cats & vets


in search of...
Apr 18, 2001
tell me just how the cat knows its going to the vets? they see the crate and they go into stealth mode. How many appts I've had to cancel cuage I just couldnt catch them. Well, one is stupid I get him in a second, the other....ugh

I still amazes me how they can mange to grab both sides of a three foot wide doorway at the same time:confused:

oh this isnt going to be fun....
My dogs were the same way , I had two dogs at the time.
One was a boxer and the other one was a mutt.

The mutt was exteremely smart she would know when we had to go to the vet and I would not see her the whole day. She would hide in the woods behind our house.
While on the other hand the boxer would jump in my car and get all excited about going for a ride and the vets. He was always well behaved at the vets... he would never bark @ other dogs or anything along those lines. I would sneak him treats from the plastic dog cookie jar they had on the front desk & he was a happy dog.

Cata are different they control you , ya know. :p