Catalina Es Muy Caliente!


Aug 1, 2013
(closed, please send me a message if you want to write with me.)

There were only two things that mattered to Catalina.

Her family and her career.

So when her career moved her from Mexico City to America, she didn't want to leave her family but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for her. Her first time away from home and first time out of her homeland for more than 2 months. This time, she would be living in America for at least a year.

A year she wasn't looking forward to.

But ever since she was young, she was involved in some sort of acting job, whether it was a commercial, game show or a Spanish soap opera, she loved what she did.

But now, a once in a lifetime chance was here. Her chance to star in a movie that was being filmed in America. A small time girl from literally a no named village was now a big time out of the blue actress that was in high demand not only because of her looks, but also because of her many awards she had won in her home country.

Catalina Perez was in high demand. And people couldn't wait to get their hands on her..

People just like William 'Will' Cates. Not that either of them knew what was coming, as he strolled absently around the Los Angeles International Airport. It didn't take much effort to see over much of the crowd at his height, or with the nice shoes he had on. He looked like someone important, who made a lot of money, who were here for a specific purpose. That he was here to meet someone significant. All partially true. William was well aware of the reputation that this city had for aspiring actresses, young women looking to make a name for themselves in the world of Hollywood. Their stories were always the same; work a job on the side until you made your 'big break', not realizing that you'd be working that same job for 5 or 10 years. Some would call him a womanizer, someone who took advantage of those in dire straits; if you signed with Will, you would avoid all of those pitfalls and go straight into movies.

The catch being, they usually weren't the type of movies you wanted your family to see. He looked around for young women who looked a little lost, unsure of themselves, in need of a good Samaritan who definitely wasn't him. Little did he know his work was about to be done for him...

He had a shoot that very day that need a desperate young woman willing to do 'anything' to make it. And they might not be immediately. But after they signed his contract, needed him for everything, handed him control over their finances, their livelihood, their lives...

Will's cock perked up a little at the thought. But first he had to find the right young woman to take advantage of.
Her agent assured her that someone would meet her at the airport. They would know who she was and she was to just be nice when they picked her up.

It was, of course, easier said than done. For Catalina, she was a stranger in a much rumored land. She had wanted someone from her family to come with her, both for moral support and for having someone familiar around her at all times. But her agent in Mexico insisted that it wasn't required. She'd be fine.

Besides, at the age of 18, it was time she needed to be on her own. Her mother said that she would be fine.

Everyone said that she would be fine. But why couldn't she believe it herself?

As she departed the plane, Catalina's hand gripped her carry on bag. Her clothing was skimpy, perhaps by American standards but it was what she was accustomed to. Short shorts showed off her long, tanned legs, a tight black tshirt fit like a second skin.

The sudden brightness of light as she left the dark plane made her squint as she made her way down the hall. Immediately she saw people greet some of the other passengers and she could only watch as she longed for the same thing. Pushing pass them, Catalina's eyes darted around as she tried to walk with confidence toward the area where her bags would be.

The instructions she had been given in Mexico were to pick up her bag and then head to the hotel to wait for her American agent.

A taxi. She would need to hail a taxi.
It wasn't hard to catch people who looked lost in crowds. The few who muscled their way past the throng of reunited families, friends who just needed the ride home, business associates getting ready for the week or two of meetings that nobody would remember despite the thousands of dollars paid for them. Easier still was it to pick out the young women among them who would be pretty enough to act, yet desperate enough to act in the types of movies Will was looking to endorse.

He looked the part of an agent. But he wanted the next woman he found to be a little more personal. The money he had made had went to building up his reputation, his appearance, but sometimes a man needed more then money. More then just being a puppeteer behind the scenes. Instead of controlling the strings, he wanted to be right there, whispering in their ear, threatening punishment and disobedience if they didn't obey.

Hell, he was staring to sound like some of the 'actors' he worked with.

It also wasn't to uncommon for the women to dress flirtily in an attempt to attract the attention of men who might do more for less, but one particular mexican woman he saw headed for the baggage claim area caught his eye. He matched her pace from some distance away, being careful not to look like he was following her. A few glances at his phone and several more at her, seeing how unfamiliar she looked, how uneasy in this place of bright lights, shiny walls, people everywhere who knew each other, knew the language, knew what to do and where to go. She wasn't going because she knew exactly where, she was going because she knew nothing else.

The way her outfit molded to her like a second skin, and the way her legs ran forever into her shorts didn't hurt either. Eventually, she stopped near the carousel, and Will took his chance as he walked over. If she rejected him, he could pretend it was a mistake. A common enough thing in airports.

She didn't seem to noticed him coming, so he tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse me?" He opined politely. "I couldn't help but notice you seemed a little lost. My name's Will, and I'm an agent...."

He would have continued, but that word seemed to get a rise out of her.
Catalina held in a sigh as she waited for her bag. Pulling out her cell phone, she looked at the time and tried to ignore her stomach growling. It was past lunch time and she was starving.

Seeing her bag, she reached for it and pulled it against her and felt someone touch her shoulder; which made her whirl around and look directly into a suited chest. It was broad and the person it belonged was very tall. She looked up at him as he spoke.

"I couldn't help but notice you seemed a little lost. My name's Will, and I'm an agent...."

When he said agent, Catalina smiled and pulled her shoulders back, this must have been the man her own agent in Mexico, Raul, had said she would meet with. "Oh," her voice was thick with her native accent. Clearing her throat, Catalina smiled again, "You must be the man Raul had sent.. but.." she looked toward the exit of the airport and then her phone, "He said that you would meet at the hotel.."

None of what she was saying made her think twice of the trouble she could get into. Or make her such a vulnerable target. The truth of the matter was that Raul hadn't told her the name of the agent she was supposed to meet. But who else would know she was here and why?

