Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Canada: Infested with Hezbollah

My entry earlier about the Canadian Hezbollah agent arrested in the Middle East was merely the tip of an iceberg. In today’s National Post Stewart Bell reveals that Hezbollah has been using Canada as an “offshore base” for raising (and laundering) money, and purchasing weapons and materiel to carry out attacks against Israel.

Hezbollah agents shopped for blasting devices, night-vision goggles, powerful computers and camera equipment used to record attacks against Israeli forces, according to dozens of CSIS wiretaps obtained yesterday.

The Canadian operation was so successful that CSIS agents overheard suspected Hezbollah operatives in Vancouver in early 1999 congratulating each other in a monitored telephone conversation.

"Ali Adham Amhaz informed Mohamad Hassan Dbouk that he was watching the latest news on today's operation involving Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Amhaz congratulated Dbouk for Hezbollah's success in their improving ability which was making Israel retaliate for the attacks."

Even as they lived in Canada with their families as immigrants the Hezbollah operatives apparently remained disdainful of their new surroundings, denouncing "the Canadians and the Zionists" in a wiretapped conversation.
This article contains a possible explanation for why Chrétien and his cronies refuse to denounce Hezbollah: they’re afraid.

The extent of Hezbollah operations in Canada first came to light in the 1990s when an agent named Mohammed Hussein al-Husseini was arrested for deportation. He told CSIS about a vast cross-Canada network.

He also confessed that agents had spied on Canadians and sent information about Canadian life and infrastructure back to Lebanon "in case there's a problem with Canada."
Read the whole article; the extent of Hezbollah infiltration into Canada is really startling.
You're a retard.

Canada isn't afraid! lol Isn't it the U$ that's afraid of every dark skinned immigrant?
LOL You foolish Americans - your concerns over Hezbollah amuse us! Are you truly still oblivious to the latent menace that is Canada?!

How sad for you that it is too late - soon all the citizens of United-Canada who fail to capitulate to our glorious cause will be compelled to suffer our wrath!

However, should any of you American pig-dogs willingly recognize Canada as your rightful overlord, we will try to swallow our distaste for your anti-Northernist leanings, and will reluctantly refrain from slaughtering your loved ones.

Under Canadian World Domination we find states to be illogical and prefer provinces and territories. The USA will be rezoned as follows for Canadian rule:

ZONE I: Laporte Memorial Park (territory)
ZONE II: Land Du Beaver (territory)

ZONE III: Molson (province)
ZONE IV: Acadia (province)
ZONE V: Kraftland (province)
ZONE VI: Degrassi Jr. Wasteland (province)
ZONE VII: Dief The Chief (province)
ZONE VIII: Littlest-Hobo-Land (province)
ZONE IX: Bombardier (province)
ZONE X: The Hip (province)
ZONE XI: The Trudeau Compound (our man-made penal colony)
ZONE XII: Johnny LaRue Provincial Park - Recently added in honour of Canada's Nunavut, this zone is mostly lake area. Refugees from the flooding of Horton Bay will be invited to build houseboats from driftwood and learn to enjoy living in this scenic area.

HORTON BAY: This is our man-made reservoir -- we have flooded several former American states to make this majestic watery area. There was no purpose, just cruelty.

Stand On Guard
PROUD Member of the CWD
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Well of course, you'll have Canadian beer, but you might have to drink slowly at first 'til your system gets used to beer with an alcohol count in it ;) ;)
Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

crysede said:

Does that mean there are only two stars left on that banner ?
Hawaii and Alaska ?
Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!


I live in Molson. Thank God for Beer!!!

crysede said:
LOL You foolish Americans - your concerns over Hezbollah amuse us! Are you truly still oblivious to the latent menace that is Canada?!

How sad for you that it is too late - soon all the citizens of United-Canada who fail to capitulate to our glorious cause will be compelled to suffer our wrath!

However, should any of you American pig-dogs willingly recognize Canada as your rightful overlord, we will try to swallow our distaste for your anti-Northernist leanings, and will reluctantly refrain from slaughtering your loved ones.

