Bye for now


Ik ben WEL leuk
Jul 15, 2002
Lit has giving me much. Not only has it giving me much pleasure and dear friends, it also has giving me a high telephone bill.

Since i'm unemployed now i have all the time to get on the board and post a lot. Unfortunatelly i dont have all the money.

i've decided that i cant hang out as much on lit as i used to be. It just consumes too much time ( =money) which i dont have anymore.

So till i find another job i wont be on lit anymore other then to check my pm box.

I will miss you all much and i sure hope that i can come back soon with the good news that i have a new job.

Till then: TAKE CARE!!

:rose: :heart:
I really wish you wouldn't go, but I know what you mean.

Time is money and when you have neither, life isn't too good.

Hurry back, we are going to miss you.

Love, T
I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas mokum13 and I'll be wishing you the best in your job search. :)
tot ziens mokum,
mar laat je niet too veel tijd toroektekomen

Rex :rose:
Just being curious :)

Thanks all, i sure hope i wont have to miss you too long.

Chilled Vodka, my letter to Ajax is on its way :D