Busybody's American "Race"...

What's worse, I think he's from Brooklyn, NY! How the fuck do you grow up/live in the world's biggest melting pot and have those ideas?????

People who liked this book also liked:

1) Curious George Talks to Colored People from Different Lands
2) Slavery: Why it Worked
3) My Country Can Beat Up Your Country
islandman said:
What's worse, I think he's from Brooklyn, NY! How the fuck do you grow up/live in the world's biggest melting pot and have those ideas?????


Have you ever heard of Bensonhurst?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
People who liked this book also liked:

1) Curious George Talks to Colored People from Different Lands
2) Slavery: Why it Worked
3) My Country Can Beat Up Your Country

Ahhh, why did you have to go and drag ol' Curious George into this?
I land men

islandman said:
What's worse, I think he's from Brooklyn, NY! How the fuck do you grow up/live in the world's biggest melting pot and have those ideas?????


And what IDEAS do you find problematic?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
People who liked this book also liked:

1) Curious George Talks to Colored People from Different Lands
2) Slavery: Why it Worked
3) My Country Can Beat Up Your Country

Hanns_Schmidt said:
And a few star jumps always grabs the attention.

Still not getting "Star Jumps", but I'm sure, somewhere where you're pretending you're the center square, you just made Charlie Weaver laugh.
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