Under Canadian World Domination we find states to be illogical and prefer provinces and territories. The USA will be rezoned as follows for Canadian rule:

ZONE I: Laporte Memorial Park (territory)
ZONE II: Land Du Beaver (territory)

ZONE III: Molson (province)
ZONE IV: Acadia (province)
ZONE V: Kraftland (province)
ZONE VI: Degrassi Jr. Wasteland (province)
ZONE VII: Dief The Chief (province)
ZONE VIII: Littlest-Hobo-Land (province)
ZONE IX: Bombardier (province)
ZONE X: The Hip (province)
ZONE XI: The Trudeau Compound (our man-made penal colony)
ZONE XII: Johnny LaRue Provincial Park - Recently added in honour of Canada's Nunavut, this zone is mostly lake area. Refugees from the flooding of Horton Bay will be invited to build houseboats from driftwood and learn to enjoy living in this scenic area.

HORTON BAY: This is our man-made reservoir -- we have flooded several former American states to make this majestic watery area. There was no purpose, just cruelty.

Stand On Guard
PROUD Member of the CWD
Re: Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

Rex1960 said:
Does that mean there are only two stars left on that banner ?
Hawaii and Alaska ?

We'll rebuild with Guam and Puerto Rico (No silly not NYCity).
Re: Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

Barely__There said:

I live in Molson. Thank God for Beer!!!

Umm your location already shows as Canada...what you see as Molson I believe is California? he he he
Anti-Northern leanings? Surely you jest.

I have watched in something between despair and amusement this curious bashing of North American neighbors today at lit. Who the hell else would you want on the continent with you, eh?

So, we have governments in both countries that failed to keep us perfectly safe from determined terrorist organizations? Shocking, isn't it? So, a 5,000 mile border is not impermeable to remote crossings? Who could have imagined this gross lapse of control?

Holy crapweasel, the significant differences between Canadians and the rest of the north americans are:
  • Canadians make better beer
  • Canadians worry about not being mistaken for U.S. Cititzens
  • U.S. residents mostly don't know Ice Wine from Shinola
  • A higher proportion of Canadians are ice-skating by the age of 2
  • The average U.S. citizen can't do the simple math necessary to adopt the metric system.
  • The U.S. Queens live in San Francisco, not London
  • Canadians don't realize that there actually aren't 50 states, since some of them are Commonwealths instead...wait, do most people in the U.S. know that? I better quit while I'm ahead.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

LadyGuinivere said:
Umm your location already shows as Canada...what you see as Molson I believe is Washington State? he he he


Damn...too MUCH Molson

eeeyyyeess arrreeee ggoinnngggg
Re: Re: Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

HeavyStick said:
We'll rebuild with Guam and Puerto Rico (No silly not NYCity).

Hell, I just realized I don't know anything about girls from Guam...
Re: Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

Rex1960 said:
Does that mean there are only two stars left on that banner ?
Hawaii and Alaska ?
No, the entire globe shall tremble beneath the iron fist of our brutal yet compassionate reign - however we do not see a need for Hawaii and Alaska to be rezoned at this time.
For whatever its worth, most of your penal colony is in the middle of Lake Okeechobee.

Anybody get that number off the tube for those French tapes?
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

Barely__There said:

Damn...too MUCH Molson

eeeyyyeess arrreeee ggoinnngggg

Actually, I corrected myself to say California so:)

Not to worry, when I first looked at it I did the same,then realized the Great lakes were ABOVE the zones ! ROFL

Molson's, Breakfast of Champions!
So when Canada takes over the US, are you gonna bomb the Arquettes and Baldwins first.

You'll need alot of airfields in your conquest, I didn't know bi-planes could refuel in the air. :)
LukkyKnight said:
...I have watched in something between despair and amusement this curious bashing of North American neighbors today at lit. Who the hell else would you want on the continent with you, eh?....

Are there any Mexican Litsters ? I mean, seriously, I've never seen one.
Freya, I propose we draft a bill disallowing the export of IcedCap's into said Zones.

Will you second that motion?
Great! I live in Land Du beaver - I'm moving to Molson Land. Oh wait, I hate Molson's. Where's Labatt's zone?
LadyGuinivere said:
Freya, I propose we draft a bill disallowing the export of IcedCap's into said Zones.

Will you second that motion?

Absolutely - why should we share with the peons?
Okey Dokey

Ummm, you got me on that one ... what the fuck is Ice Wine?
Oh, and brilliant observation on the ice skating ... damn equator!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Canada looks away, because they are AFRAID!!!

crysede said:
No, the entire globe shall tremble beneath the iron fist of our brutal yet compassionate reign - however we do not see a need for Hawaii and Alaska to be rezoned at this time.

Yeah, we're real worried. You'll be one hour into the planning phase and a hockey game will come on and the whole domination thing will be forgotten in a flash! :D