Brat sitting (open)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
OOC: I wanted to play a role reversal. This time the girl is being babysat. I also wanted to add the twist of a tease getting what she deserves. Looking for a slow build up of sexual tension. I was however quite determined to have control finally be lost when she slips into his bed. She wants to push the teasing as far as possible. Some naive innocence and curiousity has her slip into his bed, claiming nightmares. Pm me if your interested/your post. Thanks

Lance hung up his phone, looked over at the clock and then turned his tv off. He stood up from the couch and stretched his heavily muscled 6'2 frame. He had just finished a long construction job, an it looke like he would have the next week free. He had been thinking about going to the beach, the heat wave they were experiencing was brutal

But all that changed. He got a call from his old friend Steve, and he had been called out of town for a job surveying, and it looked like lance was gonna have to watch his daughter for him. She was a senior, 18, and didn't need it, but Steve was way overprotective

Plus he would pay lance. And Steve had a nice house, much nicer than his

It was almost 11 and Steve had to leave ASAP. Lance threw on a snug fitting t shirt, grabbed his keys and headed out

Twenty minutes later Steve was thanking him, and on his car and off to Idaho. Lance looked around wondering where she was
Bernadette Taylor

Bernie was far from pleased!

When she heard her father was going away for a week or so, her mind had naturally gone through all the possibilities that would be open to her once she was ‘home lone’. It wasn’t that she was planning anything too wild, but she could basically please herself, come and go as she pleased and though she definitely didn’t plan to throw a party, she would definitely be having friends around to enjoy the pool and hang out with her around the house as the heat wave showed no signs of abating.

And then her father had dropped the bombshell. He had effectively arranged for her to be babysat for the entire time!! She couldn’t believe it! Sure her father was protective, overly so, but THIS was ridiculous! It had been just the two of them for too long and it was only thanks to the long hours he worked that Bernie had any life at all!

And so she had given her father the silent treatment, refusing to acknowledge his attempts at making peace, slamming and locking her door, even though he cajoled and entreated then finally tried to order her to come down and meet the guy she would have the misfortune of being supervised by during her father’s absence.

”Bernadette Taylor, get out here this instant!”

His anger and his demands had actually made her laugh, but she had not given her father the satisfaction of any response at all! In fact it wasn’t until she was sure that he had driven away and the house became unnaturally quiet that she finally ventured from her room to assess just how she would ‘deal’ with the unwelcome presence in her life. And so plastering a sweet smile, she headed to the kitchen under the pretense of fixing herself a snack and getting a lemonade from the fridge, deciding to focus upon the job in hand and letting HIM make the first move.

Only then could she begin to formulate a plan of action …

Lance had set his bag back in the guest room, then wandered into the family room. He assumed she was here somewhere, and judging from Steve's attitude, she hasn't taken the news well at all. But that was kids these days, he thought to himself as he found the remote. Just before turning it on he heard a door open upstairs followed by the sound if someone coming down. He decided to play it just as indifferent as she had

He turns the tv on as he heard noises coming from the kitchen
Much to her annoyance, the sound of the TV could be heard from the front room, but he made no attempt to seek her out or even call out to her. With a frown, Bernie hesitated, then replacing the lemonade, she took out a bottle of beer instead and popped it open before sitting at the breakfast bar to make her sandwich, drinking deeply from the bottle as she did so. She determined to see just what she could get away with and what would prompt a reaction. With any luck this guy really couldn’t give a damn about the teenager he was supposed to ‘watch’ in which case …

She put a sandwich on a plate and looked back at the bread, filling, knife and stuff that she would usually pack away neatly and with a grin spread them out as messily across the counter as she could before downing the remainder of the beer before taking out a second bottle, then picking up her ipod and speaker she made her way outside. In minutes she was sat on a lounger, beer and sandwich in hand, her music blaring out as loudly as she could set it.

Let him ignore that … she thought to herself …
He sat still, patiently ignoring the sounds from the kitchen, although he was suddenly concerned he had heard a beer being opened. Soon enough he heard the door, which finally prompted him to his feet, he certainly couldn't have her slipping out the first day

As he passed by the kitchen he saw a massive mess, cursing under his breath as he opened the back door. He saw her dark hair in a lounger, and a beer by her side, her music was blaring

He decided to play it cool at first, considering they had t really met yet it was ideal it to start off on the wrong foot, but then again she was already being a brat

"So Bernadette" he said as he stepped up next to the lounge, he was suddenly taken aback by her exotic beauty, the sundress she wore exemiplified her dark complexion and brown eyes

"I'm lance. I don't want to be a dick here, but you can't go drinking beer. I'm sure your dad would be a little pissed. I know your pissed, and I can be cool, but just don't push me" he said as he leaned down and turned down her music to an acceptable volume
She heard the back door from the kitchen open and supressed a smile.

