Cafe Unbearable


Really Experienced
May 5, 2002

The kind of place where anything can happen,
any subject can be tackled, any feeling can
be expressed... the kind of place where
people come to be wonderful.

So come be a regular -
the coffee is bitter,
the staff is bitter,
but the owner is merely jaded!

Let's talk, shall we... but bear in mind,
this isn't a museum - if you're not going
to drink something, then get the hell out!

Have a nice day.


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There's some thought to the idea that in addition to a person's work and their home, that we all need a "third place". These include things like bars, or cafes, or club-houses...etc. So the question I'm forced to ask is - Does Lit count as a third place? Even though we're all at home, are we still reacting in our minds as if we were somewhere else. And does Lit fulfill the function of a "third place"? Can we relax here? Can we unwind, lose some of the days stress from work or home while still being in one of those two places?

Thoughts? How does Lit fit into your daily routine? Does it help you or hinder you? Do you actually think anyone gives a shit either way?

- UBL (Unbearable)
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It does act as a third place.

As a single parent with a full time job and college I have little time for going out and even less desire to.

Lit offers me the opportunity to speak with others concerning a wide variety of things. The conversation can go from stupid to in depth.

Can I have some coffee now and a smile please?


Serving a hot cuppa-joe with a :D on the side.

But i have to wonder about the implications of
a social circle that exists apart from that physical space in which you interact with that circle. I may be here in my apartment, and yet
I can think and act and feel as if I am not.

So which is truth?


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Thanks for opening the cafe up.

Lit doesn't really fit I make time for it. It is a wonderful escape from my real world. I like talking to other people I wouldn't usually talk to. It is an open forum for opinions and feelings with others that enjoy some of the things I do. I check it at work when its slow and whenever I have time. I don't think anyone would really miss me here but I don't think it gets in the way of my life it is really an escape and refuge.

I'll take it with alot of sugar and cream.
Sweet and Blonde for the Fool...

Then there's the idea of how the personalities which we cultivate for ourselves in Lit relate to the people that we actually are. I'm sure everyone would like to think that they are the same person here as in the real world - but how can we tell?

And to that effect - is there anything actually wrong with being a different person on-line?
When it comes right down to it - does it matter which one is real and which is fake. How about judging character on-line - is it even possible,
or will we always be staggering in the dark?
Hell yes sweet blonde and hey short would be nice.

Ill take it with a tall, tan, brunett on the side.

Some people are totally different and some are the same. With my close friends I am the same but with the people I work around usually I am not. ( but not of choice ) No if it was in person I hate fakes but on-line it seems to be more the norm and I accept that this is an escape and like the fanticy of it all. Sometimes I just don't even try to judge who a person is I either like them or don't by what the write. If they want to know me better I am who I am.
Like Georgia Girl I'm a single mom with a full time job.....most of my time is spent with my child or at work. Lit is a great escape....I have met some special people here , I enjoy fantasy , saying and doing things I wouldn't in real life.
A hot tea sugar lemon.

You need a little spice maybe some honey with your tea but please not just plain. Thats uncalled for here.
The person that I am when I am here and the person I actually am are the same. Sometimes quiet, sometimes loud, sometimes sad and sometimes on top of the world. I don't hide ME here.

For me, Lit has always been a haven. Its that place that I can come to and talk to people who aren't in my daily life and that allows me to step away from the stresses and pressures of the daily world.

In this place is a world of people who have had their share of problems, who question their sexuality or just wish their life was more open sexually. It allows for free thinking and sharing of knowledge with like minded people.

As cookie said...I have met some amazing people here and they have enriched my life.

Got any more coffee? Can I please have half and half rather than that powdered stuff?

Thank you


I realise that talking about how we act on-line may seem a little trite, especially while we're on-line. But I have to imagine that this is an ideal example of human potential. I mean, here we can be whatever and whoever we see ourselves as. So do we make the choice to be good or evil. What is the inherent nature of ourselves - and is this the only place where we can allow that to be. Do we find ourselves freed of the desire to be greedy or hurtful here, or do we find that we are free to be hurtful and greedy?

Are we in Utopia, or Pugatory?



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Personally sweetie I am here in pergatory.. only because I am not there with you... but 15 days to go and I'll be in Calgary. Yippie.... kisses and huggs my sweet unbear
Hot cup of love for Pjs.

