Britwitch's Cottage

I shift slightly as his fingers rise higher to trail lightly over the apex between my thighs.

Lonely...? I don't get lonely I...I like the peace out here and I have visitors to share things with

I reply almost defensively before my words stop abruptly with the gripping of my thigh and the pressing of the gun against the side of my head. I swallow audibly, fighting a mad urge to try to run away. The cool metal more frightening than anything I've ever experienced before.
The realisation that with little effort on his part he could end it all. That my life is well and truly in his hands.

My wide, undoubtedly terrified, eyes looking back at him. I feel as though someone has poured ice water down my spine, for the first time regretting how 'out of the way' I chose to make my cottage.
An unstoppable whimper leaving my lips as his thumb strokes my lower lips.

His instructions chill me further still, my imagination running riot with what sorts of things, what sorts of secrets he plans on making me share with him.

Licking my suddenly dry lips I lean closer and loop my fingers under his tie. Pulling loose the knot and drawing it out from under his collar. I lay the expensive strip of silk on the seat beside him and then focus on the buttons.

As each one opens, another patch of well toned, muscled torso comes into view. I don't want to be affected by it. I want to show I'm above such things. But I'm not. I squirm against the hand pressing up into my sex, feeling more tell-tale moisture leaking down, to my increasing embarassment.

Taking a shaking breath I try to do as I've been instructed, intending to try and answer as honestly as I can. Sensing that to lie, to tell him what I think he wants to hear, will somehow be the biggest mistake I could make. Sensing he'd know if I was being untruthful.

I...I want to be made to feel like a woman.
I want to be fucked by a real man...a strong, masculine be be left in no doubt as to his desires. For him to take charge and bend me to his will.
Not necessarily a gentleman, but a man.

As the last buttons open to reveal the flat plain of his stomach, my eyes meet his uncertainly. Looking for a sign, an indication, of what might lie ahead and if my answer was good enough.
*The nervous twitches and shaky breath leave me sitting with my balls churning and my cock straining against both my underwear and slick slacks. This reaction does not reach my face however, as it continues to stare coldly into your blue eyes without flinching. I give your pussy a delicate swab; noticing the increase in fluids with a final breaking of the ice over my face. Smirking into those intensely shining eyes of yours. I press the barrel of the gun slightly into the skin that surrounds your skull, just to hear you whimper again. Also to see how long and how much it will take to see those deliciously innocent eyes spill tears around the edges. My decision hasn't been made per say, there is still plenty you can do to fuck it up, but I am already leaning heavily toward one side. It has a rather happy ending for you, thankfully.*

Well why don't we find out if I am... Man enough... To give you what you want.

*I motion with my eyes to my crotch.*

Shoes first, and make sure they are clean before you put them down. Who knows what kind of shit I stepped in walking through that forest... Then take the pants all the way off.

*After you finish the shoes I cock the hammer to my pistol. The resounding click seeming to echo around the tiny cabin of yours; louder than the crackling fireplace and all of your heavy breathing and whimpering. I chuckle as you jump. Then make a shushing sound, and lightly stroke my free hand over your cheeks. As I can longer reach your pussy while you kneel to free my shoes and pants.*

Now I want you to tell me how that man will fuck you. Not general platitudes like hard and deep. Specifics. Where do you want my cock *i notice, that you notice, that i am now the man* to go? How deep? What is it going to touch? What is it going to do before, during, and after? Do you understand me? Get moving, bitch.
My body tenses as the gun presses harder against the side of my head. Making my jaw tighten and causing my hands to clench momentarily. I bite back on the yelp that arose in my throat and hold your eyes as bravely as I dare.

As you instruct me to remove your shoes and trousers I can feel a sense of foreboding enter me. I have little doubt what you intend to do to me, but it is the state in which you will leave me that concerns me the most.

Without a word I drop gracefully to my knees and one at a time, remove your shoes. Luckily for me the snow outside has left them practically spotless. God knows how I would have had to clean them otherwise.

After a steadying breath I reach out towards your waistline then a cry I cannot attempt to stop leaves my lips as you cock the weapon. My eyes prick with tears and the terror I am battling to keep subdued threatens to overwhelm me. Your shushing and stroking only makes it all so much worse. So much more real.

I start to undo your trousers and start to ease them down over your hips, having to lean into you to ensure the back moves in time with the front. I can feel your breath on my neck as I reach around you and it makes me shiver. Such hot breath, dancing dangerously on my skin.

As I lean back to start to pull the trousers down your legs your next instruction stops me in my tracks. Sapphire eyes, full of worry, finding yours instantly. My cheeks hot to the touch as the realisation of how I am expected to humiliate myself strikes home.