... BINGO! ...

She lay back in a pose of relaxation as she heard him approach the lounger.

"So Bernadette"

She raised her eyes slowly, a sweet smile of insolence on her face, just barely sustained as she did a double take.

... wow ... he wasn't what she had expected at all! Surely he had to be her dad's age, but he was tall and built and ... well ... obviously took care of himself and would doubtless be able to take care of any woman he chose to, she imagined ...

He might look fit, but he was treating her like a kid and she wasn't going to put up with that!

"I'm lance. I don't want to be a dick here, but you can't go drinking beer."

She smirked at his words.

"I'm sure your dad would be a little pissed.
I know your pissed, and I can be cool, but just don't push me"

The threat was there and she couldn't help but think that it would be a buzz to push him ... and he obviously disliked her music...

"Well Lance, I'm Bernie ... "

She emphasised pulling herself upright and reaching out to grab her beer, downing the remainder definantly.

"...and if you don't want to be a dick ... then don't be one ..."

She told him simply with a shrug and a deceptively sweet smile.

"My mom was English and as I'm 18, I'll drink a beer if I want ... "

She told him with calm reason.

"And as this is MY home and you're just .. "

She took the opportunity to study him deliberately from head to foot, masking her admiration of his impressive appearance beneath a mask of disdain.

" ... well I don't really know, what it is you're supposed to be doing here ... "

She reached down and turned up the volume of her music.

"... I'm not changing the way I behave in my own home for you ... "

She told him and laid back in he lounger pulling on a pair of shades and closing her eyes determinedly to indicate that from her point of view the conversation was over.
Well this wasn't going to do at all, he thought to himself as he sighed heavily. Then, after she had turned the music back up, he reached down. The muscles of his thick arms and chest flexed as he picked up the lounge chair in one swift movement, took a step to the edge of the pool, tilted the chair over, and spilled the cute beunette into the water, sundress and all

He smiled at the sputtering splash as he turned back, enjoying the moment
Of silence as she descended below the water as he turned off her music.

He turned back to face the pool as she emerged

"Bernie, I can be a huge dick or a nice guy, it's up to you which you get" he told her as he leaned down and picked up the empty bottle and set it on the table. Then he turned back to look at her

"So which is it going to be?" He aske with a smile as he crossed his thick arms across his chest

"A nice guy or a huge dick?"
She was feeling very pleased with herself. She had shown him that she wasn't some kid that he could just order around and that this was HER home where she would do JUST as she pleased.

And then she found the entire lounger literally picked up of the ground and after the briefest pause she found herself tumbled into the water, shades and all as she disappeared beneath the surface of the deep end.

Spluttering to the surface, she barely registered that he had turned her music off.
Her instinct was to be petulant, to tell him that she might have drowned, to ask him what kind of responsible adult did the think he was!?!
But as she trod water and looked across at him as he stood by the pool edge, obviously enjoying the switch of power, she couldn't help but admire his style.

"Bernie, I can be a huge dick or a nice guy, it's up to you which you get"

He told her infuriatingly calm and poised leaving her to propel her body towards the pool edge.

"So which is it going to be?"

He was all smug confidence.

"A nice guy or a huge dick?"

She couldn't help but smile at the choices he set before her.
Hauling herself upwards in one slick move, water droplets shed to either side of her, she sat at the side and looked up seemingly giving the options her full consideration.

"I rather think I'd like to take on the huge dick ... "

She purred finally her eyes dropping deliberately to his crotch as she only just avoided licking her lips.

