Boycott Monday Mornings...


Affliction of the damned
Sep 7, 2002
So I'm talking to my darling Kitte on the tellllephony...

and we have decided to boycott monday mornings..

Who's with us?

~>SD<~ & ~>Kitte<~
S.Daedalus said:
So I'm talking to my darling Kitte on the tellllephony...

and we have decided to boycott monday mornings..

Who's with us?

~>SD<~ & ~>Kitte<~

Too late, it's here. :(
I never saw the point in hating Mondays. At least they are what they are. Tuesdays, on the other hand, are just Mondays in drag.

(no offense intended, Glam)
Nora said:
I never saw the point in hating Mondays. At least they are what they are. Tuesdays, on the other hand, are just Mondays in drag.

Experts agree the best way to get by both Monday and Tuesday is to consider them one and the same, to combine them. Socialogists refer to this as the Tuesday Weld.
Ham Murabi said:
Experts agree the best way to get by both Monday and Tuesday is to consider them one and the same, to combine them. Socialogists refer to this as the Tuesday Weld.

If I wasn't so tired, I wouldn't have laughed....but I did
I love Monday mornings. I work all weekend, and Monday is the first day I get to sleep in and not go to work until 3:30 in the afternoon. :p
I don't have a problem with Mondays.. But I'm all for boycotting Monday the 13th!
Boycott Monday mornings?????


Good fucking to start the day and send the wife off to work with a big smile on her face.

Best way to start the week.

I think we should just extend the weekend a half a day.... Monday afternoons are not so bad....
I think that Monday is just another day, nothing special except that it comes after the weekend of fun. Now lets see did I have fun this weekend?