Swallowing once more as I guide your trousers down your athletic legs I begin to tell you what you want to hear. To tell you the desires I don’t share with others, the desires I don’t even think I’ve allowed myself to admit to myself.

Yes, I…I understand.
I would want his…I mean, I want your cock…

I hesitate briefly before continuing

I want your cock as deep…as it will go. I want it buried to the hilt in my pussy, after it has thrust repeatedly into my mouth…

I focus on pulling your trousers down to your ankles and easing each leg over your feet. Carefully folding the expensive pants and reaching up to place them on the seat beside you and your tie.

I…I want your cock to take me, to claim me…to leave me with no uncertainty as to whose I am…and then I want…

Hesitantly I look up and meet your eyes

…and then I want it, want you, to take me again…and again…
*I give a soft little laugh, and silently ease the hammer of the gun back to it's normal setting. You don't hear it, but perhaps something in the way I'm holding the gun makes you realize there is just slightly less pressure. While it was enough to make me realize I didn't want anything to accidentally happen. That was still pretty generic. I realize that I may have to show you in detail what I want you to describe. With grunt I reach out and push you to your feet. I sit up in the chair, and slowly slide the barrel of the gun down your curves; flicking across your erect nipples through the thin tee-shirt, I see that you wear it quite often, and that makes me smile. I slowly make my way all the way down until the barrel stops between your legs.*

That wasn't good enough.

*My free hand snatches your ear and twists it, forcing you to lean over while your hips remain in place with the hard metal poking directly at your pussy. Then I slip it underneath the hem of the shirt and slowly draw it through your dripping lips, back and forth as I whisper into your face.*

Lot's of girls want to be claimed, and then do it over and over again. Lot's of them want it buried to the hilt inside of them. It sounds like a line from a really bad porno. What I want to know-

*Suddenly, but rather softly I push the nose of the gun into your pussy. The cool barrel a stark contrast to your heated innards.*

- is where exactly do you want my cockhead to touch.

*I push the barrel in halfways, and slowly draw it out. Then as I speak again I push it in slightly deeper.*

Every time it rips through your hot pussy.

*I slowly extract the barrel, and running it under the massive shirt I spread your juices across your belly, all the way up to your belly button and am even able to circle your hanging, but firm breasts under the shirt. Then slowly I draw it down with a smirk on my face; sure that it is causing goosebumps the entire ride. Once again I run it back and forth between your lips, before thrusting it as far as it will go.*

Then when I cum. Where do you want it? In your slutty womb? Or do you want it over every taste bud you have in your mouth? Perhaps, in your bowels, deep in them so that you can feel it splattering against your insides. Does that turn you on?

*I begin to steadily 'fuck' you with the barrel.*

Do you understand what I want now, slut?
I try not to fidget as you draw the weapon down my body. A slight sound does escape as the barrel passes over my hardened nipples. Making me look towards the ceiling in an attempt to distract myself from what's happening. As the gun stops between my legs I swear my heart stops for a second. Then a yelp as you grab my ear and twist it cruelly until I'm leaning down towards you.

Panic starts to rise quickly as you inform me my answer was not what you wanted to hear. I can't help but whine as I feel the cold metal of the gun slip under my nightshirt and start to move backwards and forwards across my sex. My eyes finally filling with tears as fear rapidly overwhelms me. Tears which overflow and slowly glide down my reddened cheeks as you push the tip inside me.

This is it, I'm convinced, this is the end.

But then you carry on talking and I realise this is just another stage.
I groan and feel my eyes roll slightly as you pull the gun out and then push it in, deeper this time. The metal frighteningly cold inside me as my pussy inexplicably grips it.

As you withdraw it and trail it across my stomach and up towards my breasts I feel fresh tears drip down my face. Humiliation now, not fear, at what you want me to tell you. What I know I'm going to tell you.

Then a yelp as you thrust it into my sex as far as it will go, making me tense and making my eyes shut tight. Expecting to hear a deafening bang as you grow bored of explaining and pull the trigger. But the bang never comes. Only more words, more demands. And then you start to pull and push the weapon in and out of my grasping sex

I...I understand...

My voice is quiet and clearly scared as I begin to speak, my cheeks burning brightly as I do so.

I...I want your cock to touch the back of my touch my cervix, to try and push deeper still...I...want your cock to touch places inside me that don't even have names...and when...

I close my eyes for a second and two new tears fall onto my face

...when you cum I...I don't know where I want you to cum...I want to taste you but I want to feel you fill me to the point of overflowing, to feel your seed dripping back out of my sex and onto my thighs...I want you to cum everywhere...
*The tears are your pass. To what? I am not sure, but the train of thought that was leading anywhere close to pulling the trigger has been diverted elsewhere. My finger instead curls around the trigger guard in order to give me a better grip on the metal. This doesn't mean I couldn't easily move my finger and pull the trigger. It just means there is no chance a gut-jerking reaction will accidentally cause me to end your life prematurely. Another step has been added before I can make that decision, to put it carefully.*

Don't cry sweetie... You won't feel a thing when it happens.

