Can you pass 8th grade math?


That's like what? A "C"? That sucks ass. :(
Freya2 said:
Must be. I got 11/20. :D

Don't sweat it.

I'm a musician. The most I need is to be able to county ro 8 and sometimes 12. ;)

I passed math in high school. There's no way in hell I'm going back!
Magna Cum Laude!
You clearly have a handle on what the Illinois State Board of Education thinks an 8th-grader should know.You got 17/20 correct.

Damn. I just learned to read the questions more carefully.
Magna Cum Laude!
You clearly have a handle on what the Illinois State Board of Education thinks an 8th-grader should know.You got 20/20 correct.

How old is an 8th Grader?
20/20 Simple, the hard part was reading the fine print on this small screen!
20/20 - A lot of that stuff you should need to know in order to get out of bed! LOL
I'll check the site in a moment, but for the question on age - I have an 8th grade daughter - she's 13 - will be 14 next month.

I help her with homework all the time - and when it comes to math I tell her to go ask dad - so we'll see how I do on the test!! (and I'm an accountant - gee now we really know what happened to Enron!) hehe
Now we know why I'm not a CPA!!! Just an oil & gas accountant!!! 15/20 - I sucked at math in school and I still suck at math now - if it weren't for spreadsheets I'd be in trouble!!! (that and I do the same old stuff month after month!)
Re: Re: Can you pass 8th grade math?

HeavyStick said:
so you're 33 years old?

we can see who doesn't know their math.....

Most 8th graders are 13-14


I'm really good at alegbra, but I suck at geomtry. Those are the questions I got wrong, stupid measurements...

I'm ashamed - it took a good long while too.

Must remember to read what the questions ask and not what I think they ask. My excuses for the third question I got wrong are that I'm no good at mental arithmetic and that we use metric here ;)

I guess I handicapped myself by doing it all in my head ;)

And that was a mighty steep access ramp.