Breaking Up Stories


Literotica Guru
Feb 25, 2001
Is it better to break a long story into several segment or post it all at once? I usually break them into parts but find that the first part usually gets much higher readership although the latter parts often score higher. Does it make any difference at all?
Unless the story is huge and too long to be posted all in one go, or you have a damn good reason to put it as several stories, then put it as one story. IME, people dislike multi-chaptered stories.

The reason you get more reads, but a lower score on your first chapter is that everybody who didn't like the first chapter, isn't going to bother reading the second chapter. So the only people who'll read the 2nd chapter will be htose who liked the first one and who will also give it a high vote.

Clear? Of course not. :D

The Earl
TheEarl said:
IME, people dislike multi-chaptered stories.

well, I've said it before and I'll say it again...I actually like the multi-chapter stories. However, if each chapter can't be considered its own story, if it can't stand alone as a damned erotic peice of work, then forget the chapters. When it's done, post it. If it gets a sequel, post it. But don't cut one story up.

Thanks Earl and Chicklet - both good thoughts. I did figure out one thing though... if you want a lot of reads never categorize anything under "Erotic Couplings." Anal and incest get the most reads with group not far behind. Some of my best works (I think, and scores seem to verify) are under "Erotic Couplings" and they hardley gets read. I guess if there is anal penetration at least once I could change categories.