bottom feeding


use to give a shit
Aug 16, 2008
a friend of mine who is 44 and recently divorced lamented to me the dating scene in WV. he thought it was because of his age. i told him, that's not it although the older you get your dating age range becomes severely limited. you are no longer 18 and able to bang the hot 40 year old divorced lady down the street, or chase hot college chicks.
he has a shit retail job that is part time, not that great of a vehicle, and rents a shitty trailer. women look at this stuff.
by the time , here in WV, a woman hits 40, she usually has a lot of emotional baggage (crazy), and/or she weighs about 250 pounds.
you become a "bottom feeder". he asked me do you do that? i told him, once and only once, and never again.
i told him, you have few choices. you can get a better job, a better vehicle, a better place to live, or down grade your choices. me? i'd rather be alone than bottom feed.
I met two completely new people yesterday at a friend's birthday.
One was a gorgeous young 23 year old and the other was a very overweight 45 year old with teeth missing and straggly hair.
Both were single.
The 23 yr old was the single most foul-mouthed, nasty, whiney, irritating thing I have encountered in a long time. Every second word was 'cunt'. She complained non-stop. All her gogeousness was eradicated the second she opened her mouth.
The 45 yr old was soft-spoken, educated, and very, VERY rich. She's spent the last 20 yrs building up a property portfolio that means she doesn't have to work. She is one of those people who really doesn't care what she wears or what people think of her. We had a stimulating conversation for over an hour, covering a lot of topics.

My point is - what you call bottom-feeding may not always be the case. There's more to people than looks. You simply never know.
Can you introduce me?

To the 23 year-old. She should look good in tats...

Trust me when I say it was not surprising in the least that all this chick had in the last year were one-nighters :rolleyes:
I had about ten minutes talking to her group and that was all I could take of her awfulness.
a friend of mine who is 44 and recently divorced lamented to me the dating scene in WV. he thought it was because of his age. i told him, that's not it although the older you get your dating age range becomes severely limited. you are no longer 18 and able to bang the hot 40 year old divorced lady down the street, or chase hot college chicks.
he has a shit retail job that is part time, not that great of a vehicle, and rents a shitty trailer. women look at this stuff.
by the time , here in WV, a woman hits 40, she usually has a lot of emotional baggage (crazy), and/or she weighs about 250 pounds.
you become a "bottom feeder". he asked me do you do that? i told him, once and only once, and never again.
i told him, you have few choices. you can get a better job, a better vehicle, a better place to live, or down grade your choices. me? i'd rather be alone than bottom feed.

A man in good physical condition, who practices good hygiene can find a reasonably attractive woman. A job and where he lives are not that important. I hear this shit from men all the time, but when you ask them what they have to offer, it's plain only a bottom feeder would want them.

The men who let themselves slip into the bottom feed category make it easier the rest of the men to find a good looking woman who needs someone to help her spend her ex-husband's money.
Trust me when I say it was not surprising in the least that all this chick had in the last year were one-nighters :rolleyes:
I had about ten minutes talking to her group and that was all I could take of her awfulness.

Oh gawd, now you are icing the cake!

A man in good physical condition, who practices good hygiene can find a reasonably attractive woman. A job and where he lives are not that important. I hear this shit from men all the time, but when you ask them what they have to offer, it's plain only a bottom feeder would want them.

The men who let themselves slip into the bottom feed category make it easier the rest of the men to find a good looking woman who needs someone to help her spend her ex-husband's money.

Come on come on Listen to the money talk!
There's a lot of losers and low lifes out there. Most of them have no clue though.