had felt like this before, but never really acted on the feeling, looks like now she couldn't back out.

Slowly, as he walked up at her, she opened her mouth and showed him her ring like he asked. She looked down as he grabbed himself and aimed it to her mouth. Oh god, Her head nodded slightly as he asked her a question. lt's a bit obvious now. Her heart was pounding in her chest as he told her to suck on him, like a ice pop. If she had known a tongue ring ment this, she would have thought longer about getting it. Still... there was something about this, that... that made her feel incredibly hot! "Okay," She moved her hands up from off the ground and placed them on his thighs while she leaned forward and stuck her tongue out, running it over the part of his member he wasn't holding, letting the ring move against him.

This isn't to bad, it's like he said. All she had to do was act like he was a ice pop. Though he was thicker and longer and instead of being cold, he was hot! Dove moved her mouth to the tip and took it in her mouth, moving her head forward until a few inches were in. She sucked gentle at first, trying to use to the feeling of him, before she started to use her tongue, moving it over all the viens she felt that ran along him, letting her ring trace them.

After a moment, she turned her eyes up to him and pulled her mouth back and off with a soft 'pop'. "Was that okay?" She asked him as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
She heard him moan as she sucked him, feeling the urge to smile. The only thing that was holding her back though was his member in her mouth. When she pulled away, she leaned up into his touch, giving him a smile as he told her she was more then good, which surprised her, but in a very good way. "Yeah. l enjoyed it, but it was hard to imagine you as a ice pop. l don't know if you know this, but the other thing that's similar is how hard you are. At least in my mouth you feel hard." As she said this, she moved her hand up and wrapped it around the base of his member, slowly moving it forward as she felt how hard he was.

"Oh, zero." She told him, her eyes on his dick. "l told you my boyfriends always went into a long speech and that turned me off. So l never did anything with them." She told him, her voice soft as she concentrated on his member, how it felt different in her hand and her mouth. How it looked. She peeked at him, smiling. "Really? So a tongue ring can really make a man feel better then a girl without one?" She asked, feeling a bit to proud of herself for a girl that was giving a stranger a blowjob.

She moved her hand away from him as she felt pressure on the back of her head, pushing her towards his member. Dove looked up at him. "Okay, but remember, l really can't stay here much longer." She told him feeling a bit bad as she did, thinking this was probably be just a big tease to him onve she stopped and left. She opened her mouth and leaned forward, taking him back in. She moved her eyes back up to him, watching his face as she moved her mouth this time, bobbing it back and fourth as she used her tongue on him. She moved her mouth forward a bit more so she was taking more of his length.
"Natural?" She repeated, impressed with herself. She didn't think she would be a natural at anything that involved sex. She bit her lip, holding back a nervous giggle as he said men would be dreaming about what it feels like to be inside her mouth, just because of her new ring. His last statement caught her off guard though. Next time? Dove didn't think they would ever do this again, truthfully, she didn't even think they would ever see each other again. She had her ring. She didn't think she was going to get anything else, at least, not for a long while anyway. Still... there was something that seem kind of hot to think that they might be doing this again. Maybe.

She gave him a look as he called her naughty girl. She guessed he was right. She had already snuck out and lied, who's staying with Ben a few minutes longer really going to hurt? As she sucked his member, she felt her pussy pulse a bit at the sound of his voice. She tried to take him deep as he asked her too, sucking harder as she did so.

Slowly, she pulled her head back and licked her lips, running her tongue over his member as she answered him. "No school tomorrow but l do have gymnastics practice at 10." She told him, before takimg a moment to suck on the head before pulling away. "l get home at 1." She finished before asking, "Why so you ask?" She opened her mouth and took gim in a getting, letting him push her forward as she worked her tongue over him, until she gagged. Quickly, she pulled ger mouth off him and wiped her mouth. "l'm sorry!" She said quickly as she looked up at him. "I wasn't expecting on gagging on you." She told him.
Dove looked up at him as she twisted her head, sucking him. She gentle pulled off as he asked which would be easier for her. If she had to guess, before she would have a limited time to hang out with him. Or... do whatever he wanted to do. She'd have to get up extra early and come down here before having to go to gym. If she went after class, then she'd have more time and she could just tell her parents she was going to hang out with a few friends for a while. "l... l guess, after." She told him, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "Why? Do you want to check my piercing?" She asked him, curiously.

Dove bit her lip as he stroked her hair, in a soothing manner. "Yeah, l'm fine." She told him, smiling at him. "Just taken by surprise." She told him. When he tells her that he actually enjoys hearing her gag, she blushed and looked downwards, smiling a bit. She didn't know what to think about that, about him actually liking it, but when he asked for her to tale him deep again, she didn't say no. Dove let him move her head to his cock and opened her mouth taking him in, bobbing her head instantly. She started slowly, taking only about 3-4 inches in ner mouth before he started to rock her hips. She took this as she que to suck harder and take more in. She ran her tongue over him, twisting it around him a bit before moving back to the underside. When his dick hit her throat again, she gagged and pulled back, moving off him as he said she was doing very good. She licked her lips slowly as she said, "Great to know. Now l just need to find a man that will let me practice on him." She told him as she watched him move his cock up, showing her his balls.

She peeked up at him as he moved her head down low, telling her to show her how good she can make him feel. She looked away from his eyes down at his nuts. She stuck out her tongue and gentle ran it over them, feeling the diffeent texture it had from his cock. It wasn't a bad feeling though. She moved her hands up and grabbed his hips, holding him in place before she opened her mouth and sucked one in, running her tongue over it as sucked. After a minute, she popped him out of her mouth and moved to the other one.
"Exactly are a smart girl....I bet you are top in your class." She shrugged a bit. "I'm not the smartest, but I do get mostly A's." She told him. She was a perfect A student in all her class besides math, which she got a low B. She never really understood that. "Don't worry, I'll probably just tell them I'd going to be with a friend." She told him. It wouldn't be a total lie. "I don't have anymore plans tomorrow actually, but I don't mind waiting a bit if your busy with someone." She told him as she gave him a smile. Even if she was busy, she didn't want to tell him no. Just in case she upset him in a way. She might be innocent, but she wasn't stupid enough to tell him something that might upset him while she's sucking his cock.