She didn't need baby sitting and she could handle anything he cared to throw at her, in fact ... perhaps having him around to spar with was going to be a week to remember after all .... ?
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He watched as she pulled herself up out of the water, the dress soaked, clung to her body accentuating full high breasts that he couldn't avoid noticing. He found himself mentally wondering just how big they were. So many of the bras out there nowadays added far too much padding to tell

He looked up and caught her eyes as she responded, and he watched those eyes slide down his body as she told him she preferred the huge dick. He almost smiled as he imagined just how shocked she would be to meet his thick foot long cock. Lanced was a massive man on all proportions, but he kept his smug coolness as he looked at her

"Well then just keep up the attitude and this will be a very long hard week for you. But if your gonna swim I would recommend you try something other than that sundress of yours" he told her in that cool smug voice as he stood there eyeing her

Them he decided that he might try being a little more friendly to her

"Tell you what. You go get us another round of beers and we can swim a bit, but then I'm putti g you to bed early for misbehaving" he said before he peeled his short off. His thick cut muscles rippling as he tossed the shirt aside. Most guys working construction found the days work tough enough, but not Lance. After the work ended he went to the gym to work himself near exhaustion, the results being a physique that intimidated most everyone he met. He figured that soaking wet Bernie was barely over 100 pounds

"Go on" he said as he emptied his pockets, strode to the edge of the pool, and dove in in his shorts after kicking off his shoes at the edge.
"Well then just keep up the attitude and this will be a very long hard week for you.”

His words seemed to scold her, but Bernie was sure that the double entendre was intentional. He certainly had the physique to follow up on his threats.
What was her father thinking getting a man like him to ‘baby sit’ her for a week?!

”But if your gonna swim I would recommend you try something other than that sundress of yours"

He was blatantly checking her out! Mission accomplished, or partially at least!
She smirked, not averting her own gaze from taking in the sight of him towering over her. She was no kid and wasn’t going to be sent shrinking from any challenge he threw her. She would call his bluff just as willingly as he had dealt with her brattish behaviour.

"Tell you what. You go get us another round of beers and we can swim a bit, but then I'm putting you to bed early for misbehaving."

She laughed at that, her derision making it clear that he should just try it; however as he shed his clothes and then turned his gaze back to her as she watched, Bernie figured that being put to bed by him might well prove … interesting ..

"Go on"

He prompted and she realised that she had been caught staring. Rising to her feet with as much dignity as she could muster, she stepped past him as she dove into the pool and paused mere seconds as his body began to cut through the water. Padding wetly into the house, she hauled off her sundress and pushed it into the washing machine and set it to a quick wash. Heading upstairs, she put her underwear on the top of the laundry basket and pulled out a floral bikini and wrapped a sarong around her body. Ignoring the mess still laid out on the kitchen counter, she took 3 beers and popped the tops before carrying them outside.

Her lounger and her shades had been retrieved, so she crossed to it and placed a single beer by the side before setting the remaining two beside the second lounger. Lance was still in the pool so she unfastened her sarong and laid it out upon the lounger and settled back, setting her shades in place. He had suggested they swim, but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of doing everything he said. Besides, her bikini was more suited to sun bathing and showing off her the slender curves of her body and of course her firm young breasts which were set off to advantage in the closely fitted cups.

”Your beer’s here…”

She told him as he drew closer to the pool edge. Ironically her own beer went untouched.
He looked up as she spoke. He smiled at the two beers set out for him, and the casual way she laid out on the lounge chair.

He pulled himself up out of the water, rivulets coursing over his thick toned muscles

"Why thank you Bernie" he told her as he stepped to the chair, leaned down and grabbed one of the beers. He drank deeply from the bottle before glancing back down at her. He kept his eyes from scanning her body, but he did note the shapely form revealed by the bikini she wore

"Not swimming are we? I thought I told you we were, after all it's perfectly good exercise" he said with a smug grin, contemplating throwing her in again, after all she had said she wanted him to be a dick, and a girl like her needed to be taught to be careful what she said. Instead he stepped closer to her, letting the water drop from his body onto her, holding back a smile at her involuntary jerk when the cool water hit her, a perfectly dickish move on his part

"Don't tell me your going to simply lay around today. Maybe I should put you to work in the yard" he said then finished off the first beer, enjoying the cool refreshing feel as it slid down his throat

"Come on" he said reaching down and yanking her to her feet by her arm

"In you go" he said as he shoved her unceremoniously into the pool, deciding to be the huge dick she asked for. Then he dove in after her.
"Why thank you Bernie"

He seemed civilised at last.

"Not swimming are we? I thought I told you we were, after all it's perfectly good exercise"

She refused to respond to him. She wasn't going to le him tell her what to do and as for exercise, she didn't need it.

