Britwitch's Cottage

I hear my breath catch as her fingers glide down from my cheek, following my neck, passing the place where her teeth bit me so deliciously. I don't doubt there will be a mark there and knowing that for the next day or so whenever I look in the mirror I will see that little reminder of our time together makes me smile shyly.
A sigh as the fingertips continue their journey to my hip.

"Oh I think I could stay for another cup of tea. As long as I don't overstay my welcome."

I brush aside her last comment with a smile as I quickly press a kiss to her cheek and rise, not bothering to cover up, and head back into the kitchen to replace the kettle over the flames to reheat. Hips and rear swaying in the process.
Once the water is back on the heat I glance back over my shoulder to my guest, to Penny

Can I get you something to nibble on with your drink...? I don't know about you but I have developed something of an appetite!

I finish with a wink
My eyes follow her as she gets up off the floor and walks to the kitchen, my eyes locked on her as her hips and ass sway magnificently, looking so inviting. Putting the water back on the boil again, she turns back to me, looking incredibly devilish.

Can I get you something to nibble on with your drink...? I don't know about you but I have developed something of an appetite!

I can't resist that thought as I too get up and move over to the kitchen, tip toeing over behind her, pressing my body against hers, my breasts pushing against her back. I kiss the back of her neck, biting down gently and playfully.

"Oh I think I could find something to nibble on. How about you? Do you...mmm, hunger for something?"

She can't see me properly I kiss along her shoulder and back, my arms slipping around her body placing my palms on her stomach, guiding the witch's body as I start swaying from side to side, slowly and rhythmically.
I close the door, leaving a single candle burning in a lantern by the door. It will burn until I return.

I am going on a journey that will hopefully not be too long and not too hard.
I take with me the best wishes of so many dear friends here that I know both myself and my little one will be well looked after on our travels.

Checking the door is locked, I pull the hood of my cloak over my head and set off down the into the real world with the slightest tremor of trepidation in my step...

Hopefully I will be back before too long passes...
Candlelight, a chilled bottle of wine...watching fresh snow gently falling out in the woods...
It's so peaceful. The trees are silent. As always, a lantern flickers on the porch but I doubt anyone is wandering the pathways this evening...much cosier inside...
*Walking was never one of my strong suites until now. Combat boots, winter parka, watch cap, and thick leather gloves aides one in controlling temperature very well. I remember once upon a time visiting a cabin far out this ways on one of my many... Well, let's say... Detours, but I can't quite place it in my memory it was so long ago in a time far away. Finally I catch a light and turn towards it. The parka is pulled up high on my face, and my posture has changed dramatically since the last time she saw me. So to has my face as it has turned sleek and more narrow, but the glasses remain, for now. I stop a few paces from her, still in the shadows, somewhat and speak.*

Good evening ma'am.
I'm enjoying a nice casual evening, clothes selected for comfort. I have forgone underwear as I have no plans for company nor any errands to run. The soft cotton shirt feels good against my skin and the tight jeans equally so over the curves of my hips and behind.

I rise from the couch, empty wine glass in hand and head into the kitchen to refill it.

Good evening ma'am.

The voice cuts through the quiet of the cottage and makes me jump. I turn around quickly, dark hair swinging around my shoulder s in the process. I squint a little as I look into the shadows then blue eyes widen as they find the speaker and his identity is revealed.

He looks a little different, not just his clothing, the man looks somehow taller, prouder...more confident, if such things were possible.
I swallow, a little nervously, remembering flashes of his last visit, licking my lips.

Good evening's a little late for walking in the woods isn't it?
*I step inside, not needing an invitation besides the lack of dismissal, nor would that have stopped me either, I muse. The door shuts softly behind me and my thick books are noiseless on the ground as i walk from heel-to-toe as I've been taught for countless hours.*

It's never too late, but perhaps it is a bit too late to leave your door unlatched?

*I shake my head softly, falling snow onto the ground around me.*

Did you not learn?

*My hand raises to stop any response, before removing my gloves, my hat, and my parka as well. I hang them up before slowly turning around and revealing a smile that could be considered warm if it wasn't for the complete lack of emotion behind the eyes.*

You learned to like it, of course, of course. My mistake.

*Crossing the room I remove my shoulder harness and pistol, that you remember very well, and I place them lightly on the table. Knowing I do not even need them. Once upon you I take your hand with the glass and sniff. Then I kiss you, softly on the lips.*

Mhmm, it tastes better than it smells. Had enough? Or may we share another?
It's never too late, but perhaps it is a bit too late to leave your door unlatched? Did you not learn?

I stay where I am, for the moment. Watching as you remove your outer layers, hanging them up and then turning back to face me. A smile curves your lips that upon glancing into your eyes makes me almost want to take a step backwards.

You learned to like it, of course, of course. My mistake.