*I continue to fuck your pussy with the metal barrel. Allowing it to slide in deeply and lodge against your walls without fear or concern of it doing any damage because since I don't want it to. It won't happen. Still, your tears continue to drip over bright red cheeks; heating them before the drop onto my chest, thighs, and even one or two landing on my erect cock.*

Why are you still crying little slut, afraid that you're going to cum on a piece of metal, something cold and heartless that can give you pleasure, or end it all with once click?

*My eyes narrow and my fingers twist your ear; forcing you to bend further. Placing both of our mouths, near the others ear. So that I can hear your rapid breathing, and you can hear my whispered words.*

Just let it happen slut. That is why you live in this remote little cabin, isn't it? Nobody to see or hear just how naughty you are. Well now I am here. I'm going to see how much of a slut you are, how hard you cum at the thought of being fucked by a gun, by someone you don't even know, after telling him you want him to rape you.

*I shush you softly.*

I am raping you already bitch. You just didn't realize it yet.
The fact that you call me 'sweetie' and try to calm me, somehow makes it all worse. All the while the gun slipping back and forth inside my tight canal, stimulating my insides with its constant pressure, my body's reaction worries me almost as much as you words and the unspoken threats hanging in the air around me. Where the barrel joins the chamber rubs against my clitoris with every pass. Cool metal exciting the sensitive flesh with agonising speed. Every push against it making me fidget a little more and a little more.

As you ask me why I'm crying, I honestly don't think I can answer you. My fear of the weapon has ebbed slightly, I can sense your arousal, see it, almost smell it but the fear that my body will obey you and your desires, obeying desires of my own that I daren't voice, is more overwhelming at that moment.

I don't get chance to answer as you pull my head closer. Your breath is terrifyingly hot against my ear, especially when compared to the chilling metal still pushing in and out of my sex.

I'm going to see how much of a slut you are, how hard you cum at the thought of being fucked by a gun, by someone you don't even know, after telling him you want him to rape you.

I try to stop the tears but they fall anyway. The truth hitting me hard. The realisation of what I have asked for. The confusion that such dark desires came from inside me.

I am raping you already bitch. You just didn't realize it yet.

I don't want to give in. I don't want to surrender to you but I know I will.
I already am.

My hips start to rock against your hand the weapon it wields inside me, my body dictating the movements, not my mind. It seems the harder I fight it, the more I try to ignore it, the more intense and overpowering the sensations in my sex become.

My fingers flex and curl, twisting into the bottom of my nightshirt. My bottom lip trembling as I finally gain control over my eyes and stop the tears. For the moment at least. But my lip isn't the only thing trembling. My entire body has started to shake, my cheeks now flushed with excitement rather than embarrassment, my nipples achingly hard as they stick into the thin material covering them. My sex leaking arousal down onto the gun and onto my thighs as I rapidly approach the point of no return.

And I can't begin to imagine what might lay beyond it.
*It's easy enough to feel your arousal from the dripping moisture over my outstretched fingers that curl around the cool metal of my revolver. Almost as easy as seeing it in the way you shiver with the frost of arousal as it coats your body; hardening your nipples and biting your lips for you. The soft pants of a freezing corps. I can imagine your lips blue, puffing small mists of liquid oxygen into the freezing air. It freezes on your eyebrows. Everything freezes. The moment, it is going to be spectacular.*

You're ready, aren't you?

*With a grunt and then a growl I stand up rapidly. My free hand going to your throat, lifting you slightly, and pushing you back onto the table. Narrowly avoiding the tea kettle and cups. I knock them off anyways, but away from my clothes. The clatter and crash to the ground. The sound of an icicle shattering into thousands of pieces. I lean over you precariously; too far and I will choke you against the table, too lightly and you will most undoubtedly bolt. The gun is still snug in your pussy.*

Keep your fucking thighs apart slut.

*I growl the words as you try and close them. Steadily, but slowly I begin to softly fuck your cunt with the metal barrel. Building you toward that incredibly final moment that is just around the bend.*

You know what you're about to do is a lot like dying. Most everyone experiences a moment of calm before or after they are frightened at their impending death. That moment of absolute tranquility before they explode and their conscious is shattered into a billion pieces of nothing but thin air. Slowly you're building toward it. Every thrust of this cool metal inching you forward in your life towards that moment when it will be over, and just before you reach it you will feel the calmness. You'll know it's right.

*I can see just how close you are, and slow my thrusts to the delight of hearing you groan in frustration.*

But for you it will be different. You will die, but you will continue to breath, to think, and to live. Live will the knowledge that you died willingly, just to feel it.

