Cab Ride To Hell


Sep 8, 2013
Had an idea of a couple teenage girls being picked up by a dodgy looking cab and being driven into an alley or abondoned building where they are brutally gangraped... Obviously this is only a simple premise but i would love to hear any ideas or thoughts that could further expand the story...
Written as is it should be booted.

To agree with DP you seem to have some serious fantasies about the abuse of women.

I think you might find a lot more of what you like over at asstr.

There are no rules in that cesspool and you cannot only read about vicious gang rapes, but they can be of 13 year old girls.

Perfect for someone like you.
BDSM dot net (if I recall properly) has pretty much no rules either. I actually enjoy going over there when it's time to just say fuck the police and do something incredibly grim-dark.

Of course the downside to both of those sites is that they aren't Literotica. My general attitude is that the difference between Lit and asstr or bdsm (or dozens of other sites) is like asking why would you voluntarily play Arena Football when the NFL is available? I only go to the minors when the majors are being a bunch of squishy, squashy, squemish nancy boys about my desire to fuck, roast and eat a woman. Which happens every couple of years.

What I love the Saw movies!

I think this one however as long as she remembered that all rape victims cum uncontrollably because of a combination of that's just how bodies function and all women secretly want to be raped within an inch of their life and then dumped in a back alley.

What? That seems to be the Lit rule and personally I always found that to be a lot more damning than brutal violence where the rapist is irredemiably evil, not a wise man who gave a woman surprise sex she didn't know she wanted but she very clearly did.
Interesting post Sean.

For your last point, that is a very good one. Its why I am not a fan of non con even with the "they have to enjoy it rule" I wonder if that poor girl in India that was raped to death orgasmed and wonder how many people who find that event horrific would have no problem reading about it here as its "make believe"

As for BDSM dot...I never heard of it.

But if there are no rules its upsetting it falls under BDSM which preaches safe/sane/CONSENSUAL over anything else.
It's called BDSMLibrary. I'm pretty sure that the pre-req for posting there is hitting the send button. In that way it's a lot like fanfiction net. IF you like that kind of thing you still have to dig through tons of stuff that looks like the author didn't even bother to run it through a spell checker. Which is kinda my pre-req. I don't really mind but there it is.

I've never begrudged you not liking Non-Con. That falls under a too each his own sort of issue. What I bedgrudged you at one point for was constantly showing up to tell people their stories would be rejected when MOST of them would have slid past the censors around here. I honestly think this scenario would as long as she magically enjoys it by the end.
It's called BDSMLibrary. I'm pretty sure that the pre-req for posting there is hitting the send button. In that way it's a lot like fanfiction net. IF you like that kind of thing you still have to dig through tons of stuff that looks like the author didn't even bother to run it through a spell checker. Which is kinda my pre-req. I don't really mind but there it is.

I've never begrudged you not liking Non-Con. That falls under a too each his own sort of issue. What I bedgrudged you at one point for was constantly showing up to tell people their stories would be rejected when MOST of them would have slid past the censors around here. I honestly think this scenario would as long as she magically enjoys it by the end.

Honestly Sean?

If you notice I've quieted down on that.

I spent two years posting that way in the hopes to eventually goad Laurel into a response, which I finally got a couple of weeks ago.

And in that thread it was pretty apparent that she does not enforce this rule and looked like a fool backing off her "own rule"

her crack "Oh, yeah well you write incest" was as lame of a defense as she could have made and she never responded to my "show me your anti incest rule and I'll stop" reply.

the "its tricky" was a line of BS and the "can't harm men, but rape is okay," really painted how she perceives the site as far as what offends her precious non con readership. I never knew she was Republican:rolleyes:

It showed her "rule" is only a little cya for whenever she feels like enforcing it or wants to look like the site has standards.

Mission accomplished.
I didn't spam the board, I gave someone a direction to head in if this is something they like.

Yeah you have quieted down and for the most part we get along don't we? And even before that I wasn't too antagonistic most of the time.

You also didn't see me disagree with your line to Laurel. I didn't agree 100% but we in agreement over the core and I kept my goddamn mouth shut on it.