Can't wait to have you here sweetheart.
With any luck the weather will hold - of course if we're forced to stay inside all day under blankets, all the better. <kisses n licks>
I must take off for a bit

The staff will, I'm sure, take care of you all
until my return. In the meantime...

What is the nature of art? Is art an emotional response, or is it a thing - something tangible or ephemeral? What seperates those that are artistic from those who aren't - and what does it say about them? Was art merely a human response to fear and uncertainty, and does it play any role what-so-ever in the world of today?

How is art treated by government, and what is right, or wrong about their treatment?

- see y'all soon!

Nice to see that things were quiet while I was gone. Guess we can cut back on the staff.


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Sex, Sex, Sex!!


So I'm back for a little bit and it occurs to me that we've all had enough of the intelligent musings on the state of human need and identity, so now it's all about sex here in the cafe!

So ladies (and I suppose gentlemen) tell us here at the cafe how much you love sex!


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Back in Black

After two-months hiatus...

The Cafe is back in business!

I fired all the old staff, and the rehired them
again, but this time gave them all sexy outfits
to wear. So don't spill any coffee or you might
scald a waitress.

I'm open to thoughts and ideas...
and having taken a look around this place
it seems that if sexy ladies posted naked
pics of themselves here - I'd get mor business.

So don't be shy! - We're all vauge aquaintances
here at Unbearable!



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OK, so back in the cafe, and nothing's changed.
I guess you can go home again...

Bit of a thought...

Do we, as lovers, need Valentine's Day?
What does it serve in a relationship?
Is it merely a chance for guys to fuck up,
or does it have a deeper symbolic meaning?

Does Hallmark rule our hearts - or is it
Eros or Cupid - or our celebrated, if
somewhat beheaded, Saint.

I know I love my lady - and she knows it too?
So what else can a good boy try and make
a point to do?

Oh, and Capuccino, Frapaccino, and Al Pacino
are all on special.

Hi Unbearable....I would love a capuccino please :)

backing up a bit....I think lit is like that neighborhood pub, or cafe.....where you come in to see the regulars, are welcome even when you have been away awhile, and can present yourself in anyway you like. You can choose to be honest, friendly, loving, or can come in and spread your bad day around. I like to think that those I choose and those that choose me as friends on here are honest loving friends, but I don't judge.

As for Valentine's is my least favorite holiday, and always has been. I am currently single, but when I wasn't, and things were going well and I knew I was loved, I still didn't like it and never celebrated it. I like knowing I am loved and cared for all year around. One "special" day a year doesn't make or break the relationship. And truly, from what I have seen, in some cases, it is a day for guys to screw up, disappoint the woman they love, or generally just be in the dog house.

Any guy in my life gets much more credit for flowers out of the blue than jewelry on Valentine's Day....but I can't speak for anyone else :)

And Happy Valentine's Day for those who love celebrating it. :rose:

hi unbear
i know for you
with pj
like me
with jenny
everyday is
valentine's day
thebrokenheartedfool said:
Thanks for opening the cafe up.

Lit doesn't really fit I make time for it. It is a wonderful escape from my real world. I like talking to other people I wouldn't usually talk to. It is an open forum for opinions and feelings with others that enjoy some of the things I do. I check it at work when its slow and whenever I have time. I don't think anyone would really miss me here but I don't think it gets in the way of my life it is really an escape and refuge.

I'll take it with alot of sugar and cream.

babie you know i will miss you!
:kiss: :heart: :kiss:
omahaman2 said:
hi unbear
i know for you
with pj
like me
with jenny
everyday is
valentine's day

More truthful words were never spoken,
and I suppose that distance here is the key.

For some reason it seems that I'm more aware of PJ's love because we're apart, and a day like
Valentine's doesn't seem to carry the same
importance it would if we spent our days
competing with eachother's schedules and such.

and it's nice to see you oman - hope you're
well as well can be.

Now then - who needs something?

Sex & Diamonds said:
I'll take a large mug of something hot please.


Hot Chocolate?

with a side of snickers?

Umm Hi Unbearable....
*waving to PJs*
AME said:
Hot Chocolate?

with a side of snickers?

Umm Hi Unbearable....
*waving to PJs*

OH I like that idea and what shall we put in the hot chocolate to make it a bit hotter?

I love chocolate and snickers is one of my faves