So do it slut.

*I send the barrel deep inside of you with a jerk.*

A soft gasp as the air is partially expelled from my lungs when the table hits my back. I struggle for a few fleeting seconds but swiftly freeze, easily convinced by the weapon still inside me and your strong hand around my throat. I wince as I hear my teapot and cups hitting the tiled floor, shattering on impact and the sudden sound making me jerk.

As you all but bark at me to keep my thighs open, I hadn’t realised they weren’t but the smashing porcelain had made them shift slightly closer together. I part them wider and groan as the gun starts it’s movements once again.

Talking of dying makes my heart race and face grow pale, aside from the almost permanent hue on my cheeks. My breathing grows shallow and my eyes widen.
I don’t want to die. Definitely not like this, not here in my supposedly safe place.
I try not to listen to your words but in doing so allow my mind to focus on the sensations steadily building between my legs, in the pit of my stomach. That warm, throbbing, tingling sensation that I know will suddenly swell and rise up through me like the lava within a volcano. Just as unstoppable and just as dangerous.

I’m horrified as I hear myself whining with need when you slow the movements of the gun. Keeping me on the brink but not pushing me over.

Then suddenly you push me into the abyss. Not with the gun, not with your touch but with your words.

The relief as you tell me I’m not going to die. As I visibly relax my barriers drop and my body doesn’t attempt to stop the oncoming waves of pleasure as they start to hit.
My hips are already writhing back against the gun as you instruct me to cum. And I do.

My joy at knowing I will live is quickly eclipsed by the pleasure running through me and then as the waves fade, that sensation is replace with humiliation and fresh fear. Humiliation that you made me climax so effectively with little more than threats and a gun. You barely touched me. And fear that if I’m not to die…what am I going to do…

I’m laid, slightly limp on my large, wooden kitchen table. My chest rising and falling sharply within my nightshirt, which is currently bunched up around my waist. My arousal leaking from between my thighs to stain the wood a darker shade. My eyes unsteadily find yours and I wait.
*Slowly I extricate the sopping wet pistol from your tightly convulsing pussy. Allowing it to finish it's orgasm without the object that began it. Watching it grasp at air makes me hard. So do your falling and rising breasts. The way you try to find a place to put your hands without knowing where they go exactly. That cute little blush on your face that has remained plastered there for eternity it seems. I carefully wipe off the gun in your hair; walking slowly to the point at your side. When I'm finished I look down into your blue eyes that listlessly return my gaze after the startling orgasm which you have just experienced.*

Get up.

*Once you are in front of me I gently push your hair behind your ears, and then slowly slide my fingers into said hair in order to grip it tightly. I pull you up sharply into me. My gun, and my cock nudging you in your stomach. Your head is tilted to the side that I brushed all of your hair toward; exposing your neck, cheek, and ear to my lips. I lean over to kiss you softly, in between whispered words.*

See... That wasn't so bad, was it? You are making it much easier to get my decision. What you do next could cement it. *I take a deep breath, exhaling against your ear.* You're going to give me the best blow job that you've ever dreamed about giving. Not the best you've ever done, the best you've ever imagined.

*Another deep breath in your ear.*

If it's not the best, or if I feel like you've done it before. The decision will be made.

*The next words I growl.*

Now. Get going.

*Then I tug you down by your hair onto your knees. We are well away from the shards of broken pewter, as I'm not wearing any shoes.*
The soft kisses combine with the tight grip in my hair as you hold me against you to make my shuddering start again. My legs feel weak and I've only just regaining control over my breathing when you make the panic and uncertainty rise up inside me once more making it grow shallow and nervous.

My eyes sharpen and focus as you tell me what you want me to do, what I’m going to do, next. I don’t get chance to do much more than that as you pull down to my knees with my hair.

Taking a deep, shaking breath I lay my hands on your thighs. Trying to remember every fantasy I’ve ever had, every dream. I know the acts I’ve imagined but wonder if they’ll match with what you desire.

Leaning closer I begin by running the tip of my tongue up the length of you from balls to head and back again. I do it again and again, letting the dampened skin cool before licking once more.

Leaning closer still I lower my mouth over the head and just hold it within my mouth. Just letting my hot mouth rest over you, my breath dancing over the head in waves of warmth before closing my lips around you and bring my tongue up to swirl around the head.

I suck so gently the pressure is barely there but it’s enough. Just enough.
I suckle taking you gradually deeper. Once I have about half of your length within my mouth I risk looking up at you. Trying to gauge your reaction.

After sucking for a little longer, I lift my mouth off the head and begin to kiss my way down the length of you until my nose is nestled in your pubic hair. I bend slightly and with a soft sigh, take one of your balls into my mouth. Sucking, massaging the firm globe. Then repeating with the other.