I can feel my cheeks flush, heat spreading across the skin, at your words. The pistol on the table increases my uneasiness tenfold. Trying not to remember the last time I saw it.
I flinch, ever so slightly, as you reach out to me. Sighing with relief as you merely lift my wineglass to your nose.

The kiss is soft and catches me off guard slightly. It's not what I was expecting, although with you, I never know what to expect. Probably why my path keeps crossing with yours.

Mhmm, it tastes better than it smells. Had enough? Or may we share another?

I was just about to get myself another one...

I reply, wishing my voice wasn't quite as breathy after the kiss. I shake myself a little.'re more than welcome to join me. Why don't you go make yourself comfortable and I'll pour you a glass.

I nod towards the couch but know you'll make yourself comfortable where you want to, with or without my invitation.
Turning away I move towards the cupboards above the work-surface to extract a second wine glass.

I'm privately proud of how still I manage to keep my hand whilst pouring the wine into the glasses, my insides are trembling like a leaf in the winds of winter but somehow my hand stays steady.

I take a second to let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding, before turning back to face you, wine glass in each hand.
*I take it, having not moved, and touch your hand gently; sliding further up your wrist before finally letting go and moving with you to the couch. I sit close, but there is still some room between us. After sipping the wine I turn to look at you, watching closely as you sip your own drink, saying nothing and expressing the same. Finally I reach over and push the palm of my hand across the back of your neck, sliding it around to the side of your face before pulling you close and kissing you gently on the cheek. Once, twice, and then on the lips. I hold you there, our wine glasses perched in the air. All at once the kiss ends.*

Yes. I remember it too.

*I take another sip, and settle back into the couch comfortably.*

Tell me everything.
A very soft sound leaves my lips as your hand glides up over my hand to my wrist. Skin tingling beneath your wandering fingers. For a moment I wonder how much higher your hand intends to go but as the thought begins, your hand leaves and we move to sit down.

I sip my wine, holding the chilled liquid in my mouth for a moment or two before swallowing. Trying to think of what I could say when I feel you lean closer, the heat of your palm against my neck making me gasp, my face turning into your hand ever so slightly as your hand shifts to my cheek.

I hold back a shy giggle as you kiss my cheeks, suddenly feeling more than a little bashful.

There's no holding back the sigh that leaves my lip as you kiss them again. A gentle, softness, in the action that leaves me feeling rather flustered as you pull away.

Yes. I remember it too. Tell me everything.

I clear my throat, sipping a little more of my wine before almost mimicking you and leaning back against the couch, curling my legs up under me.

Well, there isn't much to's been fairly quiet out here, and I've been away from the place myself...during the holidays...

Another sip, eyes moving over your form for a moment. Taking in the way you sit, the way you look at me, something is definitely different.

How about you...?
There is a lot to tell... But, that is for another time and place. Right now there are more pressing things to be done. You know exactly what they are... Don't you?

*Leaning over I take the glass from your hand and place it, along with my own, on the nearest side table before turning back. The nervous excitement is obvious within you, and while not visible, if asked, I could not deny feeling something akin to it. Reaching, and then pulling I bring you next to me so that I am looking down into those crystal blue eyes that I have missed. I wait momentarily, listening to your breathing and mine beneath it. Finally I kiss you again, but this one is different then the two before. Not soft and gentle, but firm an unyielding; pushing you away from me until we are laying together along the couch.*

So did Santa decide if you were naughty or nice? I already know the correct answer.

*Without yanking or sudden movements I easily begin to rip your shirt down the center. A gentle tearing sound as it comes undone. Revealing more and more of your undress. I don't even smirk at the proof for my statement, instead I slide my rather chilled hands inside the ripped fabric and squeeze both your breasts as I bring myself further on top of you. Leaning over to kiss you again. Your mine now.*
There is a lot to tell... But, that is for another time and place. Right now there are more pressing things to be done. You know exactly what they are... Don't you?

My breath catches in my throat as you lean closer, muscles tensing for a fleeting moment before you reach to take the glass from my hand. But then you are back before me and that nervous tingle in my stomach starts to flutter with increasing intensity.

A gasp as you pull me towards you, until we're touching.
My chin raised so my eyes can continue to meet yours, wide blue pools sparkling with a combination of excitement and tension.

Then comes the kiss I have been...waiting for, I guess.
Firm, strong, almost possessive...hinting at it. My body obeys your unspoken command and soon I find myself laying beside you.

So did Santa decide if you were naughty or nice? I already know the correct answer.

My cheeks burn brighter, blushing at your words and the sound of my shirt giving way beneath your hands. My generous chest revealed in seconds, lower still to the plain of my stomach.

A louder gasp as chilled palms massage my breasts, hardening nipples almost instantly and making my back arch simultaneously.

