But seriously folks...


Scuttle Buttin'
Sep 22, 2002
Why does the average Republican voter have so little to gain from their candidates/representatives policies? In other words, why the FUCK do you vote for these insane, lying, war mongering assholes?

I'll go out on a limb and say there aren't ANY really, really, really rich folk here on Lit. Yet, I see so many posts and threads standing up for and supporting the republican party.

In simple terms....how do the Democratic policies effect you so negatively and the Republican policies so advantageously?

You personally...don't pretend you care about the common man or the greater good....what's in it for you?
Fuck those warmongering republicans! A democrat would never expand the war in Afghanistan, kill hundreds of civilians with unmanned predator drones, establish a presence in the airspace above a sovereign nation or conduct a military raid on the soil of an ally without giving prior notice. Fucking RAPEPUBLICANS!

As long as I get my free stuff, I'll keep voting for democrats and big government republicans. I mean, who cares about whether I get my check next month, as long as I get it today?
Fuck those warmongering republicans! A democrat would never expand the war in Afghanistan, kill hundreds of civilians with unmanned predator drones, establish a presence in the airspace above a sovereign nation or conduct a military raid on the soil of an ally without giving prior notice. Fucking RAPEPUBLICANS!

As long as I get my free stuff, I'll keep voting for democrats and big government republicans. I mean, who cares about whether I get my check next month, as long as I get it today?

Way ta read the thread and respond on topic. Thanks.
I am neither Dem /Rep.

If I were to pick a side, Democrats seem to be the wiser of the bunch.

Reps are so far out of touch with the real world.
Why does the average Republican voter have so little to gain from their candidates/representatives policies? In other words, why the FUCK do you vote for these insane, lying, war mongering assholes?

I'll go out on a limb and say there aren't ANY really, really, really rich folk here on Lit. Yet, I see so many posts and threads standing up for and supporting the republican party.

In simple terms....how do the Democratic policies effect you so negatively and the Republican policies so advantageously?

You personally...don't pretend you care about the common man or the greater good....what's in it for you?

Name one poor Democrat pol in Washington, or anywhere.
Name one poor Democrat pol in Washington, or anywhere.

Poor people can't get elected. The question is kinda silly. And if they did, they'd start earning an elected official's salary and no longer be poor.

The best you could ask for would be a middle-class elected Democrat. There's probably a bunch of them, both D and R. Of the prominent national ones, Joe Biden is often cited as being of true middle class stock.

Here's the veep's financial disclosure from 2011:


Net Worth: From $-1,260,972 to $190,993
Assets: 26 totaling $239,028 to $866,000
Liabilities: 7 totaling $675,007 to $1,500,000
Transactions: 0
Agreements: 0
Compensation: 0
Income: 3 totaling $31,995

Which looks like a lot to me, if I'm reading it right. Certainly far from poor. I think I'd be pretty comfortable on that.
acitore_vuli;42320225 I'll go out on a limb and say there aren't ANY really said:
And how did you come by this information?
I hate Romney and Obama, as a person, I kinda like but one more biased Supreme Court liberal and our Constitution is meaningless...
Why does the average Republican voter have so little to gain from their candidates/representatives policies? In other words, why the FUCK do you vote for these insane, lying, war mongering assholes?

I'll go out on a limb and say there aren't ANY really, really, really rich folk here on Lit. Yet, I see so many posts and threads standing up for and supporting the republican party.

In simple terms....how do the Democratic policies effect you so negatively and the Republican policies so advantageously?

You personally...don't pretend you care about the common man or the greater good....what's in it for you?

I've often wondered this myself. Talk about voting against your own best interests.... :rolleyes:
It's early in the game but thus far no one has responded directly to my question. It smells like talk radio.
In other words, why the FUCK do you vote for these insane, lying, war mongering assholes?

Yeah, it's a good thing Obama never lied about closing Guantanamo, 8% unemployment and anti-Muslim films (rather than terrorist attacks) resulting in the death of American diplomats. It must make you proud to have a President so committed to telling the whole truth and letting the chips fall where they may. :rolleyes:

Not to mention having a Commander in Chief so antithetical to the "war mongering" George Bush that Obie-Wan has authorized more drone attacks than his predecessor by a margin of five to one. Here's the map. (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...resident_ordered_more_than_george_w_bush.html) I guess it's what compassionate Democrats do after they've secured judicial and Constitutional rights for enemy combatants. Just kill the bastards since capture and prosecute is such a time consuming and expensive process.

Perhaps you can tell us why these policies have seemed so beneficial to you and your fellow political liberals.

All I know is, I am excited about the next Republican President not having to justify his every move in the context of what Ronald Reagan would or would not have done. Anything less than the scorched earth policies of Barack Obama ought to get us a free pass.
Yeah, it's a good thing Obama never lied about closing Guantanamo, 8% unemployment and anti-Muslim films (rather than terrorist attacks) resulting in the death of American diplomats. It must make you proud to have a President so committed to telling the whole truth and letting the chips fall where they may. :rolleyes:

Not to mention having a Commander in Chief so antithetical to the "war mongering" George Bush that Obie-Wan has authorized more drone attacks than his predecessor by a margin of five to one. Here's the map. (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...resident_ordered_more_than_george_w_bush.html) I guess it's what compassionate Democrats do after they've secured judicial and Constitutional rights for enemy combatants. Just kill the bastards since capture and prosecute is such a time consuming and expensive process.