My actions slow, almost cautious, bordering on the affectionate were it not for the surreal nature of the situation we’re in. I can feel myself sinking into the act I’m performing. Sighing again as I return my mouth to your shaft and take you deeper now, sucking a little harder. Focusing on the idea of bringing you to climax.

At that moment, the gun, the unspoken threat hanging in the air, they all seem to fade ever so slightly as your masculine scent and taste wash over me.
*I have to admit that I was expecting far less. You did start out teasing and for the life of me I'm not sure why I let you continue, but it turns out alright as my cock grew as you licked and licked. Then just held me in your mouth. The warm air from your throat and nostrils cascading gently over my sensitive skin which only rushed more blood to the organ; arching it against the roof of your mouth until you decided to begin sucking gently. When you look at me I can tell that you are loosing yourself. The climax, the depravity of the situation, you suddenly aren't caring about the end of all this but rather the now and the here. Silently I place the gun on the counter, and both of my hands softly fall to the back of your head.*

What a good slut...

*I whisper softly as you take my balls into your mouth.*

You want what is inside of them, don't you?

*I ask as you move back to my erection. With a much firmer grip and pressure from the vacuum of your mouth. I smile and sigh as my fingers curl into your hair. Slowly tightening until all you can do is suck with your mouth, no bobbing, no moving, nothing but your aching jaw and flailing tongue. I slowly begin pulling you hard against me, until the head of my cock pops into your throat. I hold it there, before slowly pulling it out. I can feel my balls churning, but the ache is so strong I know this will not be the only time my seed will be filling you. It's almost as if it is overflowing."

Do not swallow it cunt.

*I order softly as my balls suddenly tighten and I squeeze your hair. The slit of my dick resting directly on your tongue even as my cock expands and begins to deposit a healthy white load of cum directly onto your taste buds. I finally let you go and look down at you. My body slowly calming after the orgasm. I pick up the gun and slowly bring it to train on you... Then it falls to my side.*

Good job slut. But we're not finished. Not yet. For right now I want you to get back up on the table and take off your shirt. Good girl. Now cum, make yourself cum, and right when you do. That is when you can swallow.

*Meanwhile I turn and make myself a drink, a bit stiffer than the tea. I turn to watch you as i sip it slowly, my eyes roving over your body, doubting you will stop now. How could diddling yourself make this any worse?*
I suck as best I can, your hold on my hair tight and holding my head absolutely still. My tongue and mouth working hard to stimulate you.
A task made easier as you start to pull my head towards your body, pushing more of you into my mouth but the forwards movement doesn't stop. All too soon the head of your shaft is pushing against the back of my mouth, then into my throat making my eyes water as the muscles contract around you.
Breathing a little heavily through my nose as you just as slowly withdraw from my throat.

Do not swallow it cunt.

The instruction registers seconds before the grip in my hair tightens and I feel your cock twitch within my mouth. Gradually feeling my mouth with the proof of your arousal. I fight my natural reaction to swallow, which is harder than I anticipated it would be.
My eyes widen as you release your grip on my hair only to pick up the gun and aim it towards me.

Your next instructions are given and I swiftly obey. I pull the shirt over my head. Revealing my curves and slightly more than modest bust.
With my lips tightly sealed, I sit on the edge of the table and lay back.
My hands instantly moving. One slipping down between my thighs, the other to rest upon my breast, fingers toying with my nipple as my other hand begins to stroke and rub my clit.

I know I should be scared. I know I should be unable to even think about making myself orgasm but the fear, my previous arousal, the taste in my mouth all of it combining to drive me towards a climax far quicker than I would have expected. My fingers know my body and know how to touch it to get the desired result so within minutes I'm writhing upon the table. Fingers pinching, pulling my hardened nipple while my other hand works hard and fast between my legs.

With a muted cry, thanks to the contents of my mouth, I start to cum. I swallow and the taste and aroma of your seed assails my senses and pushes me even harder over the edge into the pleasure beyond. My naked body bucks and grinds upon the wooden table, my dark hair spilling out around my head like ink. My chest heaving and cheeks flushed as the peak of my orgams finally passes and my movements grow slower.
*Your quick and utterly convincing orgasm quite simply gets the decision for me.*

I am not killing you.

*I say the words softly, and reach for my holster. Putting the gun away I reach for my pants until I catch a look at your face. You're sad. How could I have not seen that coming? You don't want me to leave. This nightmare can't be over already! I chuckle and toss the pants back onto the chair and approach you where you sit on the table.*

Open wide.

*I quickly inspect your mouth, before nodding which means you are allowed to close it.*

Good slut.

