

Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
My new story The Cocktail Party is not doing great.

I don't care TOO much because I wrote it primarily as a treat for my long suffering editor, who wades through Dad/daughter and Loving wives tales she doesn't enjoy for me, so once in a while I write her a little similar age, two people item. But I do have enough ego to want decent scores and readership, and people to like new stories enough to want to sample my back catalogue.

I'm wondering if I would have done better if I'd put this one in another category. I have put a few similar stories in BDSM, and they similarly struggle- they feature dominance, but not much else of the BDSM .

might this story have fit better in exhibitionist & Voyeur? Should I just have tossed it in the maelstrom of Erotic Couplings?

I think the terminology you used set it solidly in the BDSM category. I could see it being in mind control except for the targeted terminology.
I read it, liked it and voted you the whole nickles worth. I will recommend it to some friends.

Thanks for the read.

thanks for the feedback, I feel better about my choice.
I liked the story as a good erotic vignette and voted accordingly. However, I do think you may have chosen the wrong category.

I'm no expert, but there is no B,S or M and the D is pretty vanilla. I think you may have fallen between two stools. There are many lit readers who would never click on a BDSM story on principle, and would have missed 'the cocktail party' like a rose between thorns.

The terminology doesn't cut it. It is a loving relationship with luxury. I think you conflate the concept here of 'Master' with the fantasy of the venture capital billionaire whose testosterone attracts women like a moth to a flame - with love and devotion.

What cat? I struggle; perhaps EC, even GS or LW (if she's married).

For me, it was a great read.
I liked the story as a good erotic vignette and voted accordingly. However, I do think you may have chosen the wrong category.

I'm no expert, but there is no B,S or M and the D is pretty vanilla. I think you may have fallen between two stools. There are many lit readers who would never click on a BDSM story on principle, and would have missed 'the cocktail party' like a rose between thorns.

The terminology doesn't cut it. It is a loving relationship with luxury. I think you conflate the concept here of 'Master' with the fantasy of the venture capital billionaire whose testosterone attracts women like a moth to a flame - with love and devotion.

What cat? I struggle; perhaps EC, even GS or LW (if she's married).

For me, it was a great read.

thank you.

My editor is a practicing submissive, and thought the terminology worked, in that she, like the heroine tries to anticipate, having been trained, and gets the thrill from pleasing her Master.
The terminology used certainly spelled BDSM to me. I haven't seen "master" and such used all that much in the other categories you mentioned.
The terminology used certainly spelled BDSM to me. I haven't seen "master" and such used all that much in the other categories you mentioned.

Yes, whether fitting or not "master" is synonymous with BDSM. As is any form of bondage.

To the average person if you tie some one up and use the term master or mistress it has to be BDSM and for many that is all they think they need.

See 50 shades as proof of this theory.
Since the "B" in the acronym stands for "bondage," there would be a good case of that.

I could see (and do) place stories in other categories where being tied up is only one element of the story. When they start using the terminology of BDSM, though, I'd have difficulty not noticing that in a story in another category. I think I've used "master" in a story or two that I didn't consider to be BDSM, but those were historical pieces where "master" was literally appropriate--or in the case of a story I'm working on now, where a character is a master of an art form and addressed as such. Sirhugs story also includes an obvious submissive, which, in this deep of a depiction, seems beyond the scope of most other categories.