

Curioser and curiouser
May 7, 2003
I've heard the term 'bromance' and have understood the term, "man crush" but are there any similar terms to describe straight girls loving and adoring other straight girls without being lesbian?
I've heard the term 'bromance' and have understood the term, "man crush" but are there any similar terms to describe straight girls loving and adoring other straight girls without being lesbian?

Friends with benefits. Best friends forever.

Not what you are looking for but the first things that came to mind.

Long time no see. :rose:
I've heard the term 'bromance' and have understood the term, "man crush" but are there any similar terms to describe straight girls loving and adoring other straight girls without being lesbian?

Simon Pegg had an interesting take on this:

'We always sort of flinch at this “bromance” buzzword that’s come up – there’s no equivalent for women, because it’s not weird if women are friends… because of this homosexual terror that straight guys have, it’s ridiculous. Now there has to be this word for it, and it’s crazy. It’s totally sad.'
Simon Pegg had an interesting take on this:

'We always sort of flinch at this “bromance” buzzword that’s come up – there’s no equivalent for women, because it’s not weird if women are friends… because of this homosexual terror that straight guys have, it’s ridiculous. Now there has to be this word for it, and it’s crazy. It’s totally sad.'

That's a good and accurate point. Guys need to be able to have a name for these things so they can point out their discomfort.

I have no idea on a term, but just to prove the double standard, my wife and her best friend have known each other since first grade and been very close throught out those 30 years.

When they end a long phone conversation or visit, my wife always says "I love you, my friend" and gets the same in return.

Can you imagine two guys doing that?

I will freely admit that whenever they say it in front of me it gives me visuals and plot bunnies.
Simon Pegg had an interesting take on this:

'We always sort of flinch at this “bromance” buzzword that’s come up – there’s no equivalent for women, because it’s not weird if women are friends… because of this homosexual terror that straight guys have, it’s ridiculous. Now there has to be this word for it, and it’s crazy. It’s totally sad.'

That's pretty epic.

Open mind win :)
Simon Pegg had an interesting take on this:

'We always sort of flinch at this “bromance” buzzword that’s come up – there’s no equivalent for women, because it’s not weird if women are friends… because of this homosexual terror that straight guys have, it’s ridiculous. Now there has to be this word for it, and it’s crazy. It’s totally sad.'

That's the first thing I thought -- women don't need a word or term for it, because it's accepted that women can be close friends, or think another woman is pretty, without anyone thinking anything of it. I have heard "girl crush" as well, but it seems to carry a different connotation than "bromance," which is a word that annoys me a lot.
That's the first thing I thought -- women don't need a word or term for it, because it's accepted that women can be close friends, or think another woman is pretty, without anyone thinking anything of it. I have heard "girl crush" as well, but it seems to carry a different connotation than "bromance," which is a word that annoys me a lot.

Another double standard. My wife and I were once watching porn with another couple (I'll leave you all to create your own scenario for why;))

At one point the other woman, who is totally straight commented that one of the women in the porn was hot and a brick shit house which led my wife to say "Holy shit what an ass on her"

A little later I make this remark the guy in the movie is ripped and in damn good shape.

You should have seen the look I got from the other guy and he asked what the hell I was talking about.

I told him it was what I said, the guy was good looking and in damn good shape. I'm not into men, but fact is the movie is a lot hotter if the guy is good looking as well. I can;t stomach those movies with the Ron Jeremy's of the world who were fat or just plain ugly.

This is why porn is bigger with the women now, the men look damn good and the only muscle they have is not just between their legs. Watching two attractive people go at it is more fun than a hottie with a dog.

I didn't explain that to him, I could care less what he thinks of me, but it was just funny how he instantly looked at me like I had three heads.
That's a good and accurate point. Guys need to be able to have a name for these things so they can point out their discomfort.

I have no idea on a term, but just to prove the double standard, my wife and her best friend have known each other since first grade and been very close throught out those 30 years.

When they end a long phone conversation or visit, my wife always says "I love you, my friend" and gets the same in return.

Can you imagine two guys doing that?

I will freely admit that whenever they say it in front of me it gives me visuals and plot bunnies.

Actually, yes. I have a group of high school friends and the whole group gets together once a year for a fish and golf outing. "Love you, man," is pretty common at the beginning and end. In between it's a lot shit talking.

As for the female equivalent of bromance, I can't think of one either,...Simon Pegg is probably right.

Hi Charley!
Actually, yes. I have a group of high school friends and the whole group gets together once a year for a fish and golf outing. "Love you, man," is pretty common at the beginning and end. In between it's a lot shit talking.

As for the female equivalent of bromance, I can't think of one either,...Simon Pegg is probably right.

Hi Charley!

I've heard the "I love you, man" but generally it has an air of tongue and cheek to it. Whereas with women it has more of the actual emotion to it.

I get a kick out of the homophobes though. There's one at work and at our last office party I was messing with him, winking at him every time he looked my way and once blowing him a kiss.

he wouldn't come near me all night and next day one of the other guys said he kept asking people, "Hey, he's not really gay is he?"

They were all pretty much along the lines of, "Not sure, maybe you should ask him out and find out."
I've heard the "I love you, man" but generally it has an air of tongue and cheek to it. Whereas with women it has more of the actual emotion to it.

It's real with us, not superficial or tongue in cheek. Been through a lot together. And now that we're older and our guard is down we can say stuff instead of kick each other in the balls for affection and acknowledgment. (I exaggerate some, Charley)

I get a kick out of the homophobes though. There's one at work and at our last office party I was messing with him, winking at him every time he looked my way and once blowing him a kiss.

he wouldn't come near me all night and next day one of the other guys said he kept asking people, "Hey, he's not really gay is he?"

