Budget deficit soaring under con artist regime


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2006
The King of Debt lives up to his moniker as the budget deficit has soared 23% over last year's deficit. The leading culprit is the largest wealth transfer in this country's history combined with the con artist's insistence to spend, spend, spend, deficits and bankruptcy be damned.

Receipts, i.e. revenue, was up less than 3% while his spending was up well over twice that amount.

His own numbers are predicting a $1 trillion deficit this year with no end in sight of any kind of reduction. However, the CBO is predicting only a $896 billion deficit. Regardless, both numbers are far above anything encountered in the Obama administration outside of him inheriting the worst recession in 80 years.

But wait, there's more! Not satisfied with crushing Obama's deficit figures, the con artist is now encouraging Congress to raise the debt limit even further so his rampant spending can continue unabated.

Is there nothing the con artist won't do to show up Obama?

Ummmmm....did you live under a rock for the last 8 years under Obama?

What was the national debt before Obama, and what was it 'after' Obama.
What was Obama's deficit in his first two years? (hint...it was double Trump's).

The left suddenly cares about debt! Unbelievable.

Any thoughts about the Trillions in new spending the Democrats are proposing, and what that will do the debt? Go on...post something from ABC News....I'll wait.

The U.S. is about a decade away from being Greece, and the Democrats are throwing money at everything trying to buy votes.

Medicare for All
Free Healthcare for Illegal Aliens
Free College : Elimination of College Debt

There is no tax level high enough to pay for all this shit. You know it. Everyone knows it. But when you're trying to buy votes....everything is FREEE!

But, but, OBAMA!!!

Obama had one year of over a trillion dollar deficit, 2009, and that directly related to the Bush recession. Every year after that the deficit declined until Republicans took over Congress, then they started to increase again. Remember when Republicans were whining about the rising deficit under Obama? Yeah, me neither. They were silent all eight years.

Once the con artist assumed power, the deficit has soared every single year.

But, as usual, you ignore facts and try to deflect. Remember, this is the con artist who said he'd be too busy to go golfing and could eliminate the debt in eight years. He also said the largest wealth transfer in history would pay for itself.

How's all that working out? Hey, here's a question: what was the debt when the con artist took over and what is it now?

Don't let the door smack you in the face too many times. You're stupid enough now as it is.
Obviously, if you want to both hold the deficit in check and provide social services to the greater number of Americans, history tells you to vote Democratic.

If you want to have most of the money go into graft, corruption, murdering children, the pocketbooks of the family of the American "president," legal defense funds for sexual assault cases, and Trump's golf clubs, vote Republican.