Canadians happy, Americans not so happy

Can I be happy, or sort of happy? I'm an American but I've been mistaken twice for a Canadian. :)
Canadians are white parasites who hold coats and horses for those who do the fighting and work.
LOL, good thing Vancouver is only a couple hours north. I guess I'll start heading up there when I need my happy fix. :rolleyes:
I'm in Arizona and I'm deliriously happy I don't have to contend with all that white stuff! :p
In the East of Canada are a lot of French speakers. In the West of Canada are a lot of English speakers, eh? The two groups hate each other's guts. These are happy people?
I guess Canadians are happier because we have hope and something more than the doom and gloom of America life.

We also enjoy freedoms that Americans are finally waking up to and demanding themselves. You can call Canadians anything you want, put down whatever we are, but we're happy and that's that.

The Francophones make noise, just so we continue to recognize them, but they're losing ground to the majority of immigrants who outnumber them. Hell, if they adopted new official languages, they'd be Punjabi and Cantonese, with English a far off third, but we're happy.:)
... but it's not for buying stuff, it's just for looking through.

PS. The Loonie is actually only worth just over .96 USD.
PSS. Canadians are happy because they live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

I know, we have to keep devaluating it for trade purposes. It's nice we can still shop at par though. :D
I guess Canadians are happier because we have hope and something more than the doom and gloom of America life.

We also enjoy freedoms that Americans are finally waking up to and demanding themselves. You can call Canadians anything you want, put down whatever we are, but we're happy and that's that.

Seems like your happiness is based on rhetorical talking points....

I'm still waiting for factual proof.
Seems like your happiness is based on rhetorical talking points....

I'm still waiting for factual proof.

Free health care, nuff said.

Maybe throw in that we don't have major cities going bankrupt either.;)
A little something that may be of interest. A few months ago my wife found a cost of living calculator. You could set any one city as a standard and check other areas cost of living in relation to the selected city or location.

We set Phoenix AZ as out base city and checked several other places cost of living including three Canadian provinces. British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec all came in at 25% higher then Phoenix.

I just checked GDP per capita for the U.S. vs. Canada. Yes, they make more money than we do to the tune of $2,000 per year. That is only about 4.5% higher than the U.S. which does not even come close to making up for the extra cost of living up there. They do have free health care, but my health insurance premiums and co pays do not even come close to an extra 20% out of pocket costs to live in Canada.

Our Canadian friends may well be happier than us, but there must be some reason other than the money and I refuse to believe it has to do with the weather. (G) Sorry folks I just had to throw that last part in.

Mike who lives in Arizona where a freeze is a major weather event.
Haven't seen you giving reasons for you to smile about anything. Guess that's why I'm smiling and happy and you're just bitching you can't.

? wut ? .... ?

That statement is about as accurate as the article. Enjoy your milk in a bag...
Our Canadian friends may well be happier than us, but there must be some reason other than the money and I refuse to believe it has to do with the weather. (G) Sorry folks I just had to throw that last part in.

He's stealing my lines! LOL

Then again, we had over an inch of rain here this morning (and almost as much yesterday) and it IS cause for panic...lots of flash floods and stupid drivers playing chicken. But still, I've never seen anyone shovel rain. The mud will dry up and blow away with the next haboob. ;)