Perhaps you can tell us why these policies have seemed so beneficial to you and your fellow political liberals.

All I know is, I am excited about the next Republican President not having to justify his every move in the context of what Ronald Reagan would or would not have done. Anything less than the scorched earth policies of Barack Obama ought to get us a free pass.

Classic "balance fallacy". :rolleyes:
Yeah, it's a good thing Obama never lied about closing Guantanamo, 8% unemployment and anti-Muslim films (rather than terrorist attacks) resulting in the death of American diplomats. It must make you proud to have a President so committed to telling the whole truth and letting the chips fall where they may. :rolleyes:

Not to mention having a Commander in Chief so antithetical to the "war mongering" George Bush that Obie-Wan has authorized more drone attacks than his predecessor by a margin of five to one. Here's the map. (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...resident_ordered_more_than_george_w_bush.html) I guess it's what compassionate Democrats do after they've secured judicial and Constitutional rights for enemy combatants. Just kill the bastards since capture and prosecute is such a time consuming and expensive process.

Perhaps you can tell us why these policies have seemed so beneficial to you and your fellow political liberals.

All I know is, I am excited about the next Republican President not having to justify his every move in the context of what Ronald Reagan would or would not have done. Anything less than the scorched earth policies of Barack Obama ought to get us a free pass.

Gosh....where to start. What I like most about the current administrations policies is healthcare. Everyone deserves free health care. If you disagree, you are simply a total fucking non-human self centered selfish asshole. Fuck...prison inmates get better healthcare than the lower middle class.

So, the healthcare thing helps me as a self-employed person.

My little brother was in the military and narrowly escaped combat in Iraq. I don't want some puff trying to make up for his lack of manliness dragging us into yet another war.

On Abortions...I am a man...and while I have my own personal beliefs on the topic, I am NOT in a position and never will be, to dictate those choices to a woman. How DARE ANY man impose their policies on such a topic.

As for the other shit you just spewed...closing Guantanamo was a failed promise...not a lie, there IS a fucking difference. Unemployment is below 8%.
As for the Libya incident...you're just spewing shit you saw on Fox News....you know no more about it that I or Mitt Romney...

If you can look at yourself in the mirror and honestly say that Obama has lied and does not have the best interest of America as his number one goal...you are lost in the right-wing lunacy.
What's in it for me? The economy continues to be terrible and is forecasted for a long slog out. My job is directly affected by the economy and I'm not optimistic with the way things are going. Obama has had 4 years and he hasn't done enough to improve things. If we had a strong economy, he'd be cruising to reelection.

Why does the average Republican voter have so little to gain from their candidates/representatives policies? In other words, why the FUCK do you vote for these insane, lying, war mongering assholes?

I'll go out on a limb and say there aren't ANY really, really, really rich folk here on Lit. Yet, I see so many posts and threads standing up for and supporting the republican party.

In simple terms....how do the Democratic policies effect you so negatively and the Republican policies so advantageously?

You personally...don't pretend you care about the common man or the greater good....what's in it for you?

No, numbnuts, I meant tell me how it applies. Tell me how the use of drones by President Bush was wrong and how the increased use of drones by President Obama is justified by whatever points of comparison you feel to be relevant. Look at that map again. Even the targeting is almost identical. So tell me how this breaks down into a Republican slaughter of innocents compared with a Democratic defense of liberty.

And just in case you missed my point, I don't feel the use of drones by either President was wrong. If anything, Obama's use of drones was five times more right. I only brought up the "balance fallacy" as a way for you and acitore to gaze into the mirror of hypocrisy.

Same thing with Guantanamo. I guess the standards of Constitutional justice somehow survive regardless of where prisoners of war are detained. Meanwhile, I wonder how those trials are progressing?
A lot of people around here vote republican because they oppose the green movement. We're a mining town and a lot of people depend on coal to make their living. A lot of these people do not have the proper licensing and degrees to hold the positions that they do. If tighter regulations are placed on the coal company, these people will be out of work.

And I completely understand that. You have to feed your family. And in this area, the mines are the only jobs that pay a living wage.

I will still vote for Obama because his ideaologies are more closely aligned with my own. And I do taxes for a living. Nothing's gonna fuck that up. Death and taxes and all that.

But I also think that for whatever reason, people attribute much more power to the office of the presidency then it actually possesses.
Alright, I'll play your game.

The estimated HIGHEST total of ALL people killed in drone attacks since the beginning of the war is about 3,200, of which about 2,500 occured on President Obama's watch. 15% of those are considered civilian "collateral damage".

Compare that number to the huge number of people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan during the 10 year war by conventional warfare...it's at least 100,000 by virtually all estimates.

For you to insinuate the relatively small number of deaths occuring by drone strike as the equivalent in any way, shape or form of Bush's adventurism is, quite frankly, ludicrous.