A slight groan as you move on top of me, but it is swallowed by your mouth. Another deep kiss, one I try to respond to as best I can.

I could try to push you off, slap you for coming in and assuming you could do what you wanted. But we both know neither will happen. We both know who is in charge...who is always in charge.
*The kiss has me heated quickly, well everything but my hands, which continue to tingle with a bit of a nip and tease your flesh. The unequivocal quivering reaction is one you're known best for. Why else would I be here at such a late hour, and in such unforgiving weather? There are two directions of this relationship, though they are both controlled by the same person. My kiss continues as I squeeze both generous globes and begin to remember their shape, sensitivities, and curves. Ever so slowly my kisses move off of your lips, down your throat, and across your chest.*

I've missed this.

*The confession slips out in a breath, as my cool, but warming, hand slides down across your arched body. Snaking it's way toward a place where it will very quickly become warm, and more than likely wet. As it slides underneath the waistband of your jeans I finally do smirk.*

No panties. Whom, were you waiting for, cunt?

*I deliver the last word with more freeze than either of my hands can produce at this very moment in time.*
I writhe slightly beneath you, my nipples achingly hard against your palms. Sighing into the kiss time and again, my hands rising to rest tentatively on your shoulders before one snakes higher into your hair. Fingertips brushing your scalp.

I've missed this.

Those few softly spoken words make me shiver, moreso than the chill of your hand. Although my body arches as your hand slips lower then a slight tensing as it pushed under my jeans and finds my already awakened sex.

No panties. Whom, were you waiting for, cunt?

N-no one...

I stammer as my body suddenly trembles. Even though it's the truth, saying it makes me feel a little apprehensive. My thighs part subconsciously to allow your hand greater freedom.

...I wasn't expecting anyone...I just...I just didn't wear any...
*That answer bodes badly for two reasons. One, you have no answer. Two, the answer was not me. My fingers curl, digging into your skin above the hole they were supposed to delve into, and instead pinching that very sensitive area of your skin that is supposed to be for your pleasure. Only now it is not.*

You're lying to me.

*It doesn't matter if you aren't or not, because now that I have said it. You are.*

Why would you lie to me, you useless piece of shit?

*My fingers dig in harder, and likewise my hand clenches in a vice around your breast. Squeezing to the hardened tip with power that I did not use to posses. My face has not flinched or contorted in the least. I lower it until my teeth click right besides your ear.*

I don't like it when you lie...
The pain that rushes through me as your fingers take hold of the sensitive nub above my sex and pinch. My hips leap up from the couch, my eyes and mouth vying for which can open the widest. My fingers flying from your shoulders and hair to curl in to the couch cushions.

You're lying to me.

My response is a whimper. I can't manage more than that. My blue eyes rapidly being covered by a film of tears.

Why would you lie to me, you useless piece of shit?

A yelp and a whine that might have been please but it's not clear as I arch more sharply up from the couch as you take a tighter hold of my clit and crush my breast at the same time.

I don't like it when you lie...

I want to please, I want to explain I wasn't lying, that I'm not stupid enough to lie to you. But I was distracted enough not to answer thoughtfully so, yeah, maybe I am stupid. Through my whimpering I manage to reply.

S-sorry...I'm so sorry...
*My eyes narrow and sharply dart across your face. Just to assure myself you are not toying with me, but it is clear to see that you have no idea what you've done wrong. Well, not yet anyways.*

So you were lying, you rat bastard. Now you're apologizing for it, and doing so poorly.

*For a brief second my grip relaxes on both your breast and between your legs. Only to tighten more powerfully than before. From those two points I can force the tears from your eyes.*

I hope whoever it was comes through those doors. He... Or she.... Won't have a head anymore when they do... So you better pray... Stupid female...

*Finally I let go. Slowly my hand travels to just in front of my face. Your arousal is easy to smell. I rub my fingers together slowly and the mechanics of my mind begin to turn slowly behind rock hard brown eyes. Suddenly, I use both hands to split open your jeans, and then proceed to remove them from your smooth legs easily. The nude site that greets me brings a smile to my eyes, but not my face. Seconds later I have one handful of your hair, and another of your breasts. I pull hard, and spin you over the top of the couch. I move behind you and push your legs open wide with my knees. Without a word I unbutton my fly, and push between your wet, squirming lips, at the same time pulling back hard on your head of hair and twisting it to the side so I can get a view of those beautiful blue eyes.*

*I growl lowly as my pace stays steady and strong.*
So you were lying, you rat bastard. Now you're apologizing for it, and doing so poorly.

The relief as your fingers ease their hold is fleeting and rapidly quashed as the pressure returns and stronger, harder. My eyes widen and the first tears leak from the corners, sliding down my cheeks and into my hair.

I hope whoever it was comes through those doors. He... Or she.... Won't have a head anymore when they do... So you better pray... Stupid female...