"Don't tell me your going to simply lay around today. Maybe I should put you to work in the yard"

She resisted the urge to laugh in his face. It wasn't for him to put her to work.
He was nothing, a hired hand and it was more than time that he realised it.

"Come on ... In you go"

As a strategy it was getting old. She surfaced and swam to the side hauling herself out again to look down on him.

"Look, I get that a pool is a novelty for you, but believe me when you live with one day in day out it's not such a novelty!"

She told him condescendingly.

"Oh and don't think you're gonna tell me what to do around here."

She glared.

"This is MY house and you're lucky I'm not on the phone to my dad right now telling him what kind of dumbass jerk you are."

She turned and walked indoors.

"Enjoy your time here, whilst you can ... "

She called back to him as she entered the house once more. She was bored of him already and had no intention of wasting any more attention on him.
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He hopped out of the pool as she stepped inside, not willing to let this go. He stepped in behind her, soaking wet

"Go ahead and call your dad. Ill explain how it didn't even take you an hour to start drinking beer. You can tell him all about how I threw you in the pool, but ill tell him all about how you can't be trusted. Not even for a hour" he told her as he crossed his arms underneath he thick folds of his chest

"You go on being a brat, and ill go on being a dick. We will see who wins this little game. " he said as he reache over and picked up the phone

"Now, novelty or not, go back out their and get in the pool" he knew it was a stupid thing to say, and a stupid thing to argue over. But it was about obedience. She would listen, or be made to listen. From the very beginning he knew you couldn't give a bitch like her an inch.

He started to dial
"Go ahead and call your dad. "

She halted and turned at his threat.

"Ill explain how it didn't even take you an hour to start drinking beer. You can tell him all about how I threw you in the pool, but ill tell him all about how you can't be trusted. Not even for a hour"

She watched him standing so smugly sure that he had the upper hand.

"You go on being a brat, and ill go on being a dick. We will see who wins this little game. "

He told her. She smiled slowly. If there was a contest then as dicks went he was proving to outplay her brat-dom hands down.

"Now, novelty or not, go back out their and get in the pool"

It took her all her self control not to laugh outloud. Who did he think he was? And as for calling her father, that was a ploy that her dad had long given up using...
And if he called her dad, then what? Would he come back? Would they swap notes on how out of control she was? It was old news. She had long since stopped caring what her workaholic absentee father thought of her antics and she felt that he had long ago given up on her. If he cared anything about her would he have installed this jerk into their home for the week to supposedly look out for her?

"Fuck you ..."

She told him good naturedly as Lance began to dial, then turned and headed into the house. She gave him no time to stop her and was sure he would try to up the stakes somehow, but made sure that she got to her bedroom and locked the door before he had a chance to act.

Besides she had plans to make...
There was no way she was putting up with this kind of treatment for the coming week.
He smiled at the sight of her stomping off in a fit. Despite what she thought, her dad had told him he could handle her how he saw fit. He had been told stories of her back talk and out tight lying, the sneaking off and general disobedience she displayed. Her dads words had been 'do whatever you see fit' and he was going to do just that

He hung up the phone and slowly headed after her. Making it up the stairs just in time to here the lock click in her door. As he approached he saw the pinhole on the knob. As a construction worker he had all kinds of experiences with doors. He glanced at the other rooms in the hall and found the office, he quickly located a paper clip, bent it, and proceeded to her door

A quick second to trip the lock, and he stepped into her room, closing the door behind him

"No Bernie, fuck you and your little tantrum. Fuck you and your disrespect" he said as he stood in front of the door, crossing his thick arms over his chest as she turned in shock to see him enter her room. Her wet bikini clung to her bronze soft flesh. Her high breasts firm and pert, the cool air inside the house made her nipples stand out firm against the thin bikini

"You must really want me to be a huge dick, cause your being a little bitch" he said coolly
She stood her mind racing as she tried to consider what her options were. She had friends she could go stay with, or she could just play it out to see how long he was going to keep this going ...

She didn't hear the first click and it wasn't until her door opened that she spun round to see him enter her room and close the door firmly behind him.

"No Bernie, fuck you and your little tantrum. Fuck you and your disrespect"

Part of her registered with satisfaction that her parting shot had annoyed him, but she couldn't believe that he had picked her lock and was now standing in her own room! She didn't know whether to be intimidated or annoyed ...