She blushed as he read a bit to much into her words. "Oh god, that's not what I meant!" She said quickly. "I just ment like I needed to find a boyfriend." Quickly adding, "Not just to suck his cock, but you... know..." Her voice softened a bit as she heard how stupid she sounded. when he mentioned how the guys wouldn't turn her on, she had to agree with him. Most guys there didn't turn her on a lot. "Are you getting turned on with my dick in your mouth Dove?" Her face went beet red. "Well," She looked down at the ground. "I'd be lying if I told you no." She told him, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "I'm sorry," She told him, feeling a bit bad for that. "I can't really help myself."

She wrapped her hand around his member as he moved it there. She slowly started to stroke him as she moved her mouth off him and started to lick at his balls, moaning a bit as she did. "Now move back up to the cock, suck it in again, as deep as you can get it in me how youve improved from that first time."

She pulled her mouth away from him moved it back up to his cock, which she took in and sucked on hard. She looked up at him as she did, bobbing her head back and fourth, taking more of him each more. She had to admit, it was easier to take him then it was the first time she did this. When his cock it the back of her throat, she gagged around him, but managed to stay there for a few extra seconds before pulled her mouth off him with a gasp. "Ben," She said as she panted. "I can't do this much longer." She told him as she let go of his cock. It wasn't because she had to leave, more because she could feel a wet spot forming on her shorts.
Dove's eyes lit up as he said tomorrow she could be his special guest. She'd love to see him actually give someine a tattoo and see how the person reacts. Just incase the piercing didn't take on the effects she wanted. "I'd... really like that!" she told him happily. "I mean, it sounds like fun!" She added before he continued. "Umm," Dove blushed. "well l thought you were going to just look at my ring, but..." The idea of getting to be alone with him sent a shiver through out her body. "Yes. l wouldn't mind waiting to be alone with you again. You seem to be really fun when your alone with a girl." Though, l'm yet to know what you do in public with one. She thought to herself.

"No, l mean yes. I'd suck his cock, but no right away. l mean, l can't have him thinking l'll suck off any guy that asks for it." She told him. "If we break up, he could get upset and start telling people that l'm easy or l'm a slut." Something suddenly came to her and she looked up at him questionably. "You don't think l'm a slut... do you Ben?" She then followe by, "I want one to... because... I want one so l don't feel like l'm a eight year old anymore. So he came hug me, kiss me, take my breath away." She brushed her hair back. "I want to be treated like how everyone says l look!"

"A... a lot. lt turns me on a lot." She admited to him as she pulled her legs forward a bit, getting out of the split by sfew inches. She squirmed a bit more and cocked her head to the side at his next question. "What? Are you kidding me. There aren't a lot of boys around town that turn me on now and l miss this feeling. Miss feeling my pussy all wet." She told him truthfully.

Dove wiped her mouth clean as he said that she was doing well. "I'm just trying hard." Dove told him before she was pulled to hos cock. She looked up at him as she sucked him hard, running her tongue over his length, listening to him as he asked her is her parents would come and check on her. She pulled away, she shook her head. "No, of course not. l'm eighteen. lt's just..." She shifted a bit. "l'm kind of getting a bit to excited right now." Before adding, "Of course, l'm enjoying myself." Dove told him quickly. When he tried to pull her back, she shook her head. "No, just wait a minute." She said as she moved her hands to her top and unbuttoned about three more buttons, showing off her cleavage and her white lacy bra.

"Sorry, l'm kind of hot," She explained before she leaned forward and took him in her mouth again, using her tongue to do move of the work instead of sucking as hard as she was before.
She thought about his question as she sucked hungrily on his cock, taking half his length in before she bobbed her head. After a moment, she pulled her head back and looked up at him. "People say l look hot, sexy." She brushed her hair back. "l want to be treated like that. Like l'm a sexy women, but not like this. l don't like how the guys treat me now. l want to be the girl that has a line of guys that can't wait to fuck her. A girl that has a date every night." She sighed. "l want to be the type of girl that a guy can't wait to show off to all his friends, then get her somewhere private and make her scream in pleasure." Dove told him truthfully.

She smiled up at him as he asked about her shaven pussy. She moved her hands to his thighs and stroked them gentle. "That's exactle what l mean." She told him before he asked why it was a problem. She bit her lip and moved her hands up, grabbing onto the waist band of his pants. "Alright. Let me put it this way. Your turned on, but your dicks not pressed up hard against your pants. l'm turned on, of course l don't l don't have to worry about being uncomfortable. l just need to make sure my juices don't soak my shorts." She told him. "lf l wasn't wearing them and on a tattoo parlor floor, it wouldn't be a problem."

Dove saw him looking at her cleavage and blushed a deep red. She look down at what she had exposed and looked back up at him. "38D," she told him. "There... really nice?" She asked as she watched him stare at them before sge takes him in her mouth. Sucking him off until he asked about the boys. Slowly, taking her time, she pulled off him. "Mmm, not really. The only think they've seem on me that's close to a bra are my bikini's, but yeah. They do seem tp enjoy the view when l wear them."

She moves her mouth back to him and starts sucking him, but only the first 3-4 inches for a moment, before pulling away. "Ben, you know you never answered my slut question." She said to him.