Many of One
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Dragon Ball New Warriors.
If you like Dragon Ball Z and wanted to make your own charaecter then this thread is for you. If you aren't creative and want to play an existing charaecter then this thread is still for you. So if you want in now is the time.
A plot sumarry will fallow tomorow. But in the mean time here is the background info and many of the main charaecters. I also recamend reading the OOCs found on the first page of Dragon Ball NW.
The normal Dragon Ball world. We play on earth but have also traveled to New Namic amoung other places. Th story started about 100 years after DBGT ended. All the Dragon Ball charaecters have died from old age and can't be wished back nor want to come back. Except for Piccolo who made on last contribution at the start of the story. Being an old Namic he was loseing his power to fight. So he looked for some of the greatest powers on earth and brought Laos, Ski, Michio, Nilons and Kelson to the look out. He started training them in the use of Ki energy, haveing sensed an evil power looming towards earth.
The prolouge: (this all happens before the story starts and isn't truely need to play but you may like to know.)
You'd have to do quite a bit of reading to get this on your own so here's a quick sumary of what happened before the story started.
Saph a powerful human assain and Kouzu a gifted warrior met with a threat to the earth. Mark an evil power that appeared shortly after Freeza's deafeat first took over his planet. Mark had a horrid power to absorb other fighters takeing there power (How original.) Well Mark had built an empire streaching across the universe. He was constintly searching for the next great warrior to abosrb, his natural life span would come close to an end and he'd need a new body only availible to him threw absorbtion.
In his quest for more powers he heard of the legendary sayain fighters and of there great power that overthrew Freeza. Earth became his target and he hoped to take a part sayain with him who would grow into a super sayain he could absorb.
The battle raged on for quite some time before An agrement was reached. Kouzu hated the deal and became a hermit in the woods. Saph worked to make it happen. Earth would be sparred if Saph would train a group of assains and also Give up a child of sayain blood. Zeo was given to him as an infont.
Some years latter Kouzu gave his grand son a book his son law had. The book of the sayains. This book was written in some 47 codes by Gohan. Michio's ancestor, the book first told of the sayains great deeds, and battles. It then told of the use of Ki and the great techniques, such as the Kameamea wave, fusion, the mstic form granted by the elder Ki. Even the kayoken was in it. (Only about a hafl of the book has been translated so far, each chapter required a new harder code to be solved.)
Zeo was being trained by Vargas and Marks top men. Vengence and several others inculdeing Marks Daughter where being trained by Saph in the art of the assain. Mark's daughter split was spilt into to parts something that was done to make Zeo stronger (Ze and Marko) The parts however turned out quite difrent from the yin and yang parts that made up Zeo. One of her parts were loyal to her father the other hated Mark and lost much of her knowledge. Crsytal killed all of the assains trained by Saph except for Vengence who escaped and Sheeva her other half. Crstal then escaped to earth.
The Charaecters: (Quick sumarys on each charecter some need players now.)
Laos: A medium fighter. He is decended from Vegeta, and call's himself the prince of the sayains. He was fighting before piccolo called him to the look out but had no knowedge of Ki use. He's gifted fighter and tought himself the art of ki use quickly.
Michio: A heavy fighter but trimed down to a meduim wait. He is the decendent of Gohan and had the abilty to fly and use ki blasts before Piccolo called him. The book of the sayains is his he married Dixxie/Zoe, and served as the gaurdin of the earth for a few years. He still lives on the look out with Dixxie.
Ski: the fastest fighter: Ski has a medium build and came from a wealthy fammily he hid his wealth and fought. He has an X wife a sister and a duaghter that don't fight and for the most part don't apear. He was enraged by the Kidnaping of Nilons and went to his fathers old place to train. He met Crystal liveing there fell in love and got her pregnet with twins. She helped him increase his speed and fight like an assain.
Nilons: The female light weight fighter. She learned how to fly eassily enough but she had an imense fear of heights that kept her from useing it. When Zeo came to earth he kidnaped her for Mark. mark used her sayain and Zeo's sayain DNA to make her conceive a pure sayain child. She escaped Mark with Zeo and returned to earth Relised she loved Kelson the day he was killed. She went to Namic to wish Kelson back fighting Vengence. She the returned to earth and battled Vargas. She then gave birth to Lingerie Bikni Breif. Lingerie was kidnaped two years latter and she went to New Namic to Wait for her based on a dream. There Lingerie AKA Ray beat her.
