Bored activity


Head Fish
May 14, 2002
Wow. There is way less going on here at this time of day than there is in the middle of the afternnon. WHERE HAVE ALL THE PEOPLE GONE?
i dont know. it was a little weird earlier. drama shit an all. just kinda died though.
THere are 106 people logged on. And 38 guests! I thought guests were't allowed anymore? Or is it just that they can't post anymore?
They are all snuggled into bed safe and sound, just where you should be fishy!
k¡tty said:
They are all snuggled into bed safe and sound, just where you should be fishy!

I'd like it better if my bed were a little more dangerous...
Cerberus666 said:
what is this bed thing?

I seem to have forgotten. I sense that if I could really remember what it is all about, I'd be heading right for it about now.
hmm. perhaps a google search is in order. bed, yes sounds familiar cant for the life of me think of why though.
Cerberus666 said:
i dont know. it was a little weird earlier. drama shit an all. just kinda died though.

There was drama earlier? And I missed it? WTF!!!
Cerberus666 said:
hmm. perhaps a google search is in order. bed, yes sounds familiar cant for the life of me think of why though.

Bed. According to Google, it has something to do wth breakfast. I'm hungry.
yeah aquila went frickin pyscho and shit. crazy stuff. check out freaky's thread about willow and aquila.
Carp said:
Without risk, there is no reward.

Hey little girl, want some candy?


Sticky and sweet?

Ugh he and the other dude went way overboard in their bs, Cerberus.
yeah i dont follow that shit too closely, more of a lurker really. just strange is all.
k¡tty said:

Sticky and sweet?

Ugh he and the other dude went way overboard in their bs, Cerberus.

Well, I already think your sweet, and I think I got somethin a little sticky here for ya. Yup. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?