BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS AL QAEDA ON THE RUN: No End In Sight To U.S. Embassy Closures.


Jan 23, 2011
but to be fair

Hussein Obama, TONED ARMZ ad the 2 PROZZIES are also on the run

To Martha's Vineyard for ANOTHER VACATION
I think there must be a new Ut00b video ready to make the rounds...


Benghazi was just "workplace violence."
Martha’s Vineyard: “[Obama]… He treats people here terribly.”

Vineyard Vitriol: “[Obama] really needs to find another place to go. He treats people here terribly.”

Absolutely contemptible. What happened to Camp David? Not good enough for dear leader? And the enemedia stands in line to polish his knob. Stomach churning.
He feels that he has earned his way into the top 1%...

The people on the Vinyard need to live up to his standard.
Martha’s Vineyard: “[Obama]… He treats people here terribly.”

Vineyard Vitriol: “[Obama] really needs to find another place to go. He treats people here terribly.”

Absolutely contemptible. What happened to Camp David? Not good enough for dear leader? And the enemedia stands in line to polish his knob. Stomach churning.
They were in Camp David four days ago. So fuck you.