

All the witches
Jan 3, 2012
Any chance we could add a Pansexual category to stories? The problems I've experienced are readers who have an understandable expectation of what they will find in a category. Take Trans/CD which is basically about Anal and fetishising Trans people. That's fine because readers hunt out those stories. Or Lesbians - readers anticipate a particular content, rightly so.

The problem with the term transgender is that it encompasses a much wider story range than anal & fetish - it also includes lesbian, non-binary, transvestites and more. If I post a story about a post-op trans woman in Lesbian, the gold star lesbians and male chasers take offence. If I post it in Trans/CD the dick & anal lovers are short changed.

Not everyone understands what Pansexual means, but Lit ought to, shouldn't it? To clarify, pansexual means "I don't give a fuck what's between your legs, lets party". A Pan category would cater for a broad range of readers, and writers, who can't be happily shoe-horned into other niche categories.

I would happily sweep nearly all my stories into a Pansexual one. The problem right now there is no happy place for them and readers end up disappointed.

Thanks for reading.