Therapist Seduction


The Fun Wife
Jul 30, 2023
I have a thought for a story that is in its infancy, just more of a general idea that I would appreciate any help, advice, or guidance from some of the more experienced writers here.

The basic premise revolves around a married couple seeing a sex therapist. Over time the female therapist seduces both the husband and the wife separately and pushes the boundaries of how far she can take them for her own needs. She would spend many hours and multiple sessions with them both perhaps even eventually leading to a threesome and/or having sex with one of the spouses while the other watches.

Obviously there would be plenty of sex involved but I was hoping it to be more psychological in nature, the sex being more of a means to an end for the therapist, using people as puppets rather than just purely sex driven.

As far as specifics I was thinking of having it told in the third person but usually from perspective of therapist.

Feel free to respond here but I’d greatly appreciate PMs as well.
The therapist is working on her doctorate thesis. She wants to see how far away from monagamy she can push this devoted couple using therapy, seduction, hypnosis and pornography. Can she take this loving couple who are deeply in love, sexually conservative, and make them sexually insatiable and wildly liberal.

It's especially cruel and she really gets off on it. At some point the couple realizes that their sex lives ar enow incredible, their marriage now balances on a razor's edge and decide to turn the tables on their therapist.
Love if the couple are larger people, the husband is strong, 6'4", muscular, and the wife is tall for a woman 5'9", volleyball body with good muscles and larger than average boobs.

The therapist is a thin, sexy little thing who clearly has a tight little pussy and has not seen a lot of action. She gets off what she's doing.

Eventually they'd take her to bed and absolutely DESTROY her in pleasure, making her cum multiple times, reaming her pussy and ass out with the husband's 8 inch cock that's thicker than her wrist, and leave her an over-pleasured, over-orgasmed, out of breath, whimpering mess of cum and pussy juice and slap marks all over her ass.

She realizes that she will never be able to enjoy any lesser man ever again, and may not even be able to enjoy sex without a woman like the wife biting and sucking her tits and licking her clit while she gets fucked by the husband.

Basically, they've utterly ruined her for all future sexual partners and she realizes she's probably going to end up their bitch in exchange for more of the absolutely mind-blowing sex she just had 5 hours of.

All her education, dignity, and conniving down the drain as she realizes she's probably going to end up this couple's live-in maid, breeding bitch, and sexual plaything for the foreseeable future.
My sexy therapist character would not be into this sort of thing. She’s empathetic and self-determined, not conniving or weak. But others can feel free to invent their own characters for this idea. I think a little cognitive behavioral therapy aided by sex is enough fun without any domination drama.
The basic premise revolves around a married couple seeing a sex therapist. Over time the female therapist seduces both the husband and the wife separately and pushes the boundaries of how far she can take them for her own needs. She would spend many hours and multiple sessions with them both perhaps even eventually leading to a threesome and/or having sex with one of the spouses while the other watches.

Obviously there would be plenty of sex involved but I was hoping it to be more psychological in nature, the sex being more of a means to an end for the therapist, using people as puppets rather than just purely sex driven.
I like the story idea, because it is such a strange power dynamic at play; an established situation that deliberately is set up for a person to admit things they normally would want suppressed. In any other situation, the person would be known as a "victim" and yet they are willing to pay gobs of money to tell secrets to a complete stranger. It is a situation deliberately set up to exploit a person, and yet both sides understand this and charge forward regardless. An example might be my sister-in-law who has seen the same therapist for 25 years. We can draw three conclusions from that:

1. She sucks otherwise there would have been progress years ago
2. She is not a therapist, she is a paid-friend of my sister in law
3. She knows WAYYYYYYYYYY too much about me at this point!!

In that light, it is not hard to see being sexually exploited would be plausible.

When I was going through a tough divorce I saw a therapist, and was shocked when she tried to get me involved with her daughter. Not a bad thing except, she really disliked her daughter's HUSBAND! So this crazy stuff does happen in real life.

There are so many paths that this story idea could take, that I might figure out one type of phycological means to manipulate, and concentrate on that. For instance, devious sex could be undertaken, with the therapist using Stockholm Syndrome Manipulation so that when caught, they are not held accountable for the sex that they manipulated.
“You know, Dr. Coleman, I’ve been seeing you for therapy since 1997 and you’re closer to me than my spouse or the people I date. Somebody on a net message board said that means you’re either not very good at your job or you’re not a therapist, you’re a paid friend.”

“Remind that person they don’t know you and you have a lot of ongoing issues to work through, hon. Also, I’m comping you today’s session- like I do a lot of them- if you can give me some of those benefits I often accept in lieu of money. Remind me what those are again?”

“Orgasms. ‘Worthy’ orgasms.”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Wait, are you a therapist or a hooker?”

“A friend with benefits, hon. I don’t take payment for worthy sex. No expectations, no strings, just hope for more of it in the future, more entertainment and other good feelings from you. Same with all my other clients like you- of which we both know I have quite a few. Let me show you a technique one of them taught me last week.” [starts a striptease dance that is interrupted by her patient’s kiss]

[the rest of this story is in my private files and may be submitted to Lit at a later time]
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Love if the couple are larger people, the husband is strong, 6'4", muscular, and the wife is tall for a woman 5'9", volleyball body with good muscles and larger than average boobs.

The therapist is a thin, sexy little thing who clearly has a tight little pussy and has not seen a lot of action. She gets off what she's doing.

Eventually they'd take her to bed and absolutely DESTROY her in pleasure, making her cum multiple times, reaming her pussy and ass out with the husband's 8 inch cock that's thicker than her wrist, and leave her an over-pleasured, over-orgasmed, out of breath, whimpering mess of cum and pussy juice and slap marks all over her ass.

She realizes that she will never be able to enjoy any lesser man ever again, and may not even be able to enjoy sex without a woman like the wife biting and sucking her tits and licking her clit while she gets fucked by the husband.

Basically, they've utterly ruined her for all future sexual partners and she realizes she's probably going to end up their bitch in exchange for more of the absolutely mind-blowing sex she just had 5 hours of.

All her education, dignity, and conniving down the drain as she realizes she's probably going to end up this couple's live-in maid, breeding bitch, and sexual plaything for the foreseeable future.
Different version. The couple has a bias towards therapists and their mission is to proof their integrity ain't worth s**t. So they travel the country posing as a couple in crisis and seduce their therapists. Then, the sex happens, the best sex in their lifes, and then the couple leaves them for the next target, leaving a trail of whimpering messes behind.
Different version. The couple has a bias towards therapists and their mission is to proof their integrity ain't worth s**t. So they travel the country posing as a couple in crisis and seduce their therapists. Then, the sex happens, the best sex in their lifes, and then the couple leaves them for the next target, leaving a trail of whimpering messes behind.

Dr. Coleman from my ficverse was seduced by this couple. She got over them within a day after they left her because it is beneath her to remain a whimpering mess very long. She hopes they will come back with more issues at some point, but she has other lovers to help her out till then. At least their check cleared.
Just spit balling here but I think an interesting framing device for this would be to set it in the context of a civil trial or a medical board of review as the therapist is trying to defend herself from having her license revoked and/or being sued. The therapy sessions could have been recorded (video/audio - maybe it was a sting operation?) and the therapist is interrogated and the husband and wife are giving testimony. Or if no video/audio the sessions could be described from multiple points of view: husband, wife, therapist.