"You must really want me to be a huge dick, cause your being a little bitch"

Her eyes widened further at the way he spoke to her.
She was no match for him she knew, but anger won through regardless.

"How DARE you come into MY room!"

She fumed.

"As for respect, why should I respect you? Do you respect the fact this is my home? Do you give a fuck that you're invading my personal space? This is just a week's ego trip for you but this is my life! If you can call it that! You have no idea, no idea about me, no idea what's going on here ... You think you know me, my situation ... I can imagine my dad's version ... like he really gives a damn!"

And that was the crux of it. Having Lance in her home was further proof, if proof be needed, that her father just didn't understand her and had long since given up trying. Lance was obviously out to control her, teach her a lesson, well, great. It would never occur to her dad that she might need company that she might need someone she could get on with. But then why would he? He provided her with all the material stuff, the house, the pool, all she could want ... except what she really needed.

"Just leave me alone ... "

Her voice was more of a plea than she had intended. She turned away from him her eyes fixed sightlessly out of the window. She was cast in role as brat and bitch and that was how she'd play it out ... only now she didn't even have her own room to retreat to. The locked door had always kept her father out, kept him from seeing how hurt she really was by the way he treated her. And now that one sanctuary had been invaded.

If he continued to provoke her then she'd fight him all the way, but otherwise she just couldn't be bothered anymore and had resigned herself to having to 'co-exist' with him for the coming week.
He stood there quietly as be listened to her tirade, suddenly wo seeing if her father had it all wrong. The sudden mix of hopelessness that filled net voice as her anger drained and her resignation built. She began to slump into herself as she sat down on her bed

He slowly walked over to her

"Look. Maybe I read you all wrong, and maybe your father hasn't got a clue. " he said as be stopped at the foot of her bed, thinking that maybe it wasn't a youth hell bent on having her way, but a cry for attention. The bikini she wore definitely brought attention. It was small and snug over her breasts. It let much of her firm chest slip out from the top and sides, probably a cup size to small for her. The bottoms hugged her hips, and as she sat the plump cheeks of her ass spilled out of the sides

"Perhaps we should start over. It seems I may have been gravely mid informed" he said in his rough deep voice, well honed to yelling over the din of construction tools and machinery. He sat down next to her on the bed

"When was the last time your dad took you somewhere fun that you wanted to go?" He asked
"Look. Maybe I read you all wrong, and maybe your father hasn't got a clue. "

She raised her head lifting her gaze slowly to meet his. Usually when she 'went off on one' her father simply tuned out. She couldn't believe this arrogant 'dick' as he had termed himself had actually heard what she said...

"Perhaps we should start over."

He was offering an olive branch, but she was still suspicious.

"It seems I may have been gravely mid informed."

She didn't have time to mask her surprise at his comment. Was he even considering trusting her word over that of her father? It had to be a trick, but even so a tiny glimmer of hope surfaced, only to be quickly suppressed.

"When was the last time your dad took you somewhere fun that you wanted to go?"

His line of questioning again was unexpected. She leaned back with her hands behind her positioning herself so that she could look at the man standing watching her so intently, unaware of how it showed her body off to advantage and pushed her breasts outwards as they threatened to spill out of the brief bikini intended for sunbathing rather than swimming.

"I can hardly remember ... "

She replied slowly.

"... before Christmas ... though he got called away so that got cut short, so I guess that doesn't really count ... "

She searched her memory.

"We don't really do stuff together anymore ... makes it easier for him if he doesn't have to look a me ... I reckon that's it ... "
He watched as she began to ponder his question, leaning back on her arms to look up at him. Her eyes turned to the wall as she thought aloud and he was unable to stop his own from drifting to her chest. Her high firm breasts stretched the material of her bikini near to breaking, and as she breathed the flesh of her tits seemed to slip out of the top. The twin nubs of her hard nipples slipping closer to the edge of the material as the swelling tops of her breasts rose gently out of the material. His loins throbbed at the sight of the young pert flesh working against the skimpy top, distracting him from hearing what she said. He found himself willing her to breath deeper, hoping something would give, but it didn't, it left a great majority of her cleavage exposed, but hid her nipples, however he assumed her nipples were small because as close as they were to the edge of her bikini, there was no hint of her aereola

He suddenly realized she was done with her thought, and his eyes quickly shot back up to hers

She was looking right at him, and he quickly tried to change the subject, in case she had caught him

"Well then how about something simple. How about going to a movie, or a quick trip to the lake up in the woods?" He asked as he glanced at his watch

"It's a bit late for a trip to the lake I guess. But we could make a late movie. It maybe rent something" he said as he looked back to her

"After all I guess we might want to get to know each other. You can tell me about your boyfriend and I can tell you about local construction code" he said with a sheepish grin as his deep voice turned from a drill sargeants to a gentle rumbling bee
Lance on the other hand seemed to have no problems with looking at her, in fact it seemed that he was hardly concentrating on her emotional admission and was checking her out instead. She bit back a sigh and noted the brief look of guilt as their eyes met.

