Cat question???


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
Don't cat's usualy like there belly's rubed?

our cat sits there and bats the hell out of you trying to make you stop going anywhere near his.

if batting don't work he starts the biteing.

isn't this odd cat behaviour?
or am I wrong and all hate a belly rub?
My cat Cassandra likes her belly rubbed when she wants her belly rubbed... other than those rare moments.. she hates it.
I dont know if its normal, but one of our cats does the same.
We have 2 and one rolls over as soon as you walk in the door and shows his belly to you and the other bites and scratches if you get near his stomach.
some do, some don't .. and those that don't usually let you know pretty
I currently have 6 cats (crazy cat lady jokes aside). NONE of them like to have their bellies rubbed.
cheesysusie said:
I currently have 6 cats (crazy cat lady jokes aside). NONE of them like to have their bellies rubbed.

4 here --same thing. Tails are off limits too.
Well I got cats that will let me ... give them belly rubs ... & others that will not ...

All depends on the cats personalty
our cat is funny

you can do anything to him
but come close to his belly and he well he kind of plays then attacks you.

just dosn't want you to touch it haha.
it's more like a nip then a bite that he does.
my cat likes everything... she is like cookie doe ... I never had such intelligent and sweet cat
my cat says: rub my neck between my ears, scratch my back just above my tail....BUT stay away from my belly ,,too close to my BALLS..........:eek:
One of my cats glares at me and practically begs me to touch his belly so he can try to rip my arms off.

The other one? She flops onto her back and purrs.


I love my little babies.


I have found that some cats love belly rubbing, others hate it, and still others take it as a play action and that is where the attacking, paws and biting come in.

I teach my cats that human hands are for petting and not for playing. Toys are for playing. So when you pet and the cat starts to attack, tell the cat that 'Hands are for petting" then pull back what is left of your hand and replace it with a toy.

I know it sound corny, but it actually works. I have taught my cats to not scratch the furniture. we have designated scratching areas.
Don't go near Amelia's belly.

Umberto, on the other hand, will lie there and slob. :)