"I'm Catalina Perez.." she said, holding out her hand to him.
The young woman's smile was electric, despite (or because of?) her nervousness. "Oh,". A cough, or a stuter, and she smiled again. "You must be the man Raul had sent.. but.." A quick look around, and at her phone "He said that you would meet at the hotel."

Will made his expression as welcoming as he could, not smiling as wide as her as to not make her suspicious. It wasn't time to flash his pearly whites just yet, even as he loomed over her. "Oh, believe me, I'm definitely here for you." He paused, making as if it were her turn to introduce himself...and because he didn't know her name.

"I'm Catalina Perez.." Her statement drew a firm handshake from him. "William Cates, your soon-to-be agent." He motioned to the baggage claim area, wanting to get them a better spot. "Once we get your bags, we can grab some lunch, if you'd like - you must be starving." It didn't take many observational skills to take that; anyone coming off of a plane was hungry, although he would take care not to pack too many pounds onto her exceptionally proportioned frame. "We can ensure your accommodations are taken care of, and then look at some contracts...if that's okay with you, of course."

He was intentionally keeping things vague, trying to get more information out of her then he was getting. Will looked at her with curious, yet searching eyes; this Catalina was very easy on the eyes.
With the mention of lunch, Catalina's smile was genuine, making her eyes sparkle just a bit, "I would like that very much, thank you Mr. Cates." It was then she saw her one bag and reached for it.

"Once I get settled in, I would like to call Raul to let him know what is going on so far. He wanted to get an update as soon as I landed but it's too noisy in here." She told him.

They headed away from the baggage carousel and Catalina walked beside her new agent. There was nothing to alert her that this could be a ruse or something of the such. She had complete trust in people regarding her career, besides, she had been told what to do for as long as she could remember.
A quick lean over for the bag - Will tried not to ogle her bending over too much, lest he get caught for being less then the gentleman he was trying to imitate (as real gentleman would not be staring at Catalina's tight ass) before taking the larger bag from her. Which he tried to tell himself he would've done for any woman, and not just the soon to be movie star he was with.

"Once I get settled in, I would like to call Raul to let him know what is going on so far. He wanted to get an update as soon as I landed but it's too noisy in here."

The frown that lit his face for a moment was genuine, even as the smile stayed on his face while they made their way to his vehicle. "I don't mean to be so forward, Catalina, but I might suggest not telling Raul as much about your career now that you're here...while I understand he probably helped you a lot in getting here in the first place, and getting you this opportunity, some Mexican talent agents will insist on intruding on decision making and taking a larger cut then they deserve." He looked at her. "It's your choice, of course, but I might suggest just telling your family that you've made it safe and sound and letting me deal with Raul. Or at the very least not telling him any more then you have to." Will gave a knowing sigh. "I've...well, had some interesting experiences with people like him before."

Which was to say, he didn't want to let Raul tell her that he wasn't who he appeared to be. He was her agent, after all, but not the agent who was supposed to meet her at the hotel, who probably had a driver here somewhere confused to all hell as to why their Mexican actress hadn't made it off the plane yet. A few minutes passed as they made their way to the parkade on the beautiful summer day, and Will flicked the car on with his remote, popping the trunk and putting her bags in there before sliding into the driver's seat, with her in the passenger's seat.

He could get used to that sight. As he started to pull the car out, he talked to her without looking her way.

"There's restaurants of many different tastes around here, so it's up to you where you want to go. It might be interesting to try something new now that you're in the United States, but should you prefer something closer to home to 'gently' acclimate you to American cuisine, I do know of a good Mexican place close to here..." Were it up to him, they'd hit up a nicer Italian place for more privacy, but Will was nothing if not adaptable.
"Alright, I will call my family later, right now, I know they are busy," she said, not bothering to question him about wanting to talk to Raul himself. It was another something she was used to. The agents had their own way of dealing with things and right now, she was more than willing to let that happen..just as long as she stayed in touch with her family, letting them know she was doing alright.

She pulled a pair of sunglasses out of her purse and put them on as she looked around while they left the parking lot. Although LA was huge, it wasn't something she wasn't used to not seeing since Mexico City was a lot bigger and crowded. But the flow was different here, she could tell.

With a smile, Catalina looked at her new agent and nodded, "I appreciate that very much but really, I would like to try something different, if that's alright with you?" The cool air from the AC was a relief as she felt more relaxed now than she had been since leaving home on her own.
Will finally flashed his own megawatt smile as he lowered his own shades as they blazed out from the parkade into the open highway. "Your wish is my command." It wouldn't be the last time he said anything like that, but he knew it'd probably be the closest he ever came to being sincere about the statement. His sunglasses allowed him to take discreet looks at her shapely body while they were driving, but even as he knew he was taking advantage of her, he wasn't stupid enough to think she'd just blindly obey him. He had to make her comfortable with the idea that he could be trusted, and that he had her best interest at heart. A pickup at the airport, a ride out and a meal paid for would be steps in that direction, not items to cement the relationship.

"We'll try Italian, then." He was about to start in his line of questioning, before turning to her. "Do you have any...musical preferences?" He smiled at her, motioning to the radio dial. "There's pretty much anything you want in LA, and I just want you to be comfortable."

Telling the truth twice in one day might've been a new record for Will. He had it set on a hip hop station, more for his own comfort then anything, but this was about making Catalina more open with him. As he kept his gaze on the road, he spoke again.

"So what did Raul tell you about the type of...opportunities you'd get out here?" He asked sincerely. "I'd like to know since it'll tell me how honest he was being with you."

And it'd tell Will what he'd need to tell Catalina in order to cement their relationship, but he didn't mention that part.