Kelson: The true human. Kelson is a white haired young man. Amazeingly he had the highest power of any one Piccolo found on earth. Kelson was the last one drafted had trouble learing to fly bravely fought Zeo the same day but was deafeted and Zeo ran off with Nilons. He secretly liked Nilons free spirit and trained three times harder when she was gone. In the two year break he learned the Kayoken and trained with Laos. Who became just about Kelsons only freind. When Nilons returned with Zeo he was enraged and simply wouldn't stop fighting and finally was killed by Zeo. In less then a year however he was wished back. He had done extensize training under King Ki and the now dead Piccolo. He was brought back and fought back against Vargas and the chizats, however he hid his true power. Despite being human he is incredibly strong and can eassilly hold his own against the sayains, or Marks fighters
Zeo: The sayain child given to Mark and trained to be absorbed. He was sent to earth to destroy it. Mark stoped Zeo when he found out about Nilons the strongest Female sayain on earth. Zeo tricked Nilons into going with him claiming he had already destroyed her freinds and would destroy the planet if she didn't come. Zeo then tricked her freinds into thinking Nilons was dead by tearign up her cloathing and leaveing it in a pile of ashes on earth. Zeo then decided to tell Nilons that her friends were alive when Nilons was planing to run away from Mark and raise Lingerie herself. Zeo returned to earth and killed Kelson who would not stop fighting. He went with Nilons to New Namic and wished back Kelson and then went to earth and began o fight Vargas. After that he disapeared training in secret for five years.
XuXu Violet: (She's a villain.) The decendent to Captain Violet. She is a light wait human with vast wealth that has rebuilt the red ribbon army as the purple heart army. She opened the Cell Files and made several new children out of the gentic meterail from the fight with Vargas. She won 49% of Capsule corp the other 51% belonging to Nilons familly. If she can't beat some one phsyicly she will beat them mentally useing her wealth and influence. She has now Hired Ski to slay the other fighters.
Okay the original Bio's for these chara with the exceptions of Zeo and Violet can be found on the first page of the play thread. The ages given there are now false along with there power levels. The ages can be figured out by simply adding 7 years. As for power levels all but Kelson, Zeo, and XuXu are at super sayain 2. Kelson is increaably strong and can hold his own even while the others are fighting as super sayains. Zeo is at the thrid Level of Supersayain but has yet to use it. Violet may not be as strong as the others but the only human stronger then her is Kelson, and she uses technology and wealth to more then make up for this.
If you like Dragon Ball Z and wanted to make your own charaecter then this thread is for you. If you aren't creative and want to play an existing charaecter then this thread is still for you. So if you want in now is the time.
A plot sumarry will fallow tomorow. But in the mean time here is the background info and many of the main charaecters. I also recamend reading the OOCs found on the first page of Dragon Ball NW.
The normal Dragon Ball world. We play on earth but have also traveled to New Namic amoung other places. Th story started about 100 years after DBGT ended. All the Dragon Ball charaecters have died from old age and can't be wished back nor want to come back. Except for Piccolo who made on last contribution at the start of the story. Being an old Namic he was loseing his power to fight. So he looked for some of the greatest powers on earth and brought Laos, Ski, Michio, Nilons and Kelson to the look out. He started training them in the use of Ki energy, haveing sensed an evil power looming towards earth.
The prolouge: (this all happens before the story starts and isn't truely need to play but you may like to know.)
You'd have to do quite a bit of reading to get this on your own so here's a quick sumary of what happened before the story started.
Saph a powerful human assain and Kouzu a gifted warrior met with a threat to the earth. Mark an evil power that appeared shortly after Freeza's deafeat first took over his planet. Mark had a horrid power to absorb other fighters takeing there power (How original.) Well Mark had built an empire streaching across the universe. He was constintly searching for the next great warrior to abosrb, his natural life span would come close to an end and he'd need a new body only availible to him threw absorbtion.
In his quest for more powers he heard of the legendary sayain fighters and of there great power that overthrew Freeza. Earth became his target and he hoped to take a part sayain with him who would grow into a super sayain he could absorb.
The battle raged on for quite some time before An agrement was reached. Kouzu hated the deal and became a hermit in the woods. Saph worked to make it happen. Earth would be sparred if Saph would train a group of assains and also Give up a child of sayain blood. Zeo was given to him as an infont.
Some years latter Kouzu gave his grand son a book his son law had. The book of the sayains. This book was written in some 47 codes by Gohan. Michio's ancestor, the book first told of the sayains great deeds, and battles. It then told of the use of Ki and the great techniques, such as the Kameamea wave, fusion, the mstic form granted by the elder Ki. Even the kayoken was in it. (Only about a hafl of the book has been translated so far, each chapter required a new harder code to be solved.)
