

Jul 26, 2014
Is it me or does it seem Lit has an agenda that authors on here shall be censured when having political discussion's in their writing's? Yet there is a political board that has various tops for people to chew the fat over. Or are there certain elements who only want to ruin this wonderful collection of good and not so good made up fiction?
Is it me or does it seem Lit has an agenda that authors on here shall be censured when having political discussion's in their writing's? Yet there is a political board that has various tops for people to chew the fat over. Or are there certain elements who only want to ruin this wonderful collection of good and not so good made up fiction?
i can't swear to it, but i believe the site owners posted information that they'd not be accepting material with political or religious themes. as a writer, you should go check that out on the authors' forum... why bring it to the political board? The social forums are entirely different to the publishing side of things.
Yes, the site doesn't permit partisan political content in the stories it posts. It retains full selection rights to stories here and instituted the political rule a few presidential elections ago to keep the file from being cluttered with political ranting. Tough if you don't like that. It's their site.
It has been discussed in the AUthors' Hangout.

The ban is on current politics and religious issues.

Without a definitive statement by the owners we can only speculate.

My view is that stories with an overtly political or religious theme could attract adverse attention from the increasingly vocal anti-porn campaigners - attention that Lit doesn't want.

There are religious groups that want all porn banned from the internet and political activists who want the same thing. The politics board is just a discussion forum, not associated with erotic stories. But say for example having a story with Melania taking part in a train with Southern Baptists? Apart from the Eww! factor that could annoy several groups.

I think it is a sensible decision and doesn't really prevent authors from writing sex stories.
A true author can hide their motivational goals within well chosen words. Sorry you suck
A true author can hide their motivational goals within well chosen words. Sorry you suck
Perhaps that's why I wrote my Brigit stories which address political themes and 'Getting Nude with Chairman Mao' with quotations from the Little Red Book?