Bump stock SCOTUS


Jun 8, 2023
Looks like SCOTUS is poised to overturn the ban on bump stocks. Hopefully, they will start allowing them in the Supreme Court building.
I wonder if this will mean legislation on handgun switches will be DOA in the future?

Cops hate them. But I guess the GOP is back to hating cops, so... 🤷‍♂️
Why can’t we all have plastic guns with plastic ammo ? It’s just not fair that guns can be detected !!

Then again, Trump was all for allowing guns at his rallies ! Or was that only prior to an insurrection ?

Oh sorry .., SrCOTUms can’t come to terms with that big word or emoluments
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well if he wants rules based on muskets then free speech would only be in print because computers weren't in use in when constitution was written
Did you trumpers have a kegger today? My God, people are typing things in plain English and it's like you're reading the posts from another dimension.
"Newspaper" is one word, dolt.
well I don't call people assholes or any thing personally derogatively It's a discussion not a name calling pick on some one because the misspelled a word.
You should leave your childish middle school mentality at the door.
The writers of the Constitution said "right to bear arms" instead of "right to bear muskets" for a very obvious reason. The term arms covers any kind of weapon imaginable

It reads “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Are you in a well regulated Militia?

Do you think I should be able to own a tank?
well I don't call people assholes or any thing personally derogatively It's a discussion not a name calling pick on some one because the misspelled a word.
You should leave your childish middle school mentality at the door.
I'm pretty sure he graduated from middle school. Your lack of understanding of grammar gives me doubts if you did. Not understand compound words is not a spelling mistake.