Breaking the rules


Literotica Guru
Apr 29, 2004
Oh do not look at me like that I am breaking the rules this isn't really a story idea. I just want opinions on a story that kinda appeared in my noggin. Just a little backstory, well maybe not a little but I am feeling chatty so there. :p

A while back I came across an author on here that goes by handcuffgirl. So she does mostly star wars celebrity stories and really likes to turn jedi into sex slaves. Which honestly has some really nice perks, namely you get tons of sex. Course in real life a sex slave isn't just a sex slave, have to cook and clean and do laundry. I am so jealous of the story gals. :D

So on with the part I want opinions on. I'm going through old stuff and working on that along with new stuff. Hey like I'm the only one don't look at me like that. :rolleyes: Anyway part of that is start up a new story where I have a gal who is joining the military in a future time but not really thingy, and they are turning her into a good little slut.

Sort of the same idea as what handcuffgirl does but not all in one. No jedi or any of that stuff, also going to be a little more detailed in the sex. The stories are good but a little lacking there.

Just in case you dorks haven't figured it out, good story and want to read or would it, if I do post eventually, end up being ignored?

For the whole three people in the forums who has not read my stories at least once click on my name <---- that way and go to homepage.
Its not something I'd read but then I don't care for 99% of whats at McLITTEROTICA, so I'm no reliable judge.

That said, you consistently write better than most, and youll pull another rabbit from your hat with this tale, too.
It sounds interesting though my initial advice would be instead of setting it twenty minutes into the future set it a century or so in the past. One of the near constants of Sci-Fi is the increasingly equal treatment of women. You see everything from the Starship Troopers concept that women simply make better Starship pilots for some reason I don't recall, a lot of them show that women have better aim and thus make better snipers (I've heard there is some science behind this but it tends to be counteracted in real life by a combination of lack of opportunity and men having a hard time teaching women to shoot so they think they are bad.) So on and so forth.

It makes futuristic sex slaves problematic in a "realistic" scenario. Unless something has happened to explain it.

You go back in time though and whores following the army was common place and I can very easily see women volunteering to be slaves for the officers instead of whores for the rank and file troops. Otherwise good call, it sounds like a solid story concept.
Well in this the military is unisex but it also encourages fucking. Now obviously you do need women, and men since gay is not a horrible thing in my stories, that are free with their bodies. Simple reason to boot, for the most part gals pick one guy to fuck, even if they are married to someone else.

Seriously, straying while halfway across the world in a combat situation, soldiers do fuck. They also do it quietly and may or may not tell their SO. Not all of them and then well there are Navy ships. Relationships form on the ship and then for shore leave they don't know each other. Also whore at each port is not something that used to happen.
I didn't deny sex happens, I got the impression your story was about a specially trained whore though.
But it wont work on the ground. I saw it in Vietnam with the Red Cross girls. They serviced the officers exclusively, and we hate them to this day. So in your story all the gals would be trying to fuck the lieutenant, and if the lieutenants a girl she'll be hot for the company commander (captain).
James the gals only serviced the officers because they were single and a husband who makes enough to support her and kids is what most gals want. Especially then it was seen as better to be a stay at home wife and mother than work in some icky office.

I'm waxing undecided on specifically there to provide sex and nothing else. I mean we are talking the military, the file clerks have a stockpile of rifles in case the base is attacked. :D

You know James you are losing your touch, you payed me a compliment. I didn't mention it before because I was shocked. It just hit me so came back and dang you two should go to work or something. :p
James the gals only serviced the officers because they were single and a husband who makes enough to support her and kids is what most gals want. Especially then it was seen as better to be a stay at home wife and mother than work in some icky office.

I'm waxing undecided on specifically there to provide sex and nothing else. I mean we are talking the military, the file clerks have a stockpile of rifles in case the base is attacked. :D

You know James you are losing your touch, you payed me a compliment. I didn't mention it before because I was shocked. It just hit me so came back and dang you two should go to work or something. :p

I've scored a few of your stories 5, too. Your writing is damned good, if you didn't totally suck as a human being youd be great. You remind me of Elmore Leonard.

If it was me I'd write your story along the lines of a bad ass Amazon Warrior Squad doing TDY (temporary duty) with a platoon of grunts. Lotsa conflict and collisions. The Viet Cong had such females. They sniped and cut balls off.
Honestly James you suck as a human being worse than I do so there. :p
I oughta submit a HOW TO NOT TOTALLY SUCK article. I'm writing one called HOW TO BE A REAL MAN AND STOP BEING A PATHETIC PANSY. HOW TO could be my niche.
Oh man that was funny. I almost fell to the floor, well not really but I did bend over a little to laugh. You should do the humor and satire section, I mean you can be our own little snarky guy.

Do not look at me like that I am drawing a blank on names for those comics. :eek:
Honestly James you suck as a human being worse than I do so there. :p

This interchange reminds me of a couple I knew who would argue back and forth and get really wound up. Going over to there house, you knew they were going to get furious at each other. You'd wind up just watching them argue and watching them get boiling mad.

I always thought that right after we left they somehow translated all that energy into furious sexual energy until they'd exhausted each other.
This interchange reminds me of a couple I knew who would argue back and forth and get really wound up. Going over to there house, you knew they were going to get furious at each other. You'd wind up just watching them argue and watching them get boiling mad.

I always thought that right after we left they somehow translated all that energy into furious sexual energy until they'd exhausted each other.

Sure. Mary Matalin and James Carville are that way.
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Hadn't thought of that, but I've seen them together and I would agree with you. Not an act, basically.

My theory is, plenty of couples medicate each others depression with verbal provocations. Plenty of us have great make-up sex.
Oh man, I just threw up a little. There is no way I am screwing James. Nope not a way on this planet or any other will see me doing him. :eek::eek::eek:
Oh man, I just threw up a little. There is no way I am screwing James. Nope not a way on this planet or any other will see me doing him. :eek::eek::eek:

I honestly don't know why this thread is so funny, but keep it up please.

How am I to know if...

Oh man, I just threw up a little. There is no way I am screwing James. Nope not a way on this planet or any other will see me doing him. :eek::eek::eek: not just one more insult on the way to the sort of fuck until total exhaustion, comatose from mulitple orgasms, sweating like a pig experience that you know, deep down, you really want?
Oh man, I just threw up a little. There is no way I am screwing James. Nope not a way on this planet or any other will see me doing him. :eek::eek::eek:

You flatter yourself. No one asked you to.