Zeo was being trained by Vargas and Marks top men. Vengence and several others inculdeing Marks Daughter where being trained by Saph in the art of the assain. Mark's daughter split was spilt into to parts something that was done to make Zeo stronger (Ze and Marko) The parts however turned out quite difrent from the yin and yang parts that made up Zeo. One of her parts were loyal to her father the other hated Mark and lost much of her knowledge. Crsytal killed all of the assains trained by Saph except for Vengence who escaped and Sheeva her other half. Crstal then escaped to earth.
The Charaecters: (Quick sumarys on each charecter some need players now.)
Laos: A medium fighter. He is decended from Vegeta, and call's himself the prince of the sayains. He was fighting before piccolo called him to the look out but had no knowedge of Ki use. He's gifted fighter and tought himself the art of ki use quickly.
Michio: A heavy fighter but trimed down to a meduim wait. He is the decendent of Gohan and had the abilty to fly and use ki blasts before Piccolo called him. The book of the sayains is his he married Dixxie/Zoe, and served as the gaurdin of the earth for a few years. He still lives on the look out with Dixxie.
Ski: the fastest fighter: Ski has a medium build and came from a wealthy fammily he hid his wealth and fought. He has an X wife a sister and a duaghter that don't fight and for the most part don't apear. He was enraged by the Kidnaping of Nilons and went to his fathers old place to train. He met Crystal liveing there fell in love and got her pregnet with twins. She helped him increase his speed and fight like an assain.
Nilons: The female light weight fighter. She learned how to fly eassily enough but she had an imense fear of heights that kept her from useing it. When Zeo came to earth he kidnaped her for Mark. mark used her sayain and Zeo's sayain DNA to make her conceive a pure sayain child. She escaped Mark with Zeo and returned to earth Relised she loved Kelson the day he was killed. She went to Namic to wish Kelson back fighting Vengence. She the returned to earth and battled Vargas. She then gave birth to Lingerie Bikni Breif. Lingerie was kidnaped two years latter and she went to New Namic to Wait for her based on a dream. There Lingerie AKA Ray beat her.
Kelson: The true human. Kelson is a white haired young man. Amazeingly he had the highest power of any one Piccolo found on earth. Kelson was the last one drafted had trouble learing to fly bravely fought Zeo the same day but was deafeted and Zeo ran off with Nilons. He secretly liked Nilons free spirit and trained three times harder when she was gone. In the two year break he learned the Kayoken and trained with Laos. Who became just about Kelsons only freind. When Nilons returned with Zeo he was enraged and simply wouldn't stop fighting and finally was killed by Zeo. In less then a year however he was wished back. He had done extensize training under King Ki and the now dead Piccolo. He was brought back and fought back against Vargas and the chizats, however he hid his true power. Despite being human he is incredibly strong and can eassilly hold his own against the sayains, or Marks fighters
Zeo: The sayain child given to Mark and trained to be absorbed. He was sent to earth to destroy it. Mark stoped Zeo when he found out about Nilons the strongest Female sayain on earth. Zeo tricked Nilons into going with him claiming he had already destroyed her freinds and would destroy the planet if she didn't come. Zeo then tricked her freinds into thinking Nilons was dead by tearign up her cloathing and leaveing it in a pile of ashes on earth. Zeo then decided to tell Nilons that her friends were alive when Nilons was planing to run away from Mark and raise Lingerie herself. Zeo returned to earth and killed Kelson who would not stop fighting. He went with Nilons to New Namic and wished back Kelson and then went to earth and began o fight Vargas. After that he disapeared training in secret for five years.
XuXu Violet: (She's a villain.) The decendent to Captain Violet. She is a light wait human with vast wealth that has rebuilt the red ribbon army as the purple heart army. She opened the Cell Files and made several new children out of the gentic meterail from the fight with Vargas. She won 49% of Capsule corp the other 51% belonging to Nilons familly. If she can't beat some one phsyicly she will beat them mentally useing her wealth and influence. She has now Hired Ski to slay the other fighters.
Okay the original Bio's for these chara with the exceptions of Zeo and Violet can be found on the first page of the play thread. The ages given there are now false along with there power levels. The ages can be figured out by simply adding 7 years. As for power levels all but Kelson, Zeo, and XuXu are at super sayain 2. Kelson is increaably strong and can hold his own even while the others are fighting as super sayains. Zeo is at the thrid Level of Supersayain but has yet to use it. Violet may not be as strong as the others but the only human stronger then her is Kelson, and she uses technology and wealth to more then make up for this.