Breathless, wordless, words

Cascadia rain
smudgy grey skies, misty morn
the air clean and cool

splattering rain drops
gortex zipper’d, hood up
puddles everywhere

glistening wet leaves
dancing dripping with the rain
fern fronds, cedar boughs

sheets of rain run down the drive
rain chain patter splash

pacific coast skies
salt meets fresh and herons fish
Cascadia rain
The last train gone

The taxi stand empty

Just a girl and her suitcase

A heart in turmoil
She packed her bag
Fled the scene
Destination unknown

Self contained
Self possessed
Quietly waiting
She knows not for what

When the time comes
She'll know

When the clock strikes
She'll know

The time will come

But she'll wait
For the path to become clear
For her ticket to ride

Not just anyone
Not just anywhere
Trusting her heart
While she waits
The time will come
A new view from my window
A landscape that was always there
Now revealed and raw
scraped to bare dirt
The deep roots yanked
Backfilled and smoothed
Fresh snow softens new contours
Bucked rounds stacked neat
As if they prefer their new home
The changes wrought so sudden
And yet what came before
Seems oh so long ago
It's been a long walk
across these trodden planks
generations crossed
all their edges gave way
to the incessancy
of time and rain
at the end of all words
for this mysteriousness
to show up
but in lakes
ain't no mermaids
just blurred faces
staring up
and down
fading with light
Yesterday's snow disappeared in the night
The rain a giant eraser of magic fairy dust
Flat grey sky reflects my mood
Coaxed reluctantly from between the sheets
by whimpered demands of damp doggo

Sweeping away the detritus of fall
Advent's first Monday awaits me
I'll open that tiny door
To find the tiniest chocolate morsel
rich sweetness melts in my mouth

Anticipatory joy so quickly dissolved
leaving more ache than satisfaction

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The beauty of winter
A cozy cabin
Coffee and coco
Cell phones locked away in the car

Boughs bending
snow clinging
Icicles waiting
Don’t slam the door

My back turned
A snowball hurled
I’m the mark
Vengeance clouds the mind

Laughter and kisses
Hands concealed
Oh! Betrayed again, Burr!
Good thing I love you
Will ever bring you to mind
The way you drawled out the word
In omage to the Brit market vendor

Raspberries on little fingers
sweet treats for Claire
I ache for you this Christmas
welcomed into your hug
A car full of gifts
and Poulsbo pastries

You loved the lights
The warmth
Family love
I ache for you
Will ever bring you to mind
The way you drawled out the word
In omage to the Brit market vendor

Raspberries on little fingers
sweet treats for Claire
I ache for you this Christmas
welcomed into your hug
A car full of gifts
and Poulsbo pastries

You loved the lights
The warmth
Family love
I ache for you
Raspberries make me smile .... though your words here ... makes me see a heartache
The beauty of winter
A cozy cabin
Coffee and coco
Cell phones locked away in the car

Boughs bending
snow clinging
Icicles waiting
Don’t slam the door

My back turned
A snowball hurled
I’m the mark
Vengeance clouds the mind

Laughter and kisses
Hands concealed
Oh! Betrayed again, Burr!
Good thing I love you
This made me smile .. it really did
In the silence we spoke volumes
Between lines all was understood
The space between reveals
Negative space makes the image
Fingertips meet and sparks fly
wordlessly pulled into his arms
Two become one, hearts sync
Your mind meets mine
Impossible to hide
As tears slide silently
Falling into the abyss
In that moment I swear
We were infinite

In the silence we spoke volumes
Between lines all was understood
The space between reveals
Negative space makes the image
Fingertips meet and sparks fly
wordlessly pulled into his arms
Two become one, hearts sync
Your mind meets mine
Impossible to hide
As tears slide silently
Falling into the abyss
In that moment I swear
We were infinite

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It's been a long walk
across these trodden planks
generations crossed
all their edges gave way
to the incessancy
of time and rain
at the end of all words
for this mysteriousness
to show up
but in lakes
ain't no mermaids
just blurred faces
staring up
and down
fading with light
I think this goes well with Cascadia's "At the End of the Pier" poem :)
Sometimes it feels as if we're running a race
It’s you and me competing for air
My point of view, your point of view

Sometimes it feels as if we're fighting without knowing
It’s you and me telling our facts, not getting it right
My point of view, your point of view

Sometimes it feels as if we're not listening to one another
It’s you and me asking the things we have no answers to
My point of view, your point of view

Sometimes it feels as if we're going in circles
It’s you and me always arguing, never agreeing
My point of view, your point of view
It makes me breathless

I ask you a question
I seek information from those that know
I look to those with answers

I wait for a reply
And stain to hear

You are silent and keep me out
Help is silent through malice or through fear
They are silent though they know

I wait for a reply
And the wordless silence is deafening

My nightstand drawer is full of hidden words
I keep it there, for myself
Notes, poems, and little stories
About a broken dream, about a broken life

When these words in my nightstand drawer are hidden no more
It is there for others, as well as for myself
This thread, this place, this cascadia of boundless beauty
It helps, it calms, it quiets my forlorn soul

For words are my weapon
Not to defend against others, not to defend against you
But to defend against my sorrow, my grief, my pain
To defend me from me

For there is a power in the sad breathless words
And there is power in the sad wordless words
It is the power of words, my words
My weapon of choice
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Dreams with Luna

Frost on the window
Warm in bed
Day is done
Thoughts to rest

First wax past new
Cheshire grin
Planets play
Stars surround

Dimly lit above the ground

From here
Now there

So far
So high
Now everywhere

Don’t think
Don’t breathe
Just shine
Just be

Folie a deux
Come fly with me!
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