*I reach out pull you off the table by your arm; seemingly gentile like until you are on two feet in front of me and then I spin you around roughly in order to shove you against the table. Your hips bang firmly; and there will be some bruises. Bending over I use my belt for your right ankle and tie it to the leg of the table, and then I use your discarded shirt for the other to keep you widely spread. I place both your hands on the opposite edge of the table and forcefully curl your fingers around that edge.*

If you let go. Even for a second. I'm going to hurt you... Not kill you... But I will hurt you, more than what I'm doing now.

*Reaching down I rub both of your beautiful butt cheeks, before slapping each of them once. They immediately redden. I slap one, and then other again. Then both at the same time. I go to the kitchen counter top and pick up a wooden spoon, using this I smack your ass again, both cheeks at once, and then each individually. Finally I lean over with the wooden object rubbing the welts lightly.*

I want to hear another secret slut... This one... Has to be good, and you have to choose what it is. And you better be sure I'm going to enjoy it, or else you will not.
I am not killing you.

Relief floods my pleasure drowned body, making me breathe out a long breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding until that point. I watch you putting the gun away and reach for your clothes, feeling a strange mixture of emotions. The strongest of which, to my utter surprise, is disappointment that this staggering, mind blowing encounter is over. It’s true I’ve been terrified and genuinely afraid of what you might be capable of and yet…yet I’ve been dancing on a knife edge of arousal the like of which I’ve never known before.

I blush as I notice you’ve caught me looking at you. You approach and I can feel my only recently calmed heart beginning to pound once more.

I open my mouth obediently and allow you to inspect it, inspect me. You take my arm and I slide off the table onto slightly unsteady feet before you. Having to tilt my chin towards the ceiling to keep my eyes on your face.

Then all of a sudden the gentility is gone. I groan as you turn me rapidly around and force me down to bend over the table. My hips crash into the thick wood and I wince. Within moments my legs are tied apart and you place my arms across the table to hold the other side.
Your threat makes me shiver. Not only because of the threat of pain but because it demonstrates you don’t even need to tie me down. Your power over me is so great, your words alone can bind me to the spot.

A sharp yelp as you slap my behind. A short, high pitched sound with each open handed slap. The skin heating up and tingling. When you return with the wooden spoon I wince before it even touches me. The very slight whistling sound as it rushes towards me makes me tense and sense a fresh new kind of excitement rushing down my spine. As it makes contact and bites my skin, my fingers clutch tighter onto the edge of the desk.
Another yelp, a different pitch this time as it descends into something like a whine between strokes.

Another instruction. Another secret to be shared. And one of my choosing. My voice when I answer is trembling slightly, from nerves and the tingling burning coming from my behind.

My…my first experience…my first sexual experience was with a girl. She…she was my best friend and we were camping. One night in the tent we were talking about boys and I commented that no boys would like me.
I…I’d developed earlier than everyone else and felt a bit of a freak.
I was all curves and softness whereas my friends were, well, not that different from the boys.
Anyway, she…she said she thought differently…and that she was jealous of what I had…and then…

I’m so glad you can’t see my face as I continue, my cheeks burning almost as brightly as those facing you.

Well, then she kissed me. I was so shocked I just…I just let it happen. Her hands were everywhere, feeling my chest, holding back my hands as hers slipped between my thighs, slipping inside my underwear…she made me cum that night, after she'd explored. She was the first person to do that and then told me what to do to her to allow her to do the same, where to touch, how to touch…

...I guess I’ve always done what I was told.
*As you speak my hand without the spoon begins to slowly massage your red behind, and likewise i rub the wide bowl of the spoon over your skin as well. Scratching the wood against your skin softly to provide just another sensation. Although with you I have a feeling it is slightly more mental and emotional than the physical. I lean over slowly, as you are coming toward the end of your story, and trail my fingers up your spine; dragging my nails across your skin until they reach the base of your skull. Delicately I wrap my fingers in your long, silky hair. Then slowly I pull back, and to the side. Arching and tilting your skull until I can see one side of your blushing, beautiful face. Once you finish I rub the spoon directly over your pussy. I feel it coat with juices immediately that run down the handle and onto my skin.*

You were a horny little slut then too, I see.

*I drop the spoon, and use my free hand to rub the head of my cock through your pussy lips. Not quite penetrating you, and using the liquid to coat my cock as I tease you with it carefully.*

You know that letting someone make you cum is the best feeling in the world. Isn't it? Even if it is another girl...

*I slowly penetrate you now. Sliding deep inside of your pussy with one smooth, long stroke until my hips rest against yours. One hand is still in your hair, forcing you to turn and arch; allowing me to go deeper and watch both sets of pretty cheeks blush.*

Now I know why you're enjoying this so much... You've always been a pleasure slave. And you always will be.

