BREAKING NEWS!!! Con artist outdoes Obama. AGAIN!


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2006
Have to give the con artist credit. When he outdoes someone, he goes bigly. On the same day he said he wants to have a parade in Washington, D.C. on July 4th, because obviously no such parade exists and the fireworks are free:
the con artist's Treasury Department announced that for the first time in U.S. history, the national debt has topped $22 Trillion dollars.

This new milestone is on top of him going golfing mores time in one year than Obama went in eight, on top of the yearly deficit hitting $1 trillion for the first time in our history, and is a direct result of his massive, Republican-backed tax cut which slashed revenue while simultaneously increasing spending. After all, trickle down economics has been shown to be a fantastic way of generating revenue, so why stop now?

When told of his newest topping, the con artist responded, "I'm the King of Debt. What did you expect?"

For their part, Republicans who were up in arms when Obama increased the debt to keep the country from collapsing from the effects of the Bush recession, have remained steadfastly quiet. After all, debt is only bad when it's done by the other guy. When your guy hits an all-time high, who cares?

So raise a frosty mug to the con artist and hail his brilliant business sense. He just cost each and every person $67,000. And it's climbing.
Wassamatta, you don't wanna pay your fair share?
You know the crazy stupid thing... one could probably easily find posts and entire threads from the various apologists (heh) maligning Obama for the deficit and the debt.

But Trump... crickets. Or the noisy slurping of their fellating.
He figures he can declare the US bankrupt and pay China and the Saudies pennies on the dollar.
He figures he can declare the US bankrupt and pay China and the Saudies pennies on the dollar.

Why not? That's the sort of "businessman" he's always been. And the Trumpettes here know that as much as the rest of us do.
The debt is insane and needs to be dealt with but Trump didn't create 22 trillion in debt. 8.5 trillion of that was under Obama's two terms (the most by a single president). GW Bush added 5.8 trillion. Clinton added 1.39 trillion. George H.W. Bush added $1.554 trillion and Reagan added $1.86 trillion...etc & etc.
So the other Presidents get credit for the debt, but only Trump gets credit for "best economy ever!!!" That makes sense.

The debt is insane and needs to be dealt with but Trump didn't create 22 trillion in debt. 8.5 trillion of that was under Obama's two terms (the most by a single president). GW Bush added 5.8 trillion. Clinton added 1.39 trillion. George H.W. Bush added $1.554 trillion and Reagan added $1.86 trillion...etc & etc.
This post is too reasonable, somebody will object.

Yup. Posts #10 & 11.

It's weird how they spun it 180 degrees as if I think that Trump didn't raise the debt. He is definitely raising the debt...just not 22 trillion of it. They definitely need to start focusing on dealing with the debt because that is not sustainable. Eventually the Fed will not be able to stabilize it with quantitative easing. Sooner or later, the interest rate will be forced to go up more dramatically which will end up imploding all those banks that got bailed out in 2009.

Then shit will get real.
The debt is insane and needs to be dealt with but Trump didn't create 22 trillion in debt. 8.5 trillion of that was under Obama's two terms (the most by a single president). GW Bush added 5.8 trillion. Clinton added 1.39 trillion. George H.W. Bush added $1.554 trillion and Reagan added $1.86 trillion...etc & etc.

George Bush was much higher. Never included is the $4 trillion it cost to invade and occupy Iraq during his term, a cost which continues to climb to this day.
George Bush was much higher. Never included is the $4 trillion it cost to invade and occupy Iraq during his term, a cost which continues to climb to this day.

and yet when Trump wants to get out of Syria Iraq Afghanistan you NIGGERS scream
Wasn’t he the guy that was going to eliminate the debt? Another failed campaign promise.
This post is too reasonable, somebody will object.

Who controlled spending for about all but a couple months or so during Obama? Which party?

Who has controlled spending during nearly the entirety of trumps? Who pushed through a huge money giveaway to the rich and corporations recently which will add trillions?


Hint....not Dems.
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I would estimate I paid more in taxes last year than Ishmael, Vetteman, AJ and Que earned combined.

Well, then maybe you should pony up their part of the debt too since you're such a big wheel and all. You know, pay your fair share like a good 1%'er should.
Wasn’t he the guy that was going to eliminate the debt? Another failed campaign promise.

Please take a civics class. The Prez doesn't create the spending bills, he just has to sign or veto them.

You wanna bitch about who isn't fixing the National Debt problem? Look no further than the Speaker of the House. (Either party.) ALL spending and appropriations MUST begin in the House (per the US Constitution) so ALL debt is directly tied to that chamber of Congress.

It's Paleosi's watch. Where's the bill to fix or reduce the debt? Hiding behind the Articles of Impeachment perhaps?
Please take a civics class. The Prez doesn't create the spending bills, he just has to sign or veto them.

You wanna bitch about who isn't fixing the National Debt problem? Look no further than the Speaker of the House. (Either party.) ALL spending and appropriations MUST begin in the House (per the US Constitution) so ALL debt is directly tied to that chamber of Congress.

It's Paleosi's watch. Where's the bill to fix or reduce the debt? Hiding behind the Articles of Impeachment perhaps?

So, you’re saying Trump doesn’t know squat about how to run the country. Got it. ;)
“I’m the Lone Ranger.” Over the course of the discussion, the candidate made clear that he would govern in the same nontraditional way that he has campaigned, tossing aside decades of American policy and custom in favor of a new, Trumpian approach to the world.

In his first 100 days, Trump said, he would cut taxes, “renegotiate trade deals and renegotiate military deals,” including altering the U.S. role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

He insisted that he would be able to get rid of the nation’s more than $19 trillion national debt “over period of eight years.”