Carnal Creativity


Mar 28, 2002
How carnally creative are you?

Not in a fantasy sense, but real things you've done or plan on trying to enhance your erotic trisks.

Remember, what's bland to you may be creative to others. I'm not talking about outrageous things, just things that have added a spark when needed.

What creative things do you do with your lover?

Share some ideas here, won't you?
Hmmmmmm...ok..... I'm bumping this once..

Come creative sexual ideas from y'all? I find that hard to believe....

Share with us, Please....hey..I even said please. :)
enjoyingitall said:
Hmmmmmm...ok..... I'm bumping this once..

Come creative sexual ideas from y'all? I find that hard to believe....

Share with us, Please....hey..I even said please. :)

I think our creative juices might be frozen,soaked or just not flowing today, EJ.
Hiya toni.....I'm beginning to think that too..Hopefully, someone will come along and prove that not to be true....this is, afterall, a sexually oriented web

Hmmm, this is not really carnal creativity. This is romantic, but I wouldn't say it is carnal. Perhaps, you could post an example of what you mean. I mean if you want wild sex, I can tell you a million things (both real and fantasized), but you indicated you didn't want that.
Anyhow, here is something I did a long time ago, in a place far away called MacArthur Park.

A long time ago, I had this girlfriend. But she didn't have me so to speak. We were friends, but just not getting where I wanted to go.

Normally, I'd have dropped her, but a friend of mine suggested (another lady as a matter of fact) that I woo her and be a mysterious romantic. So what the heck, I agreed.

I wrote some poems and had my friend write them in calligraphy. This way my would be gf wouldn't recognize the handwriting. So these got sent to her or delivered in various ways. She lived nearby and sometimes, they were slipped under her door even.

Now, I'm not a great poet, but with my friend's help, they seemed to intrigue the other lady's interest (let's call her Jackie, since that was her name. :D ) So she of course tried to find out who was doing this. I was quite prepared to lie with a straightface when she questioned me. We all were part of a somewhat larger group of 20-somethings living in a several block area around MacArthur Park in LA.

So then we moved up to flowers. I sent her decreasing numbers of roses every couple of days, starting with a dozen and working my way down to two roses. Every time I sent flowers, we had prepared a somewhat cryptic note to be sent along. These notes were romantic writings that also alluded to things she had done or said during the past couple of days. The florist loved me and even gave me price breaks. I would hand her the note and she'd get the bouquet out the door really fast.

Because of the comments about her, Jackie knew it was someone from our "group", but nobody spilled the beans. Some of my closer friends did guess it was me, but I kept denying it because I didn't want them to tell Jackie.

So eventually, I got down to 2 red roses and the note said to meet me at a Sunset Strip restaurant for the final rose on Saturday night.

So I got to the place early of course and had the maitre D' hold the rose. He was to give it to Jackie and escort her to my table. Well, all went according to plan, but Jackie didn't show much surprise. She had figured out that of all the guys in our group, I was the only one even halfway romantic. I hadn't considered that process of elimination. LOL.

However, she did enjoy the romance and we did hit it off and spent the next few months together and we had lots of carnal creativity in bed.
Hey Lance.

Very romantic.

To answer your question, I meant for this to be a thread that we could all post anything that we do or have done that just kinda turns sex up a notch or two. Things that add a bit of spark to the ordinary. And to just talk about how those things work out. It doesn't have to be wild, just a bit beyond plain. :)