*My grip in your hair tightens as I slowly remove myself until even the head of my dick is hovering outside of your fuckhole.*

I'm glad I stumbled upon your little cottage miss. I think I'm going to keep you.

*I thrust back in, and begin to fuck you gently without stopping. Running my free hand over your warmed ass, and drawing my nails up and down your spine as I watch your face closely, enjoying every fraction of a change to it.*
I'm glad I stumbled upon your little cottage miss. I think I'm going to keep you.

A long low sigh leaves my lips as you thrust inside me. Those last few words making me tremble, all of my skin rippling with goosebumps of excitement. The idea of being kept, being somehow 'yours' making my body shiver with equal amounts of desire and uncertainty. All I am truly aware of is how much I've longed to feel you inside me and now just how amazing it feels.

My fingers tighten their hold on the table's edge, my eyes looking back from the position you are holding my head in. Watching every movement of your hips, seeing the strength in your arms as your run a hand across my body. My back's arching growing more pronounced as your nails move across my spine.

My tight sex massages your cock, my hips trying to angle as best they can with my feet tied in place, trying to let you go as deeply as possible. My arms straightening to push me back against you, my hips rolling slightly to meet your thrusts. The sounds leaving my mouth growing steadily louder and my words more insistent in their tone.

Oh...yes...oh god, yes....please...please don't stop...don't ever stop...
*Your tight folds draw me closer to you. Deeper inside of you too. My lips brush against your sweaty shoulders, running down across your spine, and then up over your shoulder again. I kiss and lick my way to your neck, as with every thrust it slides away from my lips by inches. The moment is intense as it gets without a gun pointed at your head. I can hear everything; the table creaking, your whimpering helplessness, my steady grunts, the slick sound of wet skin sliding against wet skin. I let out a deep, slow, steady breath as I press my hips to yours and hold my cock deep in your milking cunt.*

I can feel you quivering...

*I whisper in your ear softly, before giving it a gentle kiss.*

You're so tense...

*Licks the ear gently, wiggling my wet tongue slightly against the opening to your brain. The hand not in your hair squeezes your ass, before slapping it gently. I groan as your body ripples around my glistening erection. I give it another smack, with the same reaction. Then I begin to thrust again, slowly, and I time each push forward with a smack on either of your butt cheeks.*

Just relax....

*I chuckle softly as a thought strikes me.*

- but don't cum.
The table top is smooth but still strange against my bare skin, dragging slightly against my nipples as your thrusts push me back and forth. I whimper as my hips push back as far as the improvises restraints around my ankles will allow. My movements and sounds wanton, aware of precious little than the feel of your large, hard cock claiming my sex, claiming me.

Each kiss making me writhe a little more beneath you, my knuckles white as the grip the far edge of the table top. Determined not to let myself down and disobey you, determined to hold on as long as I can.

A yelp as you slap my behind, then again. Each slap sending excitement racing through me and making my sex clench tighter around you with a soft sigh.

I try to do as you tell, trying to relax my body but that only intensifies every sensation rushing through me. As you continue to slap my rear in time as you restart your thrusts your instruction to relax becomes that much harder. My clit is tingling and my pussy sopping wet. I try to ignore the steadily building throbbing deep inside my core, biting my lip as my ass tingles and grows steadily warmer, every slap making everything so much more intense then I could ever have imagined.
*The incredible tightness of your cunt grows. I'm slightly surprised, but intensely overjoyed at the sensations coursing along the head of my dick, all the way to the base and into my balls, which are full, and beginning to tingle with anticipation. I growl low in your ear as they churn and tighten, pulsing as they juice and begin oozing pre-cum deep in your slick folds. I let out a deep groan as pleasure begin to slowly drown me, but it's not in a rush and though I can feel the tide rising it has not overwhelmed me just yet.*

I'm going to leave you with something very precious little slut. It is very personal.

*Gently I kiss your neck as I continue to drive in and out of your slick folds; powering through your clenching pussy and deep against the entrance to your pussy. The tight grasp only milking more of my gift from my balls before it is over.*

You're going to have a part of me, forever embedded within you.

*I thrust in extra deep, and hold myself against your body. My fingers digging into your hair and hips as I let your insides milk me without any movement. Enjoying the feeling as every sensation you experience rolls down your spine and into your pussy, where it massages my dick.*

Well, for nine months at least.

*Your start, and subsequent tightening is just enough. I feel my balls contract and I begin to fill you with the baby-making seed that I mentioned. With a hiss I remind you of my final order.*

Do NOT cum.
I'm going to leave you with something very precious little slut. It is very personal.

I can feel myself rapidly getting lost in a haze of pleasure swirling around me. I hear your words but they don't entirely register. I lick my lips as my sighs mingle with your growled groans, fingers still holding onto the table but their grip loosening as my body begins to tremble, holding back an orgasm is no easy task after all my body has been through since you arrived.

