

Nov 22, 2007
Just saw my first one, up close, three girls in bikinis, boyfriends blocking and head-locking. One guy got his shirt ripped like Thriller. And the instigator, the girl who started shit up, a guy put her in a headlock briefly to get her away from the other ones and then one of the other ones saw that and pounced on her, her open hand slapping her face and head three or four times, hard.

It was fucking Ilsa She Wolf of the SS, right in front of me.

The police were called. Lots of rowdyness.

I steered clear of the entire thing, but it got my blood flowing :D
No, but the girls were topless earlier, when it was still contained.

Then it got all Jerry Springer.
It was something to behold.

The fight spilled over to right in front of me, hair was flying, girls were yelling at their boyfriends to stay out of it, it was surreal.

Did the boyfriends at least start taking bets on the outcome?
Did the boyfriends at least start taking bets on the outcome?

No, about after a good five minutes of sheer chaos, two girls got dragged out and one walked away. The yelling continued, however, the police got called, but I'm not sure if anybody got arrested.
Best cat fight I ever saw was in Junior high.

I had the best seat in school...45% angle second floor.

I had walked up to the window in Geography where the pencil sharpener was located .

I glanced outside and what did I see but two best friends D***** and C***** squaring off, Brunette and Blondie, both good looking and even for back in those days... built.

D***** pushed C***** and it was on!

When it was broken up these two Jokers barley had bra and panties on.

Blood was flowing and bruises were a forming.

Damn that was hot!

I remember I was in trouble because I ignored the teacher when she said to leave the window and set down.

Like I would have listened even if I heard her!:D
I learned long long ago to stay away from fights even when you know you can come out on top. Nothing good comes from them. However once I was caught in the middle of a fight in a bar started between two women and escalated a bit from there. Awful mess. I was just trying to get out but one of the dumb bitches decided that clawing at me was a good idea. I broke her finger and left. I hope that to this day she can't flip anyone off.
Just saw my first one, up close, three girls in bikinis, boyfriends blocking and head-locking. One guy got his shirt ripped like Thriller. And the instigator, the girl who started shit up, a guy put her in a headlock briefly to get her away from the other ones and then one of the other ones saw that and pounced on her, her open hand slapping her face and head three or four times, hard.

It was fucking Ilsa She Wolf of the SS, right in front of me.

The police were called. Lots of rowdyness.

I steered clear of the entire thing, but it got my blood flowing :D

I fucking love that movie....
Ironically, the only time I've been anywhere near a catfight, I was the only one injured even though I wasn't part of it!

At a nightclub in my late teens, some girls near me started to get into a scrap. I decided to get out of the way and headed for an exit door right near me. As I opened the door, I was punched in the cheek by a bouncer outside the door who was trying to hit a drunk guy who was attacking another guy.... I opened the door just as he swung and I stepped out.
Shattered my cheekbone.

I heard from a friend later the next day that the girls who I moved away from were too smashed to hit eachother and it fizzled out after a few moments.

The club paid all my medical bills.
Where were you? Hanging out indoors at a bar or lounge or outside in public?

No, I was over at a friend's place. It's a beautiful, upscale building, right on the water. It has a big pool next to the boat slips. She's lived there for four years and there's never been problems. It's mostly single twenty- and thirty-something who live there but this guy who just moved in a month ago brought over all these trashy girls and they were having a loud pool party.

My friend, her bf and another guy friend were upstairs sitting outside having drinks in the late afternoon after a day at the beach and making jokes about how rowdy the party was getting. Then a couple of the girls took their tops off. About half hour later we started hearing screaming. Then we see two girls walking up the stairs, towards us, tearing at each other. It was crazy.

Everybody went nuts, guys jumped in trying to separate the girls, my gf who lives there was yelling at her bf not to get involved. I stayed seated and just watched until they were dragging the girls downstairs to kick them out. At that point I went inside because I just felt embarrassed for them and grossed out about the whole thing.

I learned long long ago to stay away from fights even when you know you can come out on top. Nothing good comes from them. However once I was ecaught in the middle of a fight in a bar started between two women and escalated a bit from there. Awful mess. I was just trying to get out but one of the dumb bitches decided that clawing at me was a good idea. I broke her finger and left. I hope that to this day she can't flip anyone off.

This is the first girl fight I've seen up close. I saw a catfight between two scary looking broads outside of a dive bar one time, but nobody else was involved and I just walked right by it.

I've seen dudes fight now and again, but I always walk away. No point in watching or getting involved in other people's garbage.

I fucking love that movie....

Me, too. I recently watched the first two movies - I was handcuffed to a futon, face down, for the second one, hahaha... good times. I still haven't watched the third one.
Me, too. I recently watched the first two movies - I was handcuffed to a futon, face down, for the second one, hahaha... good times. I still haven't watched the third one.

That might be the hottest thing I've read on all of Literotica.
That might be the hottest thing I've read on all of Literotica.

Yep, it was hot. Miss him, even though he turned out to be a bit of a douche. He was a great kisser, a creative spanker and a big perv. He's half way across the world now, making order out of chaos and fucking himself in the ass with a vibrating toy.

I hadn't watched Ilsa since college, but he had the trilogy on DVD.
Yep, it was hot. Miss him, even though he turned out to be a bit of a douche. He was a great kisser, a creative spanker and a big perv. He's half way across the world now, making order out of chaos and fucking himself in the ass with a vibrating toy.

I hadn't watched Ilsa since college, but he had the trilogy on DVD.

If you weren't going to follow up with more dirty details or reenactment photos, you should have stopped at "Yep, it was hot" because the rest just turns the story into something a little sad and disappointing.