They were all pretty much along the lines of, "Not sure, maybe you should ask him out and find out."

Did he catch your air kiss? :)
It's real with us, not superficial or tongue in cheek. Been through a lot together. And now that we're older and our guard is down we can say stuff instead of kick each other in the balls for affection and acknowledgment. (I exaggerate some, Charley)

Did he catch your air kiss? :)

No, the guy who works with us and is gay made a show of jumping in front of him and catching it. :D
I've also never heard a term for this for women... But wanted to say hi to Charley :)
I've heard "chick crush" many times.

I had a close female friend who was bi, but sadly I was married to a very monogamous guy at the time. She and I would carry on pretty close to the edge at times, and very fondly called each other "first choice for a drunken indiscretion.":devil: I'm still sad that we never got a chance to make that happen.
I've heard the term 'bromance' and have understood the term, "man crush" but are there any similar terms to describe straight girls loving and adoring other straight girls without being lesbian?
What others said, Charley. That kind of friendship is considered par for the course where women are concerned--linking arms, hanging out together, kissing, hugging, weeping on each other shoulders, etc. So there's no need for a word for it to distinguish it from a lesbian relationship.

But with men it has to be made clear that this "love" is between straight guys otherwise is it comes across as gay--hence, the word "bromance." It's the usual double-standard there. Just like in porn. The women can have sex with each other and it isn't assumed they're lesbians, only that they're "experimenting"--in fact, it's assumed they'll go back to having sex with men after such scenes. But the men in a heterosexual porn film can't have sex with each other because then they'd be gay (no such thing as bi-male, right?).

Same here.
The word Bromance brings to mind the goofiness of young guys on shows like the Jersey Shore. Not really something I apply to my generation.

I'm not one to make friends quickly. If you met me you would wonder if I ever spoke. Till I know you very well I wont say much. Because of that the friends I do have are for life. I've know some of them for 25 years +( better than half my life) The way I feel for them is closer, I think, to the Band of Brothers feeling of the military. The Esprit de corps.

I love everyone of them. I am a phone call away for whatever help they need. Be it money, a ride, a shoulder to cry on when the pain of this world tears even a 'strong guy' apart. A person who would keep your secrets to the grave even if telling them would bring them millions. For the most part they are the same way.

Blood Family comes first. That's a given I can understand.

Beyond that? I would be willing to do anything my 'friends' asked. because i know that they would never ask anything of me that i wouldn't ask of them.

They are my brothers.
The word Bromance brings to mind the goofiness of young guys on shows like the Jersey Shore. Not really something I apply to my generation..

reading back over that god that made me sound old. :D

"Bunch of young whippersnappers"

Although three days of catching up with yardwork and gardening does have me feeling every year.
"Feminine non-confrontational envy?" :rolleyes:

My understanding of "bromance" is that one man observes another and find things in that person to admire, but without the usual sense of confrontation. "Bromance," therefore, is a supreme form of flattery, almost like hero worship, but also without any sense of failing on the adorer's part. It's simply an admiration for the way a particular man lives his life and carries himself, through the eyes of another man.

If the same idea was applied to women, I think the same basic rules would follow. A feeling of "I admire her," but without any sense of ill will due to jealousy. A desire to associate oneself to a perceived role model.

How about "feminance?"
From a 2005 NYT article:

Ms. Buice, who lives with her boyfriend, calls her attraction a girl crush, a phrase that many women in their 20's and 30's use in conversation, post on blogs and read in magazines. It refers to that fervent infatuation that one heterosexual woman develops for another woman who may seem impossibly sophisticated, gifted, beautiful or accomplished. And while a girl crush is, by its informal definition, not sexual in nature, the feelings that it triggers - excitement, nervousness, a sense of novelty - are very much like those that accompany a new romance.

This is not a new phenomenon. Women, especially young women, have always had such feelings of adoration for each other. Social scientists suspect such emotions are part of women's nature, feelings that evolution may have favored because they helped women bond with one another and work cooperatively. What's new is the current generation's willingness to express their ardor frankly.

She's So Cool, So Smart, So Beautiful: Must Be a Girl Crush

Urban Dictionary:
April 13, 2007 Urban Word of the Day

girl crush - feelings of admiration and adoration which a girl has for another girl, without wanting to shag said girl. a nonsexual attraction, usually based on veneration at some level.

Oxford Dictionaries Online:
New words: August 2013

girl crush - noun - informal

an intense and typically non-sexual liking or admiration felt by one woman or girl for another: OMG, I have had a girl crush on her for years!
a woman or girl who is the object of another’s intense liking or admiration:Cheryl admitted that RiRi was her girl crush
Re Bromance: IMHO it's a Western cultural thang. I've read that in some Middle Eastern cultures, handholding among straight male friends is common. We may assume that close female "girl crush" relationships are a norm while "bromance" ain't, but this isn't because of any wired-in human genetics. It's nurture, not nature. Guys in too many cultures are *trained* to not show emotion, especially not towards other guys.
Re Bromance: IMHO it's a Western cultural thang. I've read that in some Middle Eastern cultures, handholding among straight male friends is common. We may assume that close female "girl crush" relationships are a norm while "bromance" ain't, but this isn't because of any wired-in human genetics. It's nurture, not nature. Guys in too many cultures are *trained* to not show emotion, especially not towards other guys.

No, it's an Anglo Saxon/Protestant culture thing. Men in Southern Europe are much more touchy/feely with each other.