By the way, did I miss the BigFoot thread?

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
In the last 10 or fifteen years various people have confessed to some of the biggest hoaxes of all time (the Loch Ness photo, the entire BigFoot phenom). I'm still waiting for the kid at NASA to confess he used Photoshop to draw that face on the Mars pic.

That one cracks me up. "The moon landing was a fake! You can see the wires! There was no landing crater!"

Forget the ten other men who went to the moon, exactly the same way.

Forget that the RUSSIANS (for God's sake), who had the ability to monitor everything we did, would have loved dearly to expose a hoax -- and didn't.

Forget...Oh, Christ, I could go on.

The Earth is flat. Let's just give up.
Perky, I've never seen anyone goes as far as circumnavigating the earth for a joke, but you did it.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
In the last 10 or fifteen years various people have confessed to some of the biggest hoaxes of all time (the Loch Ness photo, the entire BigFoot phenom). I'm still waiting for the kid at NASA to confess he used Photoshop to draw that face on the Mars pic.


ever heard of rumors about relations between BigFoot and the Himalayan Yeti ?
What about all of those faked pics of UFO's? I'm not saying they don't exist, but people have really labored to try and fake it - it seems kind of stupid to me...
Re: Re: By the way, did I miss the BigFoot thread?

Rex1960 said:

ever heard of rumors about relations between BigFoot and the Himalayan Yeti ?

They're all related aren't they. I thought I saw that on Monsters, Inc.

There are people on this board that really and truly believe that the moon landing was a hoax.'ll hurt their feelings.
Re: Re: Re: By the way, did I miss the BigFoot thread?

CoolidgEffect said:
They're all related aren't they. I thought I saw that on Monsters, Inc.

I've seen a serious guy called Reinhold Messner from SouthTyrolia (the German speaking part of Italy), a famous climber, who was the first to reach Mt.Everest without any extra O2. He wrote a book about the Yeti and claimed something like the NorthAmerican Bigfoot was a relative....
So that was YOU reflected in Aldrin's visor? I KNEW it.

And did anyone catch when the A.D. sneezed and the earth wobbled?