Panic for a moment that someone might arrive. Someone as unexpected as you. Praying no one else is out in the woods I only notice the pain has gone when I smell my own sex and blush furiously to see you rubbing your fingers before my face.

A yelped gasp as you make short work of ridding me of my jeans, then a louder one as you haul me over the back of the couch by my hair and chest. Fresh tears dampening my face as you part my legs and thrust inside me.
My mouth is a wide 'o' of discomfort, shock and terrified excitement all at once and I know you can see all of those shining in my eyes as you bend my head around to see. My body being crushed between you and the back of the couch as you thrust again and again...and again...

Leaving me no choice but to take my 'punishment' you take me.
*The acceptance of your body is belied by the fear on your face and tremble in your lips. The slippery wetness of your cunt feels different after all this time. I already can feel the beginnings of my own orgasm, it seems too soon, but after eight weeks nothing is too soon. I growl deep and low as my teeth sink into your white flesh. Just above your shoulder and below your neck. It's tender flesh that tries to escape my bite, but I'm a persistent bastard and soon taste salty blood. My tongue stains it up toward your face as I lick long, hot, and wet.*

They are all too gentle with you, slut.

*I snarl softly as I clean off my stained teeth and lips slowly, before kissing you on the cheek and leaving a perfect imprint of my lips there. I continue to kiss, sliding back down your throat to the wound i made just moment before. My tongue dabbles across it lightly, letting my stinging saliva wash over it carefully; cleaning it with 'tender' care.*


*My hand tightens in your hair as my stomach begins to squeeze. The other hand squeezes your breast, pulling it away from your body as I pinch the hardened tip. There is so much I want to do to you, but only so much that can be done... The first time, and especially in my condition. You sense it before me. My climax, it comes with a growl of delight. I've felt nothing so pleasurable in such a long time. I'm sure it won't end. My knees lock, smashing you against the couch as I flood your insides over and over again until there is absolutely nothing left. My fingers hurt from how hard I was squeezing, and I take deep breaths. Then I kiss your shoulder lightly.*

It's good to be back.
Note to self, don't wear heels while walking in the woods. I swear I just felt something squish under my foot, and I am too afraid to look. So I won't. Just focus on the small box in my hand and don't... eewww.... mud.

See? This is why I have a chateau, and a staff, and very clean floors, walkways... love nature. When I don't have to be in it. But finally I make it,I'm not staying. Just dropping a small gift off.

Leaving the little box on the doorstep, I thank the heavens I can vanish back to my chateau and disappear into a shower and have these shoes incinerated. Brit is worth what ever little creature I killed with the stilletto.

Dearest Witch,
Enjoyed your time with me, looking forward to more. Just something for us to play with later.... Many many kisses, Aus.

Contained within
I come back from an evening walk through the snowy woods to find a box and note waiting for me. Scooping it up I head inside, pausing to refill the lantern on the porch with oil, before lighting the candles and stoking the fire. I hang up my cloak and eagerly read the note and open the box. Blushing at both the contents and the thought of who they are from. I stroke their softness and for a fleeting moment consider slipping them around my wrists...just to see...but I can see no key in the box so resist the urge...for now...

Leaving the lovely gift and note on the table, I cross to the couch to sit and remove my walking boots. The kettle heating up over the flames and my mind wondering I could have to ease the hunger pangs in my stomach.
Pulling my heavy cloak around the shoulders I walk up to the now familiar sight of the comfortable cottage nestled amongst the trees.

I smile as I approach the door, the memories of my times with the Witch inside warm me up.

I place small package on the doorstep, the knock before wandering back to disappear amongst the snowflakes.

In the package lie two very different but relevant items that i hope will make her think of me.

Something intimate


Something warming
It’s been too long since I was last here.

The snow has almost gone, branches are still bare but here and there are glimpses of Spring peeking through the undergrowth.


The streams are gradually freeing themselves from the icy grasp of winter and the birds are slowly but surely returning.

I open the door and sigh with relief to be home. Soon enough the fire is burning merrily and chasing the chill from the cottage, the kettle is boiling ready for tea and the oven warming up.

Having shrugged off my jacket upon entering, I’m left in my vest and jeans. I smile as I pull out the barrel of flour and a large bowl. There is baking to be done.
A wolf comes wandering and smells a witch nearby. Small feet take me through glorious woods until the pretty little country home pops into view.

Steps speed up and I leap toward the door, a single sprig of lilac held loosely between two fingers. A tap and then a shouted "Hello?" and I enter.
At the sound of the knock I turn to the door and a broad smile curves my lips as my eyes fall on a much missed, familiar, face. I've only been baking a short while and already my cheeks are dusted with flour and there is a fair amount deposited on the seat of my jeans, the result of absent mindedly wiping my hands there before washing them.

Hello there...