Can someone write my story for me?

Nov 8, 2012
I have an idea that involes a sister in law and her sister's husband and his obseesion with wanting to eat our her ass and fuck her. But all my verision fall flat. Would love to see someone else take it on.
Send me a PM for more details or if you are intrested.
Short ones are what I am looking for.

Thank you :)
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There are already plenty of stories like that. What would make yours different?

And no, sorry, I won't write it b/c well, I don't write stuff like that.
I have an idea that involes a sister in law and a guy but all my verision fall flat. Would love to see someone else take it on.
Send me a PM for more details or if you are intrested.
Short ones are what I am looking for between 3 and 5 paragraphs

Thank you :)

Why would someone 'write your story for you?' are you too lazy to make the effort yourself?

Who's story would it be anyway? Your idea is vague and treads a very worn path. I could probably find a dozen examples along those lines if I had a mind to so if I wrote it based loosely on that idea I would have a hard time accepting it was 'your story'.

Best thing to do is try for yourself - you might have fun, you never know ;)
between 3 and 5 paragraphs?

That's not much space and sure lets me out. Three to five pages maybe. ;)
Now, let's wait a second...maybe this isn't that old, worn cliche...after all, it didn't state "a guy and his sister-in-law;" it was described as "a sister-in-law and this guy." That gives us three people, and a lot more more possibilities. What if the person is a woman, and the s-i-l is her brother's wife who she sees meeting some guy...and maybe she realizes the "guy" isn't really a guy, but a gal she recognizes from her high school, a gal she had spent a summer with in a love that dare not speak it's name. She follows them into a back alley, where she sees them at it hot and heavy, and sees not only that her s-i-l is really a transexual male, but realizes as well that she herself still has the hots for her HS sweetheart. As she stands in the shadows pleasuring herself in voyeuristic delight, her fertile imagination turns to her brother, and she realizes that her youthful HS lover was merely a substitute for the brother whose carnal love was denied her. Once home, she looks up her friend's number, and invites her over for dinner. She invites her brother and his spouse, too, and begins planning the menu...
I'd maybe be more interested in a guy's brother-in-law finding out the guy is torturing and screwing his sister, the brother-in-law's wife, and has been since they were children and then taking it from there, maybe with the two guys duking it out and the woman sitting there between them and preening herself. Sounds like that could be made quite realistic and interesting. Hmmm, will have to think about that one. Could it be done to a Christmas contest theme--maybe coming to a head when the family is gathered for Christmas(?) And the two guys being tossed in the clinker on Christmas Eve and the woman only having enough bail money to spring one of them. (And maybe uses the money to instead go on a binge with her father? --who has been screwing both of his kids. :D)
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Interesting reactions here. I am not going to reply to the OP directly because I don;t have the time to do something for someone else right now and I'm thinking they edited it and I don't even see their idea.

To TX, same here I can't do 3-5k never mind 3-5 categories.

As for this person asking someone to write something for them, it shouldn't be met with an attitude of why should I? No on is making you, you don;t have to, but the person shouldn't feel bad for asking.

Because we can write we take it for granted, its a gift and not everyone has it and I don;t think its wrong for those who don't to ask, especially on a site we put our stuff on for free anyway.

As for this

Why would someone 'write your story for you?' are you too lazy to make the effort yourself?

Who's story would it be anyway? Your idea is vague and treads a very worn path. I could probably find a dozen examples along those lines if I had a mind to so if I wrote it based loosely on that idea I would have a hard time accepting it was 'your story'.

Best thing to do is try for yourself - you might have fun, you never know ;)

a little good advice at the end, but a lot of attitude directed at a newbie who honestly put this in the wrong forum. Or did she? I thought we were authors here and what we do is write? Silly them asking here.

As to your attitude? You have one story posted here which as a longtime incest reader I can tell your plot is a dime a dozen. It's hard to be very original here, so one shouldn't call out boring, when one is guilty of it themselves. You have one story here, why don;t you put up some more work before you start being that judgmental about others ideas?

Now onto Tio and Pilot.

Those are the responses that should come on a thread like this. They looked at it and the mind started spinning and they started working through it and expanding the op's idea intro something with not only substance, but with their stamp on it.

That's what writers do. They look at boring and they make it their own. I've done it with a couple of porn clips I've watched that the actors/actresses intrigued me and as I watched I starting asking myself who were they? what led to this? how did they get here?

In fact my story here "Missy pays the rent" is based on a clip like that.

But that's what we should be doing, not going "why should I? and "boring" and do it yourself. No one's ideas are worthless and its arrogant to make them feel that way.

remember we all started somewhere. and for most of us it was not the most original of concepts, but it got us going. I still write "cliched" stories from time to time because they are easy and comfortable and fun.
Interesting reactions here. I am not going to reply to the OP directly because I don;t have the time to do something for someone else right now and I'm thinking they edited it and I don't even see their idea.

To TX, same here I can't do 3-5k never mind 3-5 categories.

As for this person asking someone to write something for them, it shouldn't be met with an attitude of why should I? No on is making you, you don;t have to, but the person shouldn't feel bad for asking.

Because we can write we take it for granted, its a gift and not everyone has it and I don;t think its wrong for those who don't to ask, especially on a site we put our stuff on for free anyway.

Lovecraft, or should I call you Scouries? Hmm. You decide. The only evidence of attitude I see on these AH threads is yours, frankly. You seem to like to pick on people that threaten you.

Yes, 1 story posted here - but I had a go and until I had a go I didn't know whether I could write. Personally, got no time for someone saying "aww write a story for me when they can't be bothered to even put together a decent synopsis. You don't know until you try sweetie which is basically the last point I make.

While we're on the subject - you've posted a lot of stories following the same boring themes. Your stories are above average around the 4.6 mark (congratulations! perhaps you've learnt how to manipulate the voting system, who knows - your last story isn't all that and still rates at 4.67) which doesn't make you a guru in my eyes, trust me. Certainly doesn't give you the right to make yourself Captain for the day.

You PM'd me recently picking me up for something I posted on a thread (not that I remember the post), you then massaged your ego by regaling me about your success as a writer and how Amazon had made you a pile of cash. When I asked for a bit of advice about Amazon, you didn't deign to reply or help a fellow author out.

So who's the f**king selfish tool here? Only difference between you and me is that you're closeted and a passive aggressive who displays the classic hallmarks of a bully who feels threatened by intellect.

At least I put my opinions out there in the public domain.

And post under your real name please - Scouries - if no-one else has figured it yet I'm surprised.

I'm going to start referring to you as LovelessCraft - sits better with me.
I can help by enhancing the idea, but I'm quite busy at work. Plus I am filling in, lecturing in the place of a buddy.

I'll IM you I guess.