You're going to have a part of me, forever embedded within you.

I cry out as you drive in deeper than ever and stay there, my teeth fastening hard on my lip, my cheeks red from pleasure and the effort of trying to obey, of trying not to give in to the orgasm hanging over me.

Well, for nine months at least.

The haze lifts in the moment your words penetrate my brain and my whole body jumps. My stomach flips with sudden panic and my hands suddenly grip tighter at the table top. I try to turn my head to look at you properly, my eyes widen in perfect opposition to the clenching of my sex around you.
Among the worry and panic my arousal and excitement only intensifies.

As I feel you twitch deep inside me and start to fill me, my body begins to tremble as my climax tries to claim me as you are doing.
I fight against letting it win, my body growing limp with the effort, my skin beaded with sweat while my hips still move lewdly against yours. Even the implications of what is happening can't stop my body's submission to you and your desires.
*The last several blasts come with soft thrusts in order to draw out as much of my seed as I can. We both feel it filling you entirely to the brim, and as it begins oozing around your lips and down the insides of your legs. I can feel you trembling around my erection as the last spasm fades from my muscles, your entire legs are trembling with the strain of not cumming, and it even feels like you are trying to close your legs.*

Okay slut... Do you still want to... Cum? Speak up. Good girl.

*My stamina shines through when coupled with your incredibly wet and on edge pussy. I begin thrusting again. Slow, gentle strokes that would only bring you over the edge next summer if it wasn't for the moment. But right now you are wound as tightly as a spring at the moment and I know all that you need is this soft little fucking. So that is all I'm going to give you right now, and leave you always wanting more.*

You have to tell me one last secret babe... Is it true, what you said before, a good thing we're so far apart?

*I know you will understand. My lips land on your neck where I kiss softly.*

That would make nine months even more of frightening dream, wouldn't it?

*I sigh with a happy tone, and continue my slow prodding.*

You may cum.
I'm almost whimpering in pain as your seed fills my insides to the point of overflowing, leaking on my thighs, and the urge to climax almost overpowering me.

Okay slut... Do you still want to... Cum? Speak up. Good girl.

Y-yes...yes please...please, I want, I need to cum...please let me...

My words fade into a whine as you start to move inside me once again. My toes curling against the tiled floor, my fingernails digging into the underside of the table top, I can taste blood in my mouth from where my teeth have broken the skin of my lip.

You have to tell me one last secret babe... Is it true, what you said before, a good thing we're so far apart?

Another needy whine meets your words, squirming as you kiss the back of my neck, my eyes pricking with tears at the pressure of fighting against cumming and the dawning realisation of what might have happened between us augmented by the humiliation of having to answer another question.

That would make nine months even more of frightening dream, wouldn't it?

I nod, my cheeks burning bright with embarassment.

Y-yes,'s true...perhaps now more than ever...

You may cum,

With a loud cry I let my body submit to the pleasure that has all but smothered it. I tremble and shake upon the table. My sex clutching greedily at your cock and the seed within it, drawing it all deeper still. My hips bang upon the wood and the buises already forming from my positioning upon it twinging in response.

But the pain, the embarassment, the fear all fade in comparison to the pleasure coursing through me. I arch upwards and off the table, hands still determined to hold on, nipples achingly hard from the stimulation of the table and the situation.

As the waves of pleasure begin to fade I collapse gratefully onto the table top. Where it not for it's support, the pressure of your body against mine and the ties around my ankles I am sure I would simply slump, exhausted, to the floor.
*I place several soft kisses down your spine, and lick tenderly at your skin covered in salty sweat. Then I blow lightly and enjoy watching you shiver. I slide from your warm grasp and shiver myself as the cool air caresses my wet cock. I take a dish towel to wipe it off, and toss the towel lightly besides you before bending down to remove both straps around your ankles. I leave you resting there on the table with cum dripping down between your thighs all the way to your knees. I dress slowly, and casually, my mind racing as is typical. But seven hours, and thousands of miles finally just make me smile as I drape a robe that I find hanging nearby over your body. Walking around to your front as I button up my trench coat I squat until I am at eye level with you, my hand takes a firm hold of your hair and tilts your head up. I stare right into those big blue eyes and smile.*

I'll be seein you babe.

*Leaning over I kiss you lightly, and my hand slides down to your fingers which I carefully pry off the edge of the table.*

You be careful now.

*I kiss your cheeks, and nose. Then finally your lips once more with a light brush of my tongue against them I stand and put on my hat. Turning, I make my way to the door and turn back to give you one last wink before opening it and hurrying out into the howling snow. Shutting the door lightly behind me.*