California people!


We'll see.
Feb 17, 2005
I assume Cal Worthington is long dead, he was about a hundred years old when I lived there twenty odd years ago. But I assume the dealership still exists. Do they still run the TV ads?
Yeah the dealerships are no more. Not that I'd ever drive all the way to Bellflower to buy a car.
I don't know what brought it to mind. But I suddenly remembered Cal Worthington and his dog Spot and that annoying "go see Cal" jingle.
Anyone remember Ed Babarra from Furniture USA? Those commercials aired at roughly the same time period. Dude would talk about five words per second, saying "hikids,EdBabarraFurnatureUSAblablabla....Comeonedowntofurnatureusa, we'llhelpyougetstartedinthecreditworldblablabla...bye kids." I kind of remember there was some weird story with that guy being involved in some shady dealings involving a mining company, but I don't remember the details of that. I just remember his loud, fast talking furniture commercials.