"Well then how about something simple. How about going to a movie, or a quick trip to the lake up in the woods? It's a bit late for a trip to the lake I guess. But we could make a late movie. It maybe rent something. After all I guess we might want to get to know each other. You can tell me about your boyfriend and I can tell you about local construction code.

Even despite his distraction he was trying to be friendly at least and she would take that over their battle before.

"Sure, whatever you want ... "

She responded. She went to the movies all the time, it was hardly her idea of a fun activity, but perhaps it was a safe activity for them to share as a starter.

"Either way, I should get changed ... "
"No, it's not what I want. It's what you want" he said as she mentioned getting changed

"You tell me what you would like to do, I was just making some suggestions. You seem to get stuck doing what others want, and now is your chance to do what you want" he told her as he took a step towards her door

"We both need to change, and while your changing you can decide where your going to take me" he told her with a grin

"Just nothing fancy. I didn't bring anything to wear that's even remotely fancy. All I have are shorts and t shirts" he told her with a wink before walking to her door

"I'll meet you down stairs" he said then closed the door behind him. He headed down the Hal to the spare room and quickly changed into a pair of dry khaki shorts and a polo shirt. Then he headed downstairs to wait for her, curious to see what she would want to do
"No, it's not what I want. It's what you want"

He insisted to her surprise.

"You tell me what you would like to do, I was just making some suggestions. You seem to get stuck doing what others want, and now is your chance to do what you want"

He was right, she seemed to spend her life doing what others wanted, or more often lately, by rebelling against what she was told to do so that she had forgotten how to make choices for herself...

"We both need to change, and while your changing you can decide where your going to take me. Just nothing fancy. I didn't bring anything to wear that's even remotely fancy. All I have are shorts and t shirts"

She laughed at that. Her father was all suits and getting her into smart dresses whenever they were seen together. It would be good to just go out casually.

"I'll meet you down stairs"

He told her and left her room closing the door securely behind him and living her to her privacy again.


She stood staring at the door, not sure what had just happened there at all.
She had gone from anger to resignation to ... surely he couldn't be for real ... but he had said he was going to take her to wherever she wanted to go and she wasn't going to pass that up! Far better to just go with how things were working out and see what happened...

Ten minutes later she was downstairs again dressed in a short denim skirt and baby blue shirt tied at the waist which allowed her belly button to show now and then. Bare legged with feet pushed into white sandals and navy underwear she considered herself ready to head out.


She said when she approached him, a small casual bag over her shoulder.

"... you think we could head out to the gallery ... there's a new exhibition showing in the halls ... you don't have to drag round the whole place, we should have enough time just to take it in before closing ... and ... "

She produced two tickets.

" ... I have passes ... "
He turned to see the beautiful brunette come around the corner wearing a shirt jean skirt that showed off her legs, and a shirt that was tied at her waist, accenting her full hips and slender waist, not to mention her pert chest

"Am art gallery?" He thought to himself, realizing he hadn't been to one since a highschool field trip

"Sure that sounds great" he said as he stood
Up and headed for the door

"Let's get moving then. We can take my truck" he said as he opened the door and turned to wait for Bernie

"And after that we can get something to eat"
"Sure that sounds great"

She wondered if he really thought that. He didn't seem the art gallery type, but he had told her to choose what SHE wanted to do.

"Let's get moving then. We can take my truck"

She let him secure the house with him and followed him over to where his truck was parked.

"And after that we can get something to eat"

She smiled in surprise.

"... sounds good ... "

She commented as she got in beside him.

"This exhibition's only showing for 6 weeks. I was going to go with dad, but he was too busy, then with a friend, but dad messed up those plans ... I figured I'd miss it ... "

She told him, hoping he realised that this really was something she wanted to do.