Celine Dion should have her own AmPics thread.


Apr 10, 2001
Cause the girl is smokin'.

And she owes us for all those god-awful songs.


She just doesn't do it for me, but I understand how she may for others. Just a personal preference. The pics a good.
Those are the most flattering pics of her I've ever seen and had I been asked I would never, ever guessed it was her. I wonder how many hundreds of pics they had to take to come up with those. As for her singing she is perfectly fine in a Barry Manilow kind of way.
You guys are h8rs. I would be right up in that AmPics thread saying romantic things like "your pretty" and "that's awesome i'm holding my dick."
If you can get flattering photos of Celine Dion, then you can get flattering photos of Lady Gaga and Courtney Love.
I like the first photo, but that's only because of the placement of her hair.

I don't find anything about her ugly. And you may not like her music, but she has a great voice.
Why the fuck you gotta drag Barry Manilow into this? He's light years better than that bitch. You can't compare a musical genius to that skinny ass canuck bitch. You people are just wrong.
I like how the men think she's ugly because of her face and the women think she's ugly because she's skinny!

For the record, she is too skinny.
Why the fuck you gotta drag Barry Manilow into this? He's light years better than that bitch. You can't compare a musical genius to that skinny ass canuck bitch. You people are just wrong.
Funny you should mention Barry Manilow and drag in the same sentence.
I like how the men think she's ugly because of her face and the women think she's ugly because she's skinny!

For the record, she is too skinny.

I agree, a few more pounds would be nice...but she definitely is not ugly in my eyes.