Bush is going to blow the State of the Union

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
Word is he doesn't want to appear obssessed with Iraq, so he's going to spend most of his time on the Economy, which means another dumbed down rationale of the Trickle Down Theory and no attempt to use the bully pulpit to cement a domestic or international coalition for regime change. I didn't vote for him. I don't like him. I think he's going to go down in the "Herbert Hoover" category of Presidents. I support a stolid and hard stance against agression and oppression, but the cowboy go it alone crap is 19th Century America, not 21st, and I've just about had it with this administration's Leona Helmsley way of thinking of their constituency as "the little people". I can't believe he isn't going to take this opportunity to spend 60 minutes outlining his Iraqi case (despite recent reports that the U.S. will soon be releasing more intelligence information about Iraqi deceptions -- not enough, man).

A Presidency is made out of the little moments, and Bush is blowing this one.
I'm not so sure. Ok yeah, to anyone with half a brain and the ability to see through bullshit yes, he's going to blow it. But I'm sure there will be plenty of people here and all over the nation that will support and defend everything he says.
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Telling REDWAVE, Busybody, Hanns, p p man and the rest of the Idiot Clique that they're working with 68K in a Gigabyte world doesn't mean I'm a Republican.

I've actually decided to run for an incredibly small office here in CA. My first step on the road to the White House. My first action as President will be to reinstate LPs as the predominant music media.
He will blow it because he doesn't know how to give a speech too.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
My first action as President will be to reinstate LPs as the predominant music media.

Oh you're just trying to get on my good side with that...
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I've actually decided to run for an incredibly small office here in CA. My first step on the road to the White House. My first action as President will be to reinstate LPs as the predominant music media.

I used to have an incredibly small office, but I digress.

You're just saying that in hope of getting money from the rich, powerful industrialists of the vinyl industry.
Yes by all means lets not trust the American populace to make a thought out decision. It is only our children and our tax monies involved. Instead it would seem this cowboy from Texas Remember the Alamo persona he's created is going to continue down a slippery slope.
I was sincerly hoping he would stand up and lay down the evidence. It is becoming painfully clear that is not going to be the case. He is choosing to futher the distrust between myself, those like me, and the federales. He is becoming more of a disapointment the longer he serves in office.
My second act as Commander in Chief will be to get a better title than "Commander in Chief". I was thinking of "MasterBlaster".
Vinyl rocks but will it be the most ecologically and audiologically sound medium? I'll take a disc in a 78rpm sized cover for visual pleasure.

Bush should sit on his tush and shush instead of pushing mushmouthed pushes.
At least this year we don't have to hear that bullshit about 400 hours of community service.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
My second act as Commander in Chief will be to get a better title than "Commander in Chief". I was thinking of "MasterBlaster".

While you're at it could you change the national anthem? Maybe something by Elvis?
sunstruck said:
While you're at it could you change the national anthem? Maybe something by Elvis?
naww go with Jerry Lee Lewis. I would love to see him enter the grand stage to the tune "Great Balls Of Fire"
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Word is he doesn't want to appear obssessed with Iraq, so he's going to spend most of his time on the Economy, which means another dumbed down rationale of the Trickle Down Theory and no attempt to use the bully pulpit to cement a domestic or international coalition for regime change. I didn't vote for him. I don't like him. I think he's going to go down in the "Herbert Hoover" category of Presidents. I support a stolid and hard stance against agression and oppression, but the cowboy go it alone crap is 19th Century America, not 21st, and I've just about had it with this administration's Leona Helmsley way of thinking of their constituency as "the little people". I can't believe he isn't going to take this opportunity to spend 60 minutes outlining his Iraqi case (despite recent reports that the U.S. will soon be releasing more intelligence information about Iraqi deceptions -- not enough, man).

A Presidency is made out of the little moments, and Bush is blowing this one.
The problem is that Bush needs to cover his political ass. He won't lose the 2004 election because of Iraq, but he will lose it if he can't convince America that he's fixing the economy, or at the very least, giving it a good college try.

The only other song I'd consider as a National Anthem would be "God Bless America", but if you read all the stanzas of "The Star Spangled Banner" you'll agree that no other song is as perfect.
Azwed said:
He will blow it because he doesn't know how to give a speech too.
You know what's highest on my irony meter? He's starting to have the same gestures and facial expressions that Bill Clinton exhibited. You can even see similarities in the posture for his appearances, and if you allow for the regional dialect they actually sound like the same guy with a few poorly articulated distinctions on several issues that neither wanted to alienate a soul about. I know it's all coached, to the point you might even call it scripted, but doesn't anybody on his team check him against the guy he replaced to make sure the little people aren't confused about who's who?
This is gonna be good..

Everyone makes the fatal mistake of underestimating the President, and condemn him outright.
An interesting commercial will be injected by the "not in my name" wackos, (nice use of Hollywood money) and the Demoncrat rebuttal by Gary Gridlocke, the governor of the CCCP of Washington, who's about as fiscally responsible as a drunk with a credit card in Las Vegas.

I'll be looking forward to the high approval ratings (post speech), and the resulting shrill rants by the usual intellectual flatliners. :D
Nope. I'm an old time Independent liberal who most often votes Democrat, and not once Republican, and I've supported the President's policy on a number of scary issues including the Patriot Act, Afghanistan, Iraq -- I even called the incredibly silly "Axis of Evil" speech brilliant in its unambiguous saber rattling designed to suppport the moderates in Iran, Iraq and North Korea -- but to toally miss the boat on exactly what the American public expects of their leader and the leader of the free world during his speech tonight is idiotic in the extreme. That's not underestimating him